T W E N T Y - S I X - Jake's Back.

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{Gif of Skylar. Not Edited.}

Song: I Took A Pill In Ibiza (remix)

Artist(s): Mike Posner

All you have to do is believe.


On Sunday morning I woke up in bed next to Dylan while everyone else was sprawled on my bedroom floor. They had decided to stay the night and I didn't protest. I didn't have it in me. We went down and had breakfast but I didn't utter a word. I knew Jordan could walk in any second and he would be furious at me for ditching him at the party.

"Alright everyone out" I finally spoke up for the first time that morning

Welcome back bitch

"Oh hell no. Your not going back there" Chase jumped up his chair falling backwards onto the floor in the process.

"Chase. Lets go" Dylan sighed getting up and kissed me on the forehead before walking out the front door the rest following behind.

He understood

Later that same afternoon Jordan walked through the door, pissed as hell. The first thing he did when he saw me was punched, nearly breaking my jaw in the process. He knew about everything that had happened. I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. Of course he would know, he has tabs on everyone. Including me.

On Monday morning I stepped through the school doors and everything seemed normal. Or so I thought. When I stepped into my French class I got the shock of my life.


Jake's back.

Jake was standing at the front of the classroom. It took everything I had in me to stop myself from running into his arms.

What was he doing here?

Why didn't he tell me?

I looked around the room and spotted Dylan who had a small smile gracing his face as he looked between Jake and I.

Dylan did this.

I walked over to my desk which was directly in front of Dylan's. I sat down never taking my eyes of Jake. I was scared to blink in the fear of him disappearing. Just as everyone settles down Jake stood up to introduce himself.

"Good morning everyone. My names Mr. Quinn. Unfortunately your teacher's not going to be here for the next few weeks which is why I'm filling in" he started marinating eye contact with me for a few seconds. Behind me I heard a few girls giggle.

"Hes so hot" a bimbo whispered. Is she serious? He's Her dad's age.

"I wonder if he has a son?" Another added. No he doesn't, but he does have a daughter who wouldn't mind breaking your nose. Jake never got married because he's 'never met the one' yet.

The lesson dragged on and during the middle I managed to slyly pass a thank you to Dylan who just winked in return. The bell soon rang and everyone ran out the classroom and towards there next lesson but me.

"Skylar. I need to have a word with you regarding your last assignment" was his excuse. I leaned back against the desk and lifted my hand rubbing my wrist while looking around the room.

That was our sign. A sign we made to show the other we were in distress an cannot talk. He understood. He removed a stack of papers from his desk and placed them in front of me.

"You've made some small errors which could easily be corrected" he said pointing at different sections of the paper.

"For example you wrote 'que se passe-t-il?' (What is going on?)" He continued. I knew what he was doing. He was speaking in French instead to communicate. Jordan didn't understand French.

"I know I think it's meant to be 'nous sommes surveillés' (we are being watched)" I replied pointing to a section on the paper for it to seem more realistic.

"That's right. What about this? You wrote 'par qui?' (By who?" I could see Jake's eyes turning darker by the second.

"I thought that was right. If not then I thinks it's supposed to be 'je ne peux pas dire le nom , ils comprendront' (I can't say the name they'll understand)" I explained. If they heard the name Jordan being said the first thing they'll do is get a French translator. Without say I anything he shoved a pen in my hand.

"Correct it" he said pointing to piece of paper. Bending down I slowly wrote the words.

Don't react. They are watching us.

After getting a slight nod from him I continued.

I wrote one word:


Staying true to his promise Jake momentarily froze before he clutched his fist and clenched his jaw.

"Well done. I'll write you a note for you so your excused for tardiness for your next lesson" Jake sat behind his desk and jotted something down on a piece of paper and folded it before handing me it.

I gave him a small smile be for exiting the room. I was half way to my class when a hand circled around my arm and pulled me back.

"What were you doing in there?" Jordan questioned

"I had to edit an assignment" I replied not showing and emotions.

"Show me the paper then" he said looking down at my hand. I don't know what's on the paper. What if Jake wrote something about Jordan? Even before I could replay Jordan snatched the paper out of my hand and opened it up. All I could do was stare in horror.

A few seconds later he looked towards me and my face instantly went blank. He scrunched the paper up and threw it against the locker.

"Next time you take my permission understood?" I just merely nodded. Jordan walked off leaving with my thoughts. I walked to the paper picking it up and I pulled it open.

Please excuse Skylar for her absence during the start of the your lesson. I had to keep her back for an assignment.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Mr. Quinn

Thank the Lord above.


{A/N: Well my Angels. There it is. I'm sorry it's not that long but it's a filler chapter. I just wanted to give you guys something and also wanted to re-introduce Jake. For those of you who can't remember Jake, he is the one who looked after Skyalr after she ran away from home. This book has reached 11k, Thank You So much guys, this means solo much to me. I love you all. Please don't forget to...




Lots of love

P.s: I used google translate for the French additions so I don't know whether they are wrong or right. If they aren't then I'm sorry.

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