Part 5- The Return.

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Rhi awoke to a pounding in her head and make up smudged all over her face. She stretched her arms and groggily opened her eyes before rolling over.

Her eyes wanted to close again when she faced what was in her bed. She grabbed the sheets up and tried to climb out of the bed, but fell on the floor in the process.

The wooden floor slipped under her feet as she tried to stay quiet but she let out a small squeak. The thump of her body hitting the floor wasn't exactly silent and she exclaimed some f and s words as she landed on her butt.

She tried to scramble off the floor but noticed the figure moving and let out a cry of panic. Memories of the night before were hitting her like a high-speed train, and she didn't like how this was going.

She had papers to write and classes to attend but she couldn't move from where she was. She could hear her flatmates and prayed that they wouldn't see this guy.

Her hand found a stray high heel and she chucked it at the figure. He moaned and sat up in the bed whilst realising he had no sheet to cover himself.

"Did you sleep on the floor? I have a tendency to kick people and push them off the bed in my sleep. I'm sorry if I did that. Did you sleep well? We could go out for breakfast. I know this great place in the centre and they do the best coffee..."

Rhi interrupted him before he could finish.

"I think, I think you should leave. We can't do this anymore" She stood up off the floor and pulled on underwear and a t-shirt.

He looked at her from the bed as if he hadn't quite heard her. Then he suddenly realised and stood up from the bed.

"Why? I thought we were a thing, you know? I like you Rhi, I kind of like you a lot"

Rhi pulled open her wardrobe and flicked through dresses as he wrapped his arms around her. She pushed him away and dressed facing away from him.

"I don't like you. I've just been playing with you for the past couple of weeks. I was bored" Rhi tried to keep a straight face as she turned to face him. She had to be convincing in her argument.

She could feel tears welling in her eyes as she pulled on her boots and looked out of the window. He had gone to the bathroom and she didn't know what to do.

Ash had been haunting her mind for weeks and she couldn't move on. She saw hi everywhere she went and she always heard his voice.

Brook had mentioned him on the phone every now and then, and she'd mentioned about a girl once or twice.

Rhi didn't know what hurt more... the fact she still liked him or the fact he'd moved on. She couldn't even think about moving on to someone else. She was trying so hard but he'd been everything to her.

Dylan walked back into the room and she stood up to say bye to him. His expression of sadness always hurt her.

She walked past him and picked up a cigarette. Strangely, she'd started smoking and found it helped everything.

Rhi opened the window and lit her cigarette whilst she stuck her head out of the window.

"I wish you'd stop that, you know I don't like it" She rolled her eyes and drew on her cigarette.

"I don't give a shit what you like, Dylan. Please, leave" Rhi liked to watch the people outside. They looked like ants from where she was. She often wondered what they were thinking.

"It's him, isn't it?" She turned her head to look at him.

"Who are you talking about?" She really hoped that he wasn't talking about Ash.

"The guy. The one who broke your heart? You can't let go of him and its destroying whatever we've had between us. I'm not being second best Rhi. I'm not waiting for you anymore" Dylan picked up his jacket and his wallet as he talked about Ash.

"Oh please, Dylan, you don't know anything about my past" She was so annoyed right now that she stubbed out her cigarette and lit another straight away.

"And when you're slowly dying from those things, don't come to me" He slammed the door behind him as he went.

Rhi hit her hand against the wall and swore. Ash was tearing her apart more and more every day.

Her flatmates were talking loudly in the kitchen and she wiped her eyes whilst considering how Dylan and her had come to be.

She didn't really know how she felt about him and what they'd had. She knew she was a bitch and Dylan had a right to be angry with her.

Her phone buzzed a few times but she ignored the continuous noise it made. She wasn't in the mood to argue with him over text.

She wiped her face and tried to apply some make up. The last thing she wanted was to look weak and as if she had been crying.

Her hands shook when she pulled on her coat and grabbed her bag. She was going to the only place she felt safe.

The coffee shop was quiet and she found a silent corner of the room to sit in. She nursed her coffee and looked at the book in front of her.

She couldn't even read the words from her blurred vision through her tears.

She didn't know what to do anymore.

Her phone was continuously buzzing and she was tempted to chuck it across the room. She switched it off and sipped her drink.

Rhi opened the first page of the book and tried to concentrate on the words. Obviously, it had to be a book that opened with a love scene.

Her mind became engrossed in what she was reading that she didn't hear the coffee door open.

She didn't hear the all too familiar voice order a drink.

She, definitely, didn't hear the footsteps walk towards her.

His breath stopped when he saw her sitting in that corner.


Rhi folded the page of her book over and looked up to the voice, which had called her. The coffee she had been holding slowly slipped from her hand and splashed on the floor.

Her breathing quickened as she tried to believe the scene in front of her. How could he be here?


Ash pulled the chair from out of the table and cautiously sat facing Rhi.

She watched him carefully.

Ash took a shaky breath and then spoke.

"We need to talk" 

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