Arm Wrestling (Iwaizumi x Female!Reader)

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[A/N] Typically, my one-shots are tailored at female readers, but this one's really gender-specific. You'll see why. *intense winking* 

It gets a little dirty, Ballin' Anime Enjoyers, so keep your dirty minds out of the gutter! Or at least try...? ._.


You were sitting in class 5 as usual, waiting for lessons to start when you were approached by Hanamaki and Matsukawa.

"Hey, (Name)," Hanamaki called, looking bored as usual. However, a small smirk tugged at his lips.

Matsukawa bowed politely, but the same grin was evident on his face as well.

You waved, accompanied by a smile. "Hi, guys! Is this about volleyball?" You were an assistant manager for the Aobajousai boys' volleyball team. Since it was your last year here, you wanted to make every moment count. Above all, you wanted one memory you would never forget. Even when you went off to college, you wanted one thing to hold, to remember for the rest of your life from your high school years. 

Preferably one with Iwaizumi Hajime, your crush.

At the thought of him, your eyes shifted around the classroom, hoping for a glimpse of him, but he hadn't entered class yet. Sighing, you paid attention to the boys in front of you again.

"We~ell," Hanamaki sang. "We were dared to find someone to beat Iwaizumi in an arm wrestling match." He interlocked his fingers behind his back and leaned in closer. "Are you up for it?" he purred, causing you to jump back from surprise.

Matsukawa chuckled. "And if you win, we'll buy you any food you want." 

Oh, that did it. Once you heard 'food', your stomach took over. 

"S-so, anything? Anything at all?" you asked. "Would you guys buy me, I don't know... Steak?" Hey, if they were going to get you free food, why not get the expensive stuff? Your brain didn't even process the improbability of beating Iwaizumi, even if you ignored the fact that you had a raging crush for this guy.

Hanamaki and Matsukawa exchanged a wary look, but then shrugged at the same time. 

Matsukawa snickered, "Fine, if that's what you're into." 

"Meat~" Hanamaki sang quietly, possibly part of a lewd joke, and him and his friend broke out in smothered giggles. 


The duo looked up (more like down) at an intimidating classmate of yours. He had thick brows, tan skin, and an acute frown that looked more like a pout. 

"What are you guys doing with (Name)-chan?" Iwaizumi inquired, raising a brow. 

Matsukawa laughed nervously, then proceeded to drag Hanamaki out of the classroom. Hanamaki looked up at you, then grinned, throwing you peace signs while Matsukawa added his own thumbs-up.

Shaking your head, you looked up at Iwaizumi and smiled. "Good morning, Iwaizumi-kun," you said in an almost sing-song voice. 

He rested a hand on your desk and breathed out. His eyes slid up to meet yours, but met some distractions along the way. "Hah... Good m-morning, um, (Name)-chan." Immediately, his face flushed up at his stammering. "You love lookely today-- I mean, you look lovely... Today." 

Damn it!

Iwaizumi suddenly stood erect, turning away. "S-see you later, (Name)-chan." 

Stumbling back to his seat, he cursed himself for appearing incredibly awkward in front of you. It's just... Why was the top portion of your shirt unbuttoned so much? And was the black peering out your...? The blush crawling up his neck was becoming unbearably itchy now, and he had to scratch it furiously to make it go away. However, instead of climbing up, things started to flow down.

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