Fuzzy Suprises [Steve - Fluff]

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This was a request from Mia, @voidrogerss
Hope you like it!


You sighed down at the warm bundle of fluff snuggled in a ball on your lap.
You had decided to buy a kitten as a surprise for Steve when he came back from his latest mission with the Avengers. He had always talked about wanting to get a pet and, truth be told, someone to keep you company when he was away was always welcome.

You had only brought the kitten home this morning and already he was part of the family. He had already ripped up some toilet roll and peed in the kitchen so you knew he'd be a bit of a trouble maker. However, you were already besotted with him and you knew Steve would love him too!


The following day, Steve returned home. No sooner had he walked through the doorway had you ran into his arms, welcoming him back from the mission. He was usually exhausted but this time he seemed a bit more lively. Maybe he already knew about the kitten? But how?
You opened your mouth to tell him there was a surprise waiting for him in the bedroom but  you were cut off when Steve began to speak instead.

"(Y/n)! You'll never guess what!" He beamed.
You adjusted for a second, taking in his newfound excitement.
"What?" You asked, imitating his happy expression.
"Thor and Jane are engaged!" He holds his hands out like he's just announced a prize on a game show as he awaits your reaction.
All thoughts of the little bundle of mischief in the bedroom leave your mind as you think about Jane - one of you closest friends from high school - getting married to the God of Thunder.
"No way!" You squeal.
"Yes! And don't tell her I've told you but I think Jane wants you to be her chief bridesmaid!"
You squeal again, delighted that she'd pick you. You thought she would chose Darcy for sure, but apparently not!
"I have to call her!" You jump up and down on the spot before running to grab your phone.

Steve chuckles at your enthusiasm before picking up his bags and heading toward the bedroom to unpack.

You're just about to call Jane when you hear Steve shout from the bedroom.
"(Y/n)?" He calls to you, an unsure tone in his voice.
"Yeah?" You reply, heading toward him with your phone still in hand.
"Um, who is this?"
Steve exits the bedroom, still in his Captain America uniform, holding the tiny kitten in his arms.
"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! I got you a kitten!" You exclaim before busting out in laughter.
"He's for me?" Steve asks bewildered.
You nod at him and his face lights up. "Thank you so much!"
He looks ecstatic and you feel your heart swell as you realise jus how happy you've made him.

At that moment your phone begins to ring in your hand. You reluctantly move your gaze from the adorable sight of your hunk of a boyfriend cuddling the new addition and look down at the screen.
"Jane's calling me. It'll probably be to tell me the news." You explain, giving Steve a quick smile and exiting to the kitchen for some privacy. To be honest, you didn't think Steve was listening anyway.


You walk into the living room, hanging up your phone and sighing in happiness at Jane's future. That's when you see perhaps the most adorable thing you have ever witnessed.

Lying on the sofa was Steve in his pyjamas. He was fast asleep, and curled up on his chest sat the tiny delicate kitten like a ball of fluff. You immediately pick up your phone again and open up the camera, snapping a few pictures of the two cuties. You plan to set one of them as your screensaver later.

The kitten recognises your presence and sits up. He looks over to you, yawns and gives a small 'mew' sound.
This causes Steve to stir slightly and he opens an eye to look at the kitten. He notices you and smiles sleepily.
"Come join me and Oliver," he mumbles in his deep, sleepy voice.

He shuffles over, making space for you on the couch next to him. Without much persuasion needed, you lie down next to him as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer.
"Oliver, huh?" You ask, stroking the newly named kitten.
"Yeah. I don't know, I just like it. I think it suits him, you know?"

You both look down at the contently purring feline still perched on Steve's chest and you realise that you have your own little family.

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