Chapter Two: Little Snack

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Isabella's P.O.V.

Standing up, I stretched out my legs. I wiped my face off and looked around. Once I made sure that no vampire was looking, I took of running. I made it home in less than a minute and walked in. I saw Charlie sitting in front of the TV and smiled. You see Charlie was my great-great-great-great-great nephew.

Apparently father banged a women before he died and the generations passed down. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Aunt Bella." He said. I smiled back softly. "Charlie... I have to go." I said hesitantly.

His smile disappeared as he stood up. "W...why? I thought you liked it here. Did something happen?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I do love it here Charlie... But Edward... He dumped me and it brought back memory's. I have to go to Mystic Falls." I replied.

Anger showed across his face as he pulled me into a hug. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asked.

Pulling away, I reached up and kissed his cheek before replying, "No... I have to do this on my own." He nodded his head and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment while it last.

"First things first. This look has to go." I said and took off the necklace that made my appearance change. I threw it in the trash and smiled when my hair fell down to my mid waist and I grew 2 and a half inches.

I looked in the mirror as my features changed. My skin went from pale to a light tan and my skin was softer. My dull brown eyes changed into bright sea blue. My hair was raven black.

Smiling, I looked over at Charlie. "Much better. Now I need to feed. Its been ages since I had a drop of human blood." I said.

He nodded his head and sighed. "Just be safe." He said. I smirked at him as I ran up the stairs and grabbed my leather jacket before running back downstairs. "Always am. I'll be back in an hour or two." I said and walked out the door.

I took off running into the woods as I headed into town. Running was always my favorite part of being a vampire. It felt good as the wind blew in my hair. It also gave me time to think.

When Edward ran it was slow. Original vampires are way faster and stronger than cold ones but a cold ones bite is fatal to a original vampire. I learned that the hard way.

I got to town in 2 minutes and walked around. I spotted Mike, standing by his parents shop and smiled. I always wanted to bite him. Walking over to his shop... I sent him a sedative look and walked into a abandoned alley. I leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, I heard him walked into the alley and felt him press against me, pressing his lips against mine. It felt wrong but I smiled and kissed him back as I flipped us over. I let his tongue enter and almost bit it off. Pulling away I looked him in the eye.

"Don't scream." I compelled him. I felt the veins around my eyes pop and my fangs slid out. I smiled as I heard his heart beats frantically.

I sank my teeth into his neck as I moaned in pleasure. His blood was sweet, considering for the last year and a half I was living on animal blood. Animal blood wasn't tasty as human blood but it satisfied by hunger. I knew the Cullen's drunk animal blood.

I greedily drank my fill of his blood and pulled away. I had never killed my victims. The only time I killed someone was when I had to complete my transition. I could feel my body getting stronger but I knew I would need more blood. Licking my lips I looked at him.

"You will not remember this. You were attack by a stranger. Now go." I compelled and shoved him. He stumbled and ran out of the alley, clutching his bleeding neck.

I wiped my chin off and walked down the alley. Turning left I saw a group of 3 men. They were circling a little girl. The girl looked no more than 7. I could hear the men taunting her as she tried to run but the man on the right shoved her to the ground.

Anger engulfed me as I saw the leader pull out a knife. She tried to scream but the left man kicked her in the stomach. I ran over behind the left man and snapped his neck. "You should drop the knife and let the girl go." I said, my voice cold.

The leader snapped his head towards me. "What the fuck!! You fucking killed Robert. Stupid bitch you'll pay for that." He said and ran towards me. I smiled as I stepped to the side and flung him too the wall. "You should watch what you say to me." I growled and punched him in the face.

I heard the little girl scream and jerked my head to see the right man stab the girl in her abdomen., right as the leader stabbed me in my stomach. Pain radiated my stomach as I groaned. It hurt like a bitch but I could already feel it healing. "Wrong move." I said and vamped faced as I sank my teeth into his neck and ripped it out.

He screamed and fell to the ground. I let him go and pulled out the knife and threw it at the last guy who was running away. It hit him in the back and he fell.

Spitting out the blood I ran over to the little girl and pulled the knife out. I bit my wrist and placed it over her lips. Her eyes fluttered opened as she drank. I looked at her wound and watched as it healed before pulling away.

She looked at me before she started crying. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. "Shh.... Its OK sweetie. You're OK." I said. She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed. I held her until she fell asleep. I stood up and walked over to her back pack and found her address.

It was only a few blocks away so I compelled someone to give me there car and drove the few blocks. Pulling up to the house I looked at the sleeping girl. I could see the mark where she was stabbed.

I only healed it enough for it to stop bleeding but there was still blood on her stomach. Pulling her out of the car I walked up to the door and knocked. A minute later the door opened and a worried mother and father was at the door. "Excuse me Mr. And Mrs. Gilligan. I found your daughter in an alley. Um... I managed to stop the bleeding but you should probably get her to the hospital." I said as I handed her the child. "Oh my god. Susie baby " The mother cried. "How can we ever repay you miss?" The father asked.

Smiling I shook my head. "I'm just happy to help her." I said and left. I drove the car back and ran home. Walking in I explained to Charlie what happened and packed a few things and said goodbye before heading off to the airport. Goodbye Forks, hello Mystic Falls.

So next chapter is Stefan's..... Or Damon's... I haven't decided yet.


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