T H I R T Y - F I V E - It's Only Just The Beginning

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{The Cast. Not Edited}

Song: One Last Time

Artist (s):  Ariana Grande

True love doesn't have 'A Happy Ending' because true love never ends.


"So you guys ready to tell me what happened?" I asked everyone. Everyone had decided to come see me after school. Surprising even Miranda came with a bunch of flowers, though she didn't stay long I could see the sincerity in her eyes. My eye's moved down to the cast which was still decorating my arm. It was itchy. Another two weeks and It'll be off.

"It's a long story" Blake mumbled

"And, I have all the time in the world" I replied. No one was willing to tell me exactly what happened after I passed out. I think it hurt them too much too remember.

"You died" Zac blurted. Say what?

"I'm very much alive" I said slowly. I looked towards Jake hoping he would tell me something. Anything. So he did.

"A few seconds after you passed out the paramedics got to the scene and took you away. Meanwhile Dylan went all Alpha-male on your Father" 

"Not necessary" Dylan coughed. Jake ignored him and continued. 

"A few hours later we were informed that you had flat-lined" He took a deep breath before continuing. 

"We had all lost hope. Everyone but Dylan. He forced the Doctor to return to you and revive. After the third attempt the Doctor's had also given up. But, Dylan still had hope. Not even a few seconds later your heart began to beat again." I looked towards Dylan who was just staring out the window, fists clenched. He saved my life.

"You went into a coma and the rest is history." Jake finished. I sat there trying to absorb the information before speaking up.

"What happened to him?" I asked. They all knew who I was referring too.

"That bastard's going to be rotting in jail for a long, long time. He has a life time sentence" Jake answered. I nodded but kept my eye's glued to Dylan's back.

"You know, maybe I'll go and grab some coffee for everyone. Zac, Blake, Evan. Help me" Chase announced pulling Zac and Blake out the room. I smiled.

"I need to use the bathroom. Beth?" Tori asked giving Beth the eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Me too" And then they both left.

"Gabe, let's go talk to the Doctor" Jake said pulling a reluctant Gabe out of the room with him. It was only Dylan and I left.

"You know, they say if someone saves your life, your life belongs to them. I guess, I now belong to you." I said quietly. Dylan turned around and with two large strides was stood right in-front of me cupping my cheeks.

"You've always belonged to me. Always been mine." he whispered before capturing his lips with mine.

"I love you" I said against my lips.

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