House of Relationships

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House of Relationships 

Chapter 4


LIilian's POV

The bell rang for recess and everyone gathered their things and left the classroom. Walking in front of me, were the girl who strangely kept staring at me and the boy I was after, Fabian.  

I swiftly ran up to them trying to catch up to "introduce myself".

"Hi guys, I'm Lilian, you can call me Lili."  

I began, handing out my hand for them to shake.

Fabian smiled back and introduced himself, whilst shaking my hand.

"Hello. I'm Fabian and this is my friend Nina." Pointing to the girl beside him.

Nina looked at Fabian angrily.


"Uh ... No no .. no .. I meant-"

"Yeah whatever Fabian."

Nina walked away from Fabian Almost as if she was going to cry. I smiled. Lilian 1, Nina 0.

"So Fabian, I heard you're into that whole mystery/hieroglyphics thing."

"What? How do you even know that?" 

He replied trying to escape from my grasp so he could chase after Nina.

I locked my arm with his and began walking ahead until we were stopped by a blonde girl and a boy with curly, black hair.

"FABIAN!" Screamed the girl.

Fabian let go of my arm and began stuttering.  

"No .. No it's n-not what it looks like!"

"Oh it's exactly what it looks like. Alfie, what do you think?" She said turning to the boy beside her.

"I think .. I think I should get some food. Later Babe." He kissed her on the cheek and ran off.

The girl stomped her foot and pulled Fabian away from me.

"Look Liolin or whatever your name is, I don't know who you are but this boy is taken!"

I coughed. "Lilian"  

She rolled her eyes.

"and you're dating Fabian too? What about that guy who just called you babe?"

She made a confused face. 

"Him?" She replied pointing to Fabian.

I nodded.

"No Ew! He's with Nina!"

"Thanks Amber." Interrupted Fabian while making a bored expression.

"Anyways, Liolin! You better keep your hands off Fabian or there will be trouble!"

She stormed off with Fabian at her arm.  

Oh Amber, you should know .. To never get on my bad side.


Fabian's POV

While walking away from Lilian, Amber began screaming at me.

"Fabian, you're in a relationship! You can't just go around locking arms with girls you don't even know!"

"I wasn't ... She locked arms with me."

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