Night 8

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All you need to know is that they move to a underground bunker type of thing.

This was actually requested by one of you lovely reads, so enjoy.

A good band to listen to with this chapter is 'my darkest days', almost any of their songs with go with this chapter.

Night 8

"Baby, I need you." Logan then moved so he was hovering over me. "I need to hear your fill the room with screams of my name."

He then attacked my mouth with lust filled kisses.

"But they'll hear us!" I pull out of the kisses.

"Come with me, I talked with ry about what I was going to do tonight so he'll know where we have gone to." With that we both hop out of the window. "Over there." Logan pointed to a silver object on the ground of the garden. He twisted the wheel which let off quiet squeaking sounds. Once he lifted the sliver floor door thing, he helped me in. The room was small, with a medium sized bed in the center of the room.

"This use to be me and ryster's old house, my mom and dad said that if anything ever happened, they wanted us to find suitable girls to repopulate with... I think I found my girl." Logan says walking over to me placing his hand around my back pulling me close to his chest.

"So you want to... Repopulate with... Me?" I ask surprised.

"I believe in love a first sight, you're the only girl that ever see. I need you.... I want you."

He picks me up and places me on the bed gently.



"Make me yours."

At first he was taken back, but soon his face was pulled into a smirk.

"Anything for my queen."

He positioned himself over my body, his knee dangerously close to my private parts.

We continue to have a heated make out session, which included him taking my clothes off leaving me in my underwear and bra, him in his boxers.

Our kisses start to become heated, he begins to massage my left breast, then my right.

"You're mine, Lexi." He says between his lust kisses.

i say nothing but i made sure knows I agree by wrapping my legs around his torso. Then his kisses led down my neck, before I could pull him back up to my lips, he began to forcefully suck on the side of my neck making me moan out in pleasure.

" Loga..." I couldn't even finish because his lips moved back to my lips. He then used his long fingers to trace my left nipple. His head moved fast to my breast where he began to suck, I could feel his tongue moving around to make me completely aware of the pleasure he was making me feel.

"Logan..." I gently moan his name.

I could feel myself getting wetter and hotter by the second.

Then He stopped.

"What?" I look up to see him smirking.

"When you moan, it makes me want to but fuck you even harder." Then leans up to me but one of his arms weren't visible, but I could feel his large hands sliding in my underwear.

He began to rub me back and forth, making me moan out in pleasure.

"Faster..." Soon as I commanded him to do so, he did so.

His fingers then hovered over my opening waiting for my approval. So I nodded. He slowly inserted one finger inside of me, once again making me moan out louder then before.

"More..." He moved his finger back and forth inside of me, then he slowly insert another one of his long slender fingers in me.

"Fuck me... Fuck me hard."

"With pleasure."

He then moved 3 fingers all inside of me making me let a small scream out. He began to shove them in and out feeling my insides.

"You're so fucking wet baby." Logan moans making my face turn red.

He starts moving his fingers faster and faster, his strength made me move up and down with every motion he did.

"Fuck me." I moaned out in pleasure. I've never felt this way before, I've never done this before to be exact.

He removed his fingers, allowing me to breath normal for a second. While I caught my breath he removed my underwear, then his.

I knew he must have been big, because of his bulge, but now seeing it, he was bigger than I had ever thought.

"My turn." I move so I'm sitting on top of him now.

Smirking, I began to rub his length up and down, I could see the lust and pleasure in his eyes, he wanted, and needed more then just a hand. So I took that as my signal to start licking the tip of his length. His soft moans filled the small room. Still moving my hand up and down I slid my mouth over his cock. I started to move with my hand movement, his hand eventually found my head and he began to move me back and forth as he pleased. I continued to do as he wanted until he pushed me all the way down making me gag slightly.

"Sorry, you're just so good." He apologized quickly.

"It fine, make me yours now." I say laying back down on my back.

"Okay, this is going to hurt like hell. Just bare with me okay?" I nod in reply.

He positioned himself between my legs while his penis stroked my clit. I nod.

He then slowly and painfully slides deeper into me. The farther he goes the more painful it becomes. He then stopped.

"Shh, just adjust and tell me when you're okay." The tears that ran down my face were kissed away by him, but they soon faded away so I took that as a symbol that I was ready.

"Okay..." I mumble quietly.

He then started moving back and forth, slowly making sure sure I was okay.

His pace then quickened a little,  I realized the pain that was once there had gone, now it was replaced with pleasure.

"Faster..." His pace then quickens a little.

Soon our moans and groans filled the small area we occupied. His pace was going very fast now.

Then we both hit our climax.

"Fuck..." He ejaculated inside of me, slowing his pace down.

He then pulled himself out of me, and made his way up beside me.

"Logan?" I ask once my head was resting on his chest.

"Yes, baby girl?" He asks, his voice husky.

"I love you so much." I lean up and kiss him then lay back on his chest.

"I love you more then words can describe." He kissed my head.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, my queen."

We fell asleep surrounded in our love.

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