House of Lockets

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House of Lockets

Chapter 7


Fabian's POV

"Nina!" I whispered. "What is it?!"

"It's her. I knew there was something odd about her." She replied with a scared look on her face.

I walked over to her to see that she had locket in her hand. This locket had a symbol of a key on it.

"That's not your locket."

"Yeah I know Fabian." She replied still looking closely at it.

"Did you see who it was?" I asked.  

She looked at me and nodded slightly.

"It was Lilian." She replied.

"Lilian? And so that was her talking on the phone to someone?"

We both looked at each other in slight confusion.

"I think we should get back." I suggested. 

She nodded and put the locket in her pocket.


We reached Anubis House only to find Victor giving his 10:00 speech. We hid near the door that lead to the hallway.

"How are we going to get passed him?" Nina whispered.

As I was about to reply, we saw Amber coming down the stairs.

"Miss. Millington." Victor began.

"Look, before you say anything, I left my magazine in the living room and like I need it back." Amber interrupted.

"Very well. Hurry up!" He screamed.

We tried waving to Amber before she entered the living room and to our luck, she noticed.

She looked back at Victor then back at us.

Luckily Victor was pacing up and down the aisle and so his back was faced to us.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Just help us!" I whispered back.  

She winked at me and entered the living room.

A second later, we heard a scream.

"VICTOR!!" Amber yelled.

Victor sighed and went straight to the living room with an angry look on his face.

"WHAT IS IT MISS. MILLINGTON?" He replied screaming.

"This is our chance." Nina whispered.

We both ran in, waved goodbye and went our separate ways.

I was just about to enter my room when I heard Amber.

"I can't find it! Victor it was right her- oops! Found it." She said as I saw her skipping out with a magazine in her hand.

"MISS. MILLINGTON OFF TO BED!"  Victor screamed.


Patricia's POV

I walked down the stairs to find everybody already at the breakfast table eating Vera's breakfast.

"Well morning Patricia." Vera greeted me as she handed me a plate of toast.

I ignored her as I found a seat beside Eddie and sat down.

"You took your time Yacker." Eddie said as he took my hand and squeezed it under the table.

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