House of Questions

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House of Questions  

Chapter 3


Mara's POV

The next morning had already arrived and it was time to return to school. Not many of the Anubis residents were exactly thrilled that they had to wake up early enough to eat breakfast without Victor's screams.  

I walked into the kitchen looking around for Jerome while everybody was scurrying around the kitchen trying to make themselves a decent breakfast to eat since Trudy wasn't here.

"Hey, Have any of you seen Jerome?" I asked.

No one bothered turning around.

I sighed. I walked up to Joy who was trying to get the toaster to work and reminded her that she needed to come with me to Mr. Sweet.

"Yep, hold up just gotta get this thing to wo-"

The toaster popped out two slices of bread.

"Oops, there it is." She said.

I pulled her from her sleeve as she tried to grab her toast.

"But Mara .."

As we were walking away, Alfie saw the bread and immediately thanked Joy for 'making' it for him.


When we reached Mr. Sweet's office, Joy asked if she could go to the bathroom to fix up her makeup. I sighed and reminded her that she needed to be back before school began.

I knocked on the door three times before Mr. Sweet opened it.

"Oh, Mara, what a pleasure to see you."

"You to Mr. Sweet."

He lead me into his office and motioned me to take a seat.

"Now, what is it you'd like to see me about?"

"Um .. It's about Jerome."

He looked down and fixed his bow tie.

"And what about .. Uh .. Jerome?"

"He's been very down lately. And I thought, since you're pretty close with him and all, if you could help me out in understanding his problem."

"Look, Miss. Jaffray, I don't know what is wrong with Mr. Clarke and I assure you he will be back to himself by tomorrow."

"But Mr. Sweet, I'm really worried about him!"  

He sighed.

"Alright listen, Mr. Clarke has been informed that he is on the verge of loosing his scholarship-"

"What! WHY?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"The school board has been very worried about his past mishaps. And they think that it would be best for him and the school if he left."

My mouth dropped. This was never a problem before. Why are they so concerned now?

"But Mr. Swee-"

"No buts Mara, This is not my decision. Now off to class, you'll be late."

I couldn't believe my ears. Jerome is not going to leave the school. He can't!

Just as I opened the door I saw Joy coming back.

"Look, sorry I'm late ... The bathroom was full of girls .. Anyway, what Happened? You don't look too happy."

I looked at her in the eyes and broke down. I couldn't take this. No!

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