S I X T E E N - How Cliche

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{Pic of Beach House. Not Edited.}

Song: Parallel

Artist(s): Heffron Drive

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you want but you can only spend it once.


The best kind of feeling is going to bed at night and not having to set the alarm for the next morning. Right know, I'm cherishing that moment. School is finally out and today's the last day on my bed before we make our way to the beach house.

These last few days have been the best days of my life. I experienced what I thought, I would never be able to experience again. Happiness. Sometimes the things you are the most afraid of, are the things that give you happiness. I was scared to trust, but at the end I did. I used to think once people found out about my past they would make a run for it, but some people - who are know the most important people in my life - decided to stay and teach me that it's okay to cry sometimes and its okay to let loose.

In my life I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've missed, I've hurt, I've trusted, I've made mistakes, but most of all, I've learned. I've learned that happiness is not a destination, it's a journey. And I couldn't be happier.


"Is everyone ready?" Gabe yelled from his Ferrari

"Yep, let's go" Dylan yelled back

We all met up at my house so we could decide how we were going to get there. After a long debate we decided to take Gabe's and Dylan's car.

Gabe's car consisted of him, Evan (shotgun), Tori, Beth and me while the other guys travelled in Dylan's car. Gabe wasn't comfortable with us girl ls traveling with hormonal guys. Such a dad.

The beach house is three hours away so if we set off now, we would reach by three o'clock. Gabe took off leading as Dylan followed behind. Resting my head on the window, I plugged in my ear buds and took off to a place of peace.


We reached the beach house at three as I predicted. As soon as the car was parked everyone flew out of there seats and ran for their bags before heading inside. Shaking my head in amusement I exited the car and walked towards the back to get my suitcase.

Just before my hand touched the handle, another hand already gripped it. Dylan pulled the suitcase out before handing it back to me.

"I was capable of doing that myself" I said narrowing my eyes at him. Instead of replying he bent down till his mouth was near my ear.

"Your welcome" he whispered before he retreated. I watched his back as he walked to the door and disappeared. Damn him. He knows what he does to me so he takes advantage of it. Two can play that game. Oh, just you wait Mr. Bad Boy.

Grabbing my bag I followed the direction everyone took of in. Walking inside, the first thing I saw was Evan raiding the fridge, while everyone else were sprawled on the couches. Walking upstairs I found the room with the best view and took it. There was a huge window on one side of the room allowing me to see the view of the sea. There was also a balcony which gav me access to fresh air whenever I wanted it.

Instead of unpacking I only removed my one piece black strappy pucker bottom bikini. I walked to the bathroom and changed into it before grabbing my cover up and putting it on. I exited the bathroom only to see Dylan looking relaxed on my bed.

"It's rude to-" Dylan started but his words dried out as he looked me up and down

"It's rude to stare" I repeated his line with a smirk.

"Not when you look so sexy" he replied getting off the bed and stalking towards me till he had me caged against the wall. His los being just mere centimetres away from mine got me breathless but I ignored it. Instead I turned us around so he was caged against the wall now. I rested my lips in his neck and slowly dragged them to his ear. I could hear his breath hitch.

"Bye" I breathed and pushed myself off of him and ran out the room before he could grab me again.

"Gabe, I'm going swimming" I yelled from the front door and made my way towards the water. I stripped from my cover up and walked into the water. When I was waist deep I stopped and dived under. Coming back I arched my back letting my hair fall back. Looking at the horizon I could see the sun setting, I was so engrossed in the sunset, I didn't realize I had company till I felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist. Sensing the warmth they brought with them I instantly knew who it was. Leaning back I rested my head on Dylan's shoulder and he rested his chin on mine. We both stood there for God knows how long staring at the horizon. How cliche.

"Beautiful" I whispered not wanting to break the silence that surrounded us

"I know" he whispered back his gaze dead set on me. He lifted his hands cupping my was turning me towards him before he leant down and claimed my lips. Again I was so engrossed in the moment I didn't realize we had company.

"You have five seconds to get off my sister" a voice yelled over the other cheering ones.

{A/N: Hola my Unicorns. Happy Valentine's Day even though I am a day late. I Love You. If you've forgotten Evan is Gabriel's best friend and is introduced in Chapter Two. This was just a filler chaoter, I actually don't know what to write for the coming chapters. I'm also not keeping well, so please bear with me. Thanks for all the support. Now I don't think I need to repeat this but I still am going to.




Lots of love - ME}

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