Victoria's Secret (Mini-series) [Pietro]

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"Look! Look!" Pietro exclaims excitedly.
He grabs your arm and drags you into the store he had gotten so excited about.

Eventually getting the chance to take in your surroundings, you realise you're standing in the middle of Victoria's Secret.
"Pietro? Really?" You ask as embarrassment floods through you.

Being with Pietro meant a lot of sex, but you still felt awkward standing in a room full of lingerie with him.

"It'll be fine. Let's pick something, yes?" His thick Sokovian accent filled your ears, tempting you into his plans.
Seeing that you didn't immediately protest, he jumps into action looking through the different underwear and outfits.

He rushed around the whole store in less than a minute, returning with a few different variations of lingerie.
"Which one?" He asks, hanging each up on a different peg so you could see them all.
You begin to feel a spark of excitement at the thought of wearing one of these outfits in front of Pietro.
When you don't show an immediate preference over any of the outfits, Pietro stands behind you, placing his hands on your hips. He leans into you, his warm breath tickling along the outside of your ear.
"Personally, the deep blue one drives me crazy." He whispers seductively. "Just imagining you covered in that silky fabric makes me want to do naughty things to you, printsessa."

Your knees feel weak at his words. The things that boy could do to you by simply talking like that in that accent was unbelievable!
You turn your head slightly in his direction.
"The blue one it is, then." You reply, trying to sound as suggestive as he does.
"Great! I'll buy it for you. Wait here." Before you could reply, he was gone. You could see him over at the cash register and so you got to work replacing the other potential garments he had picked out to their rightful place.

Just as you had finished, Pietro returned.
"Shall we go home now?" He smirks. "I want you to.. How do you say... Model this?" He grins as he holds up the bag.
"Fine." You giggle in return.

"Although this may have been a waste of money." Pietro furrows his brow.
"Why?" You become concerned.
"Because when I see you in this, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stop myself from ripping it off you."
You blush at his words, but smile back mischievously. You decide to tease him a little.
"Well, we'll have to make sure we get our money's worth. No touching me when I have the outfit on until I say so." You wink.
Pietro's face lights up, he had always loved it when you got enthusiastic about sex and you knew it.

As you continued to walk home he softy mumbled "thank you, man of iron."
"Was this Tony's idea?" You ask, stopping in your tracks.
"Yes, so feel free to thank him for the most amazing night ahead." He growled, becoming impatient and picking you up to speed home with you.

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