T W E N T Y - O N E - He Was Gone

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{Pic of Skylar. Not Edited}

Song: Endlessly

Artist (s): The Cab

True Love doesn't have a happy ending. True Love has no ending.


"I can't do that"

"Your gonna have to" Jordan replied with a shrug

"It'll look too suspicious" I tried to reason.

"Don't care. Just get it done by the end of this week." Jordan settled and walked off.

I can't do that. They'll know something is up and if they dig further they'll find out. If Jordan finds out, he will not hesitate to hurt them and in worst case scenario kill them.

I have to do this. For Dylan. For my friends.

I'm sorry.


I had met up with Beth and Tori - who were both chatting, not so quietly, with each to other - to go to lunch. It was Tuesday today. Jordan said by the end of the week. If I start acting now and actually do it on Friday, it'll look less suspicious.

We got to out table to see the boys already there. Tori and Beth sat next to Chase and Zac and I sat near Dylan. He leaned in but I brushed him off. I had to look away in order to avoid a peek at his hurt face. Dylan leaned back in his chair slightly staring at me. I kept an expressionless face.

"Guys, there's a party on Saturday at Miranda's house. You in?" Blake asked from across the table

"I don't mind. You in Sky?" Dylan replied after everyone gave their consents excluding me


"What?" he asked confused

"It's Skylar. Not Sky." I snapped making sure to keep my face expressionless and my eyes from spilling the tears that were forming. Everyone on the table had become silent, staring between me and Dylan.

"I though-" Dylan tried to speak up

"I don't care. Just don't call me Sky" I grabbed my bag and ran out the cafeteria not looking back once just in time. As soon as I stepped through the doors the gateway broke and my tears flooded out.

"Nice" I heard someone mutter from behind me. I knew exactly who it was.

"Fuck off" was all I said before walking off

"Keep it up" Jordan yelled from the other side of the hallway.


Sitting in Music next to Dylan was hard. Very hard. We hadn't spoken since lunch and things were getting awkward.

"I don't know what's up with you, but I'm gonna find out" Dylan broke the silence, determination lacing his voice.

"There's nothing wrong with me" I reply harshly, glaring at him.

Don't break down. It's for his own good. Don't break down.

Dylan stood up abruptly and took my hand into his and led me down to a practice room. We had a free lesson today so they teacher didn't give two rats about where we were. He opened the door and led me in, pinning me to the wall the first chance he got.

"Nothing wrong with you?...So all of a sudden your just getting angry over everything?" He yelled at me

"Yes, because you irritate me" I reply calmly to make sure to not let any emotions slip

Dylan released me and moved back his eyes burning into mine.

"You can try as hard as you want, but I'm not gonna let you go back to who you were. You changed. For the better and that's how it's gonna stay." Dylan walked out leaving me alone with my thoughts. Going back to class, Dylan was sitting in his usual seat but I just got my bag and left.

Running outside to my bike I hopped on and drove home. As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room and did the first thing that released my anger. I fought and I broke. Everything. At the end my whole room was trashed and I don't as just sat crying to myself in the corner. That's when I realised the time. Gabe would be back soon. Before anything else I cleared the room up and then washed my face to get rid of any signs of crying.

Gabe came home a little while later and instantly knew something was up.

"I got a little angry and trashed my room" I prayed from him not to pry. Respecting my privacy he just nodded and walked upstairs to change.

A little while later he came down and started to cook dinner. Why couldn't it stay like this? Why could I be a normal teenager? Why couldn't I be normal? We stayed silent the entire dinner other then the conversations Gabe
tried to start, but I ignored. He gave up a little while later.


Waking up to the alarm is the worst feeling ever. Opening my eyes I looked up to see Dylan laying beside me sleeping. I placed my head on his chest and moved closer. That's when it clicked. They're watching us.

Moving back reluctantly I got hold of the glass of water that rested on the side table and poured the content over Dylan, who jamp up as soon as it touched him.

"What is wrong with you?" He exclaimed sleepily, his voice husky. It wasn't helping.

"Get up" I replied. Instead of following what I said he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Dylan, get up and get out" I pushed him off

"Why? I always come to your room at night. What's the problem now?" He replied angrily now fully awake.

"There doesn't have to be one. My rooms. My rules. I want you gone by the time in done" I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I slid down, my back against the door, not making a sound. A few minutes later I opened the door, holding back tears.

He was gone.

{A/N: Hey my Angels. So today I decided to update at 7:00am because I woke up for school but it was cancelled due to snow (British weather cannot make its mind up) and couldn't get back to sleep. You guys probably hate me right now, but please go with it. Trust me you won't regret it. Anyway.




Lots of love-

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