Chapter Twelve: History

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Izzy's P.O.V.
I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, Stefan was laying on my bed looking at me. I saw him smile as he saw me. I could see how scared he was in his eyes and it pained me. I reached over and caressed his cheek, smiling softly when he moved closer to me. "I was so scared when you didn't come home Izzy. I thought that you left or that something bad happened to you." He whispered as he looked up at me with watery eyes. I sat up and propped up on the headboard and pulled him to me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and cried as I rubbed his back. "Shhh... You know I would never leave you or Damon. I just found you. I'm so sorry. I promise I would never go. Not without you guys at my side." I said. He remained quiet for a few minutes until I pulled away and wiped his face off, kissing his head. "What happened to you Izzy?" He asked. I looked away and closed my eyes. I heard a knock on the door downstairs and sighed. "I'll explain. Come on." I said and got up. Going downstairs, I opened the door and gestured for them to come in. Both Elena and Care gave me a hug and a small smile. We walked into the Parker area and sat down. Luckily Elena and Care sat on the couch on either side of me and grabbed my hands. Once everyone got situated I said, "To tell you what happened, I must tell of my past. I don't want any interruptions." They all nodded their heads.
Taking a deep breath I started.
"After my brothers deaths which I assume you already know, I was a mess. They were my everything, my rock, my world. Damon practically raised me as his own, both me and Stefan. But Father hated me. He would often beat me when my brothers were away. He loved Stefan and Damon but not me. I didn't realize why until after their deaths. I was a mess but a maid made me take a small walk to clear my mind. I was walking past fathers study when I over heard him talking to the mayor, George Lockwood. I could still remember the words father said but in short he said I wasn't his child." I looked over at Damon and Stefan as their eyes grew wide.
"He said that mother had a one night stand with George and I was born. I didn't want to believe it at first so I talked to mother's maids and they all said the same thing. I was devastated.
When I went to confront father later at night I saw blood everywhere and his body nowhere to be seen. I ran that night. Terrified that I was a unwanted child and ran into trouble at the Wickery Bridge. A homeless man tried to... Tried... Tried to rape me but I pushed him off of me. He hit his head on a sharp rock and died.
I horrified of what I done ran off into the night but I didn't realize what I started until I transformed into a wolf. I had never been in so much pain before and I didn't know what was happening to me.
I blacked out then, only to wake up covered in blood. I was weak and cold and barely could walk but somehow I made it back to the town. A couple of drunks found me and I recognized one of them as Johnathan Gilbert.
I begged them to help me but instead they took advantage of me. They almost killed me. I wished I was dead but once they were done they threw me over to bridge into the water."
I was crying in their arms by know as I tried to calm down. I could hear all the men growl as Bonnie came over to me and rubbed my back. When I finally managed to calm down I looked up and saw tears in the girls eyes.
"Anyway,I thought I was dead when I woke and saw Katherine kneeling next to me. She explained to me what she did and believe it or not she apologized. She said that she saw what happened to me and told me her story. She had been raped when she was human and gave birth to a girl unwedded. Her father banished her from her country.
She said in order for me to complete the transition was to feed on human blood. I didn't want to live but Katherine convinced me otherwise and I had already known who I wanted. I killed every person who raped me or any other women.
I was still saddened by my brothers death's that I wouldn't talk for weeks. I was plagued by nightmares. Katherine would often come in my room and help me. She became like a sister to me and she protected me many times. Eventually I got better and we enjoyed exploring thing's together.
I didn't realize what happened to me until after we went our separate way in 1965. I was in Italy and some guys wanted to take me and I got angry. I got so angry and no matter what it wouldn't go away. I was taking a walk in the woods when it happened again. I transformed into a wolf. It wasn't a full moon or anything.
Only this time I could see everything I was doing. I managed to control it but every so often I would break out in blinding rage for no reason and when I transformed I blacked out. And when I woke up, I would be surrounded by dead bodies. I was so terrified, so horrified of what I done, I would shut off. I wouldn't move, wouldn't eat, nothing. I was so scared that I would hurt someone.
But eventually the hunger got the best of me and I feed. I then went looking for answers of what I was, or others like me but it only came down to one person: Klaus.
So I found him and got to know him but once he found out what I was, he wanted to kill me. He said that I would kill him. He made it very clear that he didn't want me alive. That's when I followed Katherine and ran like hell. I hid in small towns, moving when he got to close. 2 years ago I entered a very small town of Forks, Washington.
I had tracked down my relatives and found Charlie Swan. Apparently George Lockwood had a boy who married a lady of the Swans and over generations I made sure they were all safe.
So I confronted Charlie and he took it really well. I told him stories if the past and in exchange he let me stay with him. I got registered for school. I even had a witch help me. She gave me a necklace to make me look human.
In school I came across vampires known as Cold Ones. I heard stories about them but I wanted to know more. So I managed to fall in love with one. His name was Edward. His family was a group of 7 and only lived on animal blood. Their was Carlisle the leader and Esme his mate, Rosalie and Emmet, then Alice and her mate Major Jasper Whitlock.
He was Damon's friend when he was human. I had seen him to and I liked him. I thought he would recognize me but he didn't. And finally Edward. After getting to know him I found myself falling in love with him. I was planning on telling them what I was but I didn't have a chance because three nomads cold ones found us playing baseball and their tracker James decided I was a snack so they sent me to Arizona where James found me. I had gotten out of the hotel and was planning to kill him myself when Edward came and I had to keep the human act up. But James bit me. I knew their venom wasn't deadly to our kind but to any wolves it was fatal. Edward managed to suck the venom out.
After his family killed James it was quiet for a while. On my fake 18th birthday Alice who was a little pixy planned a birthday party. It was great until I cut my finger unwrapping a present. Jasper was still new to the animal diet he could sense emotions and when everyone had bloodlust, his was 10 times worse because he felt all of theirs as well and he went to attack.
Edward managed to get Jasper away from me but he wouldn't talk to me until a week after the party. He took me out into the middle of the woods and... And told me that I was a useless human, that I was just some sick play toy and he never loved me. He then left. And you two knowing me bottled up and held in the emotions and decided to come hear.
Then at school when Ric attacked me, which I get and I'm not angry about it because I would have done the same thing. I guess I just held all the emotion in until I snapped and turned into a wolf 2 days ago. This morning I woke up in the woods covered from head to toe in blood. About 10 bodies around me dead. I had never killed that many before and it terrified me. I scared myself as I saw them. Then Elena and Caroline helped me get cleaned up. I never wanted to hurt those people, but I did and I can't get them out of my head." I cried as I finished. Not deciding to see their reactions I vamp speed to my room.

Super long one this time. Hope you like it.

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