Chapter Eleven: What Have I Done?

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Bella's P.O.V.

Groaning, I opened my eyes only to close them as bright lights hit my face. My whole body felt like it was in fire and I hissed when I moved a wrong way.
Opening my eyes I pushed my self up, whimpering. I went to rub the sleep from my eyes but stopped when I saw red. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But I still saw red.
My eyes grew wide as I noticed it was covering all over my hands and legs. I looked around and screamed as I saw bodies everywhere. Their must have been at least 10 bodies. Blood was everywhere.
I could feel it on my face, in my hair. I cried out as I scrambled away. I had done this. I caused this. I felt bile come up and turned in enough time to throw up.
I looked at myself and noticed my clothes were shredded, and covered in blood. I heard my phone ring a couple yards away and crawled over to it.
I noticed it was Elena and shakily answered it. "H.. Hello." I said. "Bella... Where are you... Are you OK?" She asked. I let out a sob as said, "I... I... Please help me." I looked around and noticed I was at our old house. "Where are you Bella. Just calm down." She said. "I'm at old house in the woods... I killed them Elena. Oh god, I killed them." I sobbed.
She gasped and I heard her rumbling through something. "Bella, I'm gonna call Stefan..." "NO! Elena you can't. I don't want him to be afraid of me. Just you... And Caroline. Please hurry Elena." I said and dropped my phone.
I curled up into a ball and cried. I had let myself loose control. I had pet myself harm and kill these people. What if they had family, friends, children. I was a monster. I knew if Stefan or Damon saw me they would be terrified.
They would hate me. I couldn't loose them. They were the only people I had left. I heard footsteps coming and I heard, "Oh. My. God." I looked up and saw Elena and Caroline. They had looks if horror on their face and I knew they were scared of me too. "Bella" Elena said as she ran over here. I looked at her. "I did this... I killed them. I... Don't remember but I know I did this." I cried.
She wrapped a blanket over me and I didn't noticed I was so cold until she put it on me. "We'll figure this out Bella, but first we need to get you cleaned up and warm." She said. Caroline helped me stand up and I looked around. "How long was I gone?" I asked shakily. "2 days. Stefan and Damon are looking everywhere for you. They practically got the whole town looking for you." Car said. "I can't let anyone see me. I don't want anyone to notice me like this." I replied. "We're gonna take you back to my place. My moms gone, searching for you so it will be empty for a few hours." She replied.
It was quiet as they helped me in the car and to house. As they showed me to the shower Caroline gave me some clothes that should fit.
Peeling off my blood stained clothes I stepped into the hot steaming shower. It felt really good. I scrubbed my hair and my body, under my fingernails, everywhere to get the blood off. Once done I dried off and got dressed, before looking in the mirror.
My eyes were bloodshot from crying. Bundling my bloody clothes with the blanket I walked downstairs and saw Caroline. "What should I do with these?" I asked as I held up the bundle. She came over and took them from me. "I'll deal with them. There's coffee on the counter of you want. Elena's in there too." She said, pointing to the kitchen. I nodded at her and walked into the kitchen.
Elena was on her phone right now and I listened in. "Have you found Izzy yet?" Stefan asked. She looked at me and I shook my head pleadingly. She sighed and replied, "No, I haven't. I gotta go, Caroline's calling me. Love you." Then hung up.
I relaxed and poured me some coffee before sitting at the counter. "Thank you." I said. She smiled and said, "I... I know you don't want to talk about it but can you tell me why." She said. I looked over at her and sighed but nodded my head.
I knew it was going to happen someday but not this soon. "Tell everyone to meet at the boarding house later and I'll tell everyone. I just didn't think this would happen so soon." I said. She nodded.
I drunk the rest of my coffee before putting it in the sink. I quickly left as I took off running home. Once then, I walked in. I heard footsteps and before I knew it I was wrapped up in a hug.
I breathed in the familiar cinnamon and whiskey scent of Damon and hugged him back. I missed him and Stefan. "Where were you Bella, we we're looking everywhere for you." Damon said. I looked up at him. "I'll explain everything soon but for know I need to be alone." I said. He shook his head and replied, "No, from now on me or Stefan was to be with you. We can't loose you again Izzy." I frowned. You'll want me gone after what I say, I thought but moved past him and went up to my room. I curled up on my bed as I thought about what I was going to say.

What is Bella going to say and how will the others react!!??

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