Chapter Fourteen: Help and Reassurance

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Its been 3 days since I've been in here and I missed the outside world. I missed my brothers. Stefan would normally bring us blood bags and informed us what's has been going on but never once did Damon come down. I strongly believed he was blaming himself about this. Apparently Elijah has been unstabbed and I immediately told Stefan to bring him to me. Elijah was like a brother to me and I knew he cared deeply for Katherine. Katie and I have been talking about the last few decades, finally catching up and even though I wanted to be mad at her for not telling me that she changed my brothers I couldn't help but feel relieved. She had reunited me with them and I felt guilty for sticking myself inside the tomb. I had already forgiven my brothers but they had to forgive me.
Something was happening to me though. I could feel myself getting stronger yet weaker at the same time. I could feel my wolf side becoming more active and I had to distance myself away from Katie so I couldn't hurt her. I knew tonight was a full moon and my fear for my family and friends as well as Tyler's safety haunted me as I waited for Stefan to hurry up.
As soon as I heard footsteps coming down I rushed to the borderline. "Stefan, don't let me out, you need to get Katherine and all your vampire friends away from me as soon as possible." I said. He rushed over to me with wide eyes, "What do you mean. I'm not leaving here without you?" He said. I shook my head. "Its a full moon tonight and I might be only half, it makes it harder for me to control my temper. A wolf's bite is fatal to a vampire. Please Stefan I don't want to hurt anyone. Once I shift, I could end up blacking out again." I said. I could feel my inner wolf begging to come out and I knew I was almost out of time. "Izzy, I can't loose you again." He said, stepping closer until he was pressed against the spell line.
Their was tears in his eyes and I felt some in mine. "Oh Stefan, you're not losing me. I just don't want to hurt you. I love you too much. I love you Stefan. Never think otherwise. Now please go get Tyler and bring him here. I can have Elijah compel both of us to stay in here for the night but I don't want to take any chances." I said, caressing his cheek. He nodded sadly and I wiped the single tear that fell down his face. "I'll be OK Stefan, I'll see you in the morning I promise." I said kissing his cheek. He smiled and I felt better as he went to go get Tyler. I finally looked over at Elijah and smiled and he smiled back at me. He hadn't changed a bit since the last time I saw him. "EJ." I squealed and before I knew it he compelled us both out and I gave him a big hug. I had missed him so much. Him and Rebekah, which made me wonder where she was. When I questioned about her he informed me that she and Kol and Fin was still daggered. I was angry. I wished Becky was here, alive and breathing.
I watched Elijah and Katie catch up and smiled. They did make a good couple. I somewhat longed a real relationship, to be loved and I thought Edward would give it to me. I was hoping on changing all of them into original vampires once I told them what I was since its easier to control their thirst and so they didn't sparkle. I even had Angela prepares for it bit then he dumped me.
Sniffling I wiped my eyes to get rid of the tears as I heard Stefan come down with a pained Tyler. Immediately taking action, I had Elijah compel Tyler into the tomb so he could transform. Looking over at Stefan I pulled him into a hug, pulling him to me as I whispered soothing words. I felt him trembling and pulled back. "I'm gonna be OK Stef. I want you to go home and tell Damon to get some sleep and you too. I have a feeling that the next few days are going to be busy. So go get some sleep and I'll be back when you get up. I love you now please go." I said, kissing his cheek and giving him a little push. He smiled and nodded sadly. I gave Katie and EJ a hug before I had EJ compel me. I was allowed to move around but I couldn't leave until sunrise. I settled in and helped Tyler overcome his transformation.

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