Part 4- The Club.

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Rhi watched the scene in front of her as she walked out of the toilets. There were so many bodies around her, all moving in one large crowd. She watched the bodies move up and down as they moved in time of the music.

The lights in the club moved in circles as they danced around the crowd. She felt the thick heat touch her skin when she decided to move downstairs. Rhi had never really wanted to come out to this club but her friends had insisted. Plus, she was of legal drinking age in UK, which had its perks.

She finished her drink and looked around the people who were all moving in sync. The floor shook as they moved with the beat and waved their hands in the air. Rhi felt herself shake her body every now and then when her favourite song came on.

She'd never gone clubbing with Ash so the whole experience to her was pretty surreal. She didn't understand the appeal of hot and sweaty humans cramming into one place and dancing. Her first experience wasn't too bad and she made her way to the bar; it was packed.

Rhi tried to squish between people standing around the bar and found a space in between two tall guys. They didn't notice her and she was thankful. She didn't want to talk to new people but realised that's what people did when they were fresher's. It was the year to meet new people and make good friends.

Having bought her drink, Rhi snuck out of the crowd at the bar and looked at the main crowd again. Her eyes avoided the people sucking each others faces and she had to move out of the way so drunk couples didn't fall into her. She had to drink more as she was way too sober to deal with any of this.

She pulled out her phone to text her friends and felt a hand graze her hip as someone apologised. Rhi immediately turned around to face the person and felt her mouth drop.

He smiled at her and put out his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Dylan, guess you're a fresher? You look pretty lost... if you don't mind me saying"

Rhi didn't know how to reply and had somehow forgotten how to flirt with the opposite sex.

"Uhm yeh... fresher... but club.... Drinks.... Nice night" Random words fell out of her mouth as she stared at the beautiful man before her.

He ruffled his brown hair and looked at her with his piercing eyes. He seemed amused that her brain had decided to melt on her and pointed to her drink.

"Can I get you another drink, uhm...?" Dylan was waiting for her to him what her name was. She coughed and shook his hand back.

"Rhi.... Its short for Rhianna" He smiled at her and told her it was a pretty name. Rhi tried to hide the blush that was slowly creeping onto her cheeks as Dylan told her he would be right back.

Rhi considered her situation and realised how wrong it seemed. She still had feelings for Ash deep down and swore that she saw him 5 times a day. He was always on her mind and she found herself thinking about him a lot. She couldn't do this; she couldn't flirt with this guy.

Rhi suddenly panicked and turned around to look for her friends. She spotted one of them and moved quickly through the crowd to reach Sara. Rhi grabbed hold of her and pulled her away from the guy she was eating the face off.

"Sara, you have to help me... you have to help me!" Rhi had so many thoughts going through her head but Sara looked at her in complete shock.

"Rhi, what is it?" Sara gulped her drink as the guy she'd been kissing grabbed Sara by the waist.

"Uhm well, there's this guy and he seems nice... but then there's my ex and I just don't think I can... I just... I can't, right?" Sara looked at her in utter bewilderment as she babbled words.

"Ex, what ex? You never told me about an ex... and theres someone running after you, should I just call security now or...??" Saras eyes were watching the stranger walking towards them and Rhi laughed to herself.

"That's the guy.... Dylan, this is Sara... Sara, this is Dylan" Rhi introduced them as Dylan appeared beside Rhi looking worried.

"I was scared something had happened to you... it gets pretty manic around freshers..." Dylan sounded as if he'd done this before and Rhi stared at him in confusion. He cleared his throat and laughed at her facial expression.

"I'm a medical student... 3rd year" Rhis eyes would have fallen out of her head at that moment but she kept herself composed. He was a third year and she was a measly teenager from America with no clue what she was doing in England.

Ash was clouding her thoughts and she tried to push him out of her head. She took her drink off Dylan and drank it in one. His face look concerned when she asked him if he wanted another drink.

"I can't do that Rhi; I'm not going to help you get drunk. I have morals and it wouldn't be right" Dylan held his phone out with his number on for her as she stared at him in disbelief.

"Urgh, you're just like him..." Rhi muttered when Dylan took her arm and asked if she was okay.

He carried her home later that night when he found her lost outside a club and drunk.

He held her hair as she vomited into the toilet at 1am.

He tucked her into bed and watched her for hours to make sure she was okay.

Rhi kicked him out the next morning and told him to never talk to her again. 

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