Day 3

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Day 3

Time does tend to fly around here, I haven't exactly been doing a lot lately except from helping people lift heavy objects every now, and then.

The people weren't as happy as I would have though, yet that voice did say that the people were/have become depressed because of all the 'things' lurking around.

I was helping a older lady stand up from her previous sitting position where she was making a blanket out of a material, I'd rather not know of.

But soon as I helped her up, someone tapped my shoulder.

"Yep?" I turned to look at who it was "Logan? What's up?"

"It's time for your judging..." He looked at me, yet bore no emotion.

"Oh okay... Are you okay?" I asked.

"Someone I know died moments ago. Let's move, come on." He then began walking at a faster pace to a large new almost looking building. "Take this..." He handed me two small daggers that looked razor sharp.

"Why would I need these?" It puzzles me. Why would he give me these?

"Just want you to be safe, that's all." He said grinning a little.

"Thank you, I appreciate you concern for me... It's nice to have people who care for you once in a while." I smile at his gentle ways.

"It's fine. Also Before I forget once you are done just wait here, and I'll come get you." He says with a slight smile. "Don't worry it will be fine." He says putting his hands on both side of my shoulders.

"Thanks... I'll see you later then?" I ask returning a slight smile, trying my best to hide how nervous I truly was.

"Yep, right here. I'll be waiting, I promise. Be safe, Good luck!" He then runs away waving, I instinctively return the friendly gesture.

Be safe? Good luck? Why was he saying that as if I was to be challenged by something or someone?

I pushed the thoughts that gushed through my head to a side, as of right now I have to stay focused.

Here goes nothing.

As I approached up to the door, I could feel eyes on me from people I couldn't see, but I knew someone was watching me... I could feel it.

I sucked in a deep breath of air before pushing the door open slightly. It only made a gentle squeak as I opened it.

"Hello?" My voice came out quiet yet it echoed through the room as if not a souls occupied it.

"Hi." Once I walked in a person walked up to me with a slight limp.

"I'm Lexi, I was said it was my choosing day." I say relived that I wasn't alone.

"Follow me." His voice was crooky, maybe he needed to drink more. As we walked, I looked around the hall to see everything looked as if it has gone years untouched by anyone.

"Where is everyone?" I mumble looking ahead. The man was gone.

"Sir? Where are you?" Fear began to take it's course, I felt as if something was horrendously off about this place.

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