Part 6- Leave.

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Rhi didn't know what to say.

She didn't know what to do.

She grasped her book in her hands and picked her bag up. She started to pack all her belongings away and Ash watched her intently.

He suddenly realised what she was doing.

"Rhi, we have to talk... please just give me 5 minutes" Ash spoke at her whilst trying to look straight into her eyes. He could see the panic rising in her as she tried to calculate what she was going to do next.

All Rhi could hear was the ticking of the café clock and the thoughts passing through her head. Ash couldn't turn up out of the blue. She hadn't prepared herself for this.

It was either fight or flight, and Rhi wasn't feeling especially brave today so packed her things up. She really hoped that Brook wasn't behind this meeting but she had a feeling she'd been somehow involved.

"Rhi, please say something to me. I can't stand that you've said one word to me... and that was my name" He stood up as a sign he wasn't going to let her go but she wasn't going to stand for that.

The chair slid back as she stood up to stare at him. She could hear her heart beating as she stared at the person who'd broken her heart.

She'd spent so long mending herself and then he'd appeared and broken her again. She couldn't stay around him.

They looked at each other before Ash moved aside to let Rhi go. He had to respect her wishes. Though, he wasn't going to let her leave easily.

Rhis feet started to quickly walk away and she pulled open the café door then took off down the street. Ash was right behind her.

"Rhi, you can't run away from me. You have to talk to me!" Rhi could hear the desperation in Ash's voice as he chased after her. She just wanted to be away from him. She didn't want to think about any of it.

The commuters went about their daily lives as Rhi dashed past them with Ash in tow. Many things happened in London and this probably seemed fairly normal.

She'd noticed how he'd changed. He was growing facial hair, he'd cut his long black hair and he had bulked up. Brook had mentioned once that he'd been working out every day but then never uttered his name again after that slip up.

He still smelled the same but it didn't feel like home anymore. She could still picture him kissing someone else and smell her perfume on him.

It wasn't the same and she didn't think it would be again.

"Rhi, just hear me out... for gods sake!" Ash was shouting at her now and she had to stop to look at him.

She walked towards him and pulled herself together. She smoothed her clothes, ran her fingers through her hair and straightened herself up.

Rhi had to remember that this man in front of her had changed. He wasn't the boy who she'd fallen in love with. He was a stranger to her.

"You need to leave me alone. You don't exist to me anymore, Ash. I'm not just something you can use whenever you feel like it. I won't bow down to you anymore and pretend that you cheating on me was fine." She could feel herself getting angry as the volume of her voice rose.

"Rhi.. Please... I'm...." Ash tried to speak to her but she wasn't going to listen.

"No, you don't have a right to talk to me. You don't deserve for me to listen to you and I don't want to listen to you. I came to London to start again and I've been doing fine without you here" She was almost shouting at Ash and tears were threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"Never come near me again. I don't want anything to do with you." She spat the words at him before turning her back on him.

She wiped the tears from her face and marched off towards her accommodation.

She thought that she'd seen Ash cry and it was the first time she'd seen him cry in front of her. 

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