Chapter 7

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"Wake up... please?" Said a voice. Who was it? Never mind, just go back to sleep. That's right, sleep is nice. "Kat, wake up..." There was a shaking on me, but what were they shaking? Don't think, just sleep. Who was Kat? Was she me? Doesn't matter, just sleep.

"Hey there sleepy head..." Said another voice. Different from the last one, i think. They touched me, on the hand? Yes, i remember now, my hand is at the bottom of my arm. But why was i here? It doesn't matter, just sleep. Who where these people? Why was i here? "You may not be able to hear me, but they did an operation... they got rid of it Kat... all you have to do it wake up..." The voice drifted away, and i went back to sleep, it will all be better after some sleep.

There was some shaking on my arm. This was going to be a habit i was sure of it.

"Hey, Kat, what i said to you, to you before, i didn't know you had... well... im sorry, it wasn't all your fault, i should have well... i don't know, but it wasn't all your fault. Kat, if you can hear me, im so so so sorry that you are like this..." Said a voice, a lot higher than the last one. Like what? What did they mean? And what wasn't my fault? They grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it. I tried to squeeze back, to show that i could hear them, to show that im not asleep. I tried to open my eye lids, but they wouldn't obey my commands. But i would try again, i would. I needed to let them know that i could hear them.

Don't worry Kat, everything will be fine, just wait... Said a voice. It sounded oddly familiar, but where had i heard it from? Was it just a trick of my mind? Yes, must have been, if it didn't sound real, then it wasn't real. But i would get out of this pickle, i would. I will show them that i can hear them.

"Hey Kat! Sorry im late, i brought you something, a teddy! Look! Just... open your eyes and look..." I tried to move, but nothing happened. "Okay, well... i will put it here, by your feet..." I felt a weight put on the bottom of my body. So those are my feet. It was coming back to me now, feet, arms, legs, knees, nose, eyes and ears! And i must be Kat, thats why they keep calling me that. The voice in the back ground was babbling on about something when a voice came out of no where.

Keep trying Katherine, never give up...

Who is this person? And are they even real? I tried to listen to the real person out there, but it was all muffled by something, like someone had covered up my ears.

Sleep, just go to sleep, you don't need to think about this at the moment. But im not tired. Just sleep. Everything will be better after a little sleep.

I woke up again to the sound of people speaking. More than one this time, but they weren't talking to me, they were talking about me.

"Kat's state is fine for now, it is stable, but we don't know if she is in any pain..." Pain, i remember that. Then it hit me like a full blown train. I remember the pain the Blue Bloods caused me, the time when i felt no pain as i died by the dragon, by Xander! Why did i kill myself? There must have been a pretty good reason. I remember where i was, what i was wearing that day. I had wings, red dress, a sword. That's all i could remember. What did i look like? Blond hair? Brown hair? Colors! Oh how i missed them! It was all starting to come back to me now, i wasn't loosing my mind i was finding it.

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