T H I R T E E N | What The Hell Is He Doing To Me?

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{Gif of Dylan. Edited}

Song: Little Do You Know

Artist(s): Alex and Sierra

I don't want a perfect life. I want a happy life.


"Secret for a secret?" Dylan asked nudging me as we walked down the crowded hallway after lunch. We were heading to our next lesson, music. it was the only class I shared with only him.

"Expand" I replied heading inside the music room sitting at the back of the classroom - Dylan hot on my trail - and kicked my feet up on the desk, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Dylan had taken a seat beside me, kicking my feet of the desk replacing them with his. Sending him a glare, I straighten my self up as the teacher walked in, slowly gliding my feet to under Dylan's chair, just behind the front legs. Being oblivious to his surroundings Dylan hardly noticed. As I kicked the front leg, Dylan's chair slipped as he landed on the floor, legs in the air. Trust me, it was a scene to see.

The entire class burst out laughing and I swear the teacher was also trying to hide his laugh with his hand. Dylan got up off the floor glaring at everyone individually which gradually made them shut up letting the teacher speak.

"Right class, it's a free lesson. You can do anything as long as it has got to do with music." The teacher explained as Dylan lifted his chair back on its legs and took a seat again turning to my smirking face.

"Not funny" he gritted out.

"Actually it was" I said pointing to some people who were still sniggering.

"Whatever" he sighed putting in his ear buds. Shaking my head slightly I got up walking to the guitar rack and grabbing a guitar before making my way back to my seat. Yes I play the guitar, but it's not something I like to show. I used to have a guitar but it ended up broken in half when I got angry and smashed it into the wall. Bad mistake.

Taking a plectrum, I started playing the tune to 'Little Do You Know' by Alex & Sierra. It was the kind of song which completely relaxes you. Humming along quietly I started to play faster. That is until I felt someone staring at me. Turning to my side I saw Dylan staring at me an unreadable expression on his face.

"What" I asked slightly glaring at him.

"Nothing, it's just I never took you as a girl who would play the guitar" I explained.

"Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me" I said hoping to end the discussion.

"Then why don't you tell me?" he said locking his eyes with mine.

"If I do, I'll have to kill you" I replied. 

"Fine, how about we get back to the secret for a secret?" He thankfully let it go but I could tell it was far from over.

"I'll answer any question you ask but you have to do the same. Done?" He explained. Placing the guitar near the end of the table I turned to completely face him.

"Done, but me first" I agreed.

"Remember when I took your leather jacket? You made a big deal out of it, why was that?" I asked my question after he had agreed to me going first. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it. His face fell as he looked to the ground rubbing his neck nervously. A few minutes later he finally spoke up.

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