Chapter Nine: High School Part 1

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Stefan's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open as I rubbed them childishly. I smiled brightly when I saw Izzy lying down next to me. "Good Morning." She said softly. I mentally sighed in relief as I thought to myself, She's real. It wasn't a dream. "Morning Izzy." I replied as she brush a piece if my hair that fell in my face. I closed my eyes and sighed as she ran her fingers through my hair, letting out little sounds of happiness. It reminded me of when we were kids and she would read me stories. I would curl up next to her and she read me stories as she would run her fingers through my hair. Opening my eyes, I saw she was about to say something when suddenly my phone went off. She sighed and kissed my cheek before jumping off the bed and leaving the room. I sat up and reached over to grab my phone.

Where are you??? Gonna be late for school.

From Elena. I groaned as I used vamped speed to get dressed and tell her that I was on my way and ran downstairs. I saw Izzy at the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee and smiled. "Hey, I heading over to Elena's then heading to school." I said. Her face brightened and she pit her cup in the sink. "Can I come with? I need to get registered anyway." She asked. I nodded and grabbed the keys as Damon walked down the stairs. Izzy skipped over to Damon and kissed his cheek. "I'm going with Stefan, I'll see you later." She said as she grabbed my hand and left but before she grabbed Damon's leather jacket. I heard Damon huff irritation and chuckled.

On the way to Elena's, I told her about all the places in Mystic Falls. I could tell she hasn't been back for a long time and it puzzled me as I wondered how long it has been. As I pilled into Elena's driveway I turned to her and spoke my mind. "How long has been since you been back?" She grew quite and I instantly regretted it as she the pained look that crossed her face. "Not since 1864, I couldn't come back considering I lost my whole family here. I couldn't return. I tried but the pain, knowing that everyone you loved had died here was to much." I frowned and lowered my head, somewhat guilty.

She grabbed my hand, as her hand cupped my chin forcing me to look up. "But I'm glad I did this time. My two most important people are alive and I couldn't be happier." She smiled. I smiled back. "Me too." I said. I heard the door open and watched Elena come out. Izzy looked over and grinned before climbing in the back. "Hey Elena." Bella said. Elena smiled as she got in. "Hey Bella, Stefan." She said pecking me lightly on the lips.

Pulling out, I headed toward the school making it 10 minutes early. Getting out I turned to Izzy. "Do you need me to help you to the office?" I asked. She shook her head before giving me a hug. "I'll see you latter." She said. She gave Elena a hug before turning and walking off. Sighing, I wrapped my arm around Elena and pulled her close to me, kissing her head. "I like your sister. She seems nice" She said. I nodded my head. "She is. I never knew our mother and Izzy always seemed to fill in that role model. She is the nicest people I know." I said. She smiled as we walked over to the others.

Izzy's P.O.V

Walking towards the building I totally realized that I had no clue as to where I'm going. Stifling a growl, I turned around to we if I saw anyone I knew which was hardly anyone. As I was about to give up, I saw a familiar head of blond hair.

Matt I think his name was. "Matt." I called out as I jogged over to him. His head popped up and he smiled. "Hey...Bella right?" He asked. I nodded. "Yup, I was hoping I would find you. I need help finding the main office." I said. He tossed his bag over his shoulder and replied, "I was actually heading over there anyway, come on I'll show you." I sighed and smiled. "Thanks if it wasn't for you I would probably die of embarrassment trying to find it myself." I said. He laughed as we started walking towards the school.
We talked about small things as I told him things that I liked to do and found that we have a lot in common.

"Well here we are, I'll see you around OK." Matt said and kissed my cheek before heading off down the hall. I smiled and walked into the office. A young women, no older than 25 sat there and here head popped up when I walked in.

"Good Morning. How my I help you?" She asked. "I'm new here, I'm here to pick up my schedule." I said. "What's your name honey?" She asked. "Isabella Marie Swan." I said using my old name. She typed away on the computer. "I don't see anything." She replied looking up at me. I smiled. "No, you were wrong. You have everything right there." I compelled. She blinked her eyes and nodded. "Oops sorry I was wrong. I have everything right here. Here you go have a nice day." She said handing me my schedule. "Thanks." I replied cheerfully and walked out. I didn't make it a foot out the door when I felt someone shove me from behind, causing me to fall.

I could feel my fangs come out as my veins popped in anger. Clenching my fists to keep from ripping the persons throat out, I took a few deep breaths.

Sighing, when I felt my eyes turn back to normal and my fangs slid back in I looked up and saw 3 blonde wannabes sneering at me. "Watch were you're going bitch." The middle one said. Well, it looks like I'm gonna have a snack tonight, I thought. "Hey, are you OK?" I heard someone asked. I looked up and saw a boy, no older than 16 walk up to me. He offered me his hand. I smiled and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and looked at me.

He had chocolate brown hair that was kind of wavy but it was to short for any human to notice. His brown eyes seemed to shine.

"Yes, thank you. I guess I should've watched where I was going." I said. He sighed and handed me my schedule. "No, they're just spoiled brats." He said. I laughed and nodded my head. "I'm Bella." I said. He smiled brightly and replied, "I'm Jeremy."

"Well I'll see you later Jeremy." I said. "Definitely." He said. I giggled and walked away to my first class: Art.

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