Day 5 (night)

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Day 5 (night)


They got in!

I looked around to see everyone screaming, running around in complete panic.

What got inI desperately tired to yell out, but no one seemed to hear me.

But then realization hit it, the 'things' did. I only really knew that because an alarming murderous scream from behind me. It wasn't just anyone, it was grace.

Grace! Yet my screams yet again didn't reach her ears.

Her eyes held sadness, pain, and fear. The 'thing' broke her neck, then began to consumed her.

Don't let them get to you.

I woke up again drenched in sweat staring back into the darkness. I usually loved the dark, but today, it seemed like there was a ferocious animal, ready to pounce on me.

"Lexi?" I heard a soft sleepy tone from the door.

"Come in." I then see Logan step into view with a wooden fire torch in hand.

"Can't sleep?" He asks rubbing his eyes, making his way over to me.

"Just a nightmare." I smile hoping he wouldn't dig deeper into what the dream was about.

"Same, can I?" He says gesturing to the end of the bed.

"Sure, I've been getting really weird nightmares lately... They're getting me really scared..." I say looking down, avoiding his gaze.

"Well i wish there was something that I could do for you, but unfortunately I can't exactly get into you mind and fix things." He jokes.

"I wish you could..." I reply letting a small laugh come from my mouth.

"I could help a little." He says scratching his neck nervously.

"How?" I ask avoided his gaze.

"I can stay here until you fall back to sleep?" His voice came out soft, and sympathetic.

"I would actually like that..." I say smiling.

"Move your butt over." He says laughing, shuffling to my side of the bed.

Once I scooted as far over as I could, he climbed in beside me. He put his arm under/behind my head, while with his other arm he was holding me close into his chest. His kind nature made a lot of my trouble feel like they melted away.

"Why do you, and ry call me bird names?" I ask still laying in his chest.

"When we were young, our mother studied the last of the birds. Nowadays if you see a bird, they're rare, and seen as a special or important part of our past lives." As he speaks his whole chest vibrated, making me feel slightly sleepy. "You are very important to me, and ry, and we don't hold anyone close to us, we also never let anyone stay in our home, unless they're important."

"So I'm important?" I ask taken back by his thoughtful words.

"More then you could comprehend, dove." He smirks at me, leaving a tint of red on my cheeks.

"Okay... How about... wolf?"

"Wolf?" Now it was his turn to be confused.

"Well, 1. They're like the only animal I actually know. 2. They were/are said to be strong, loyal, and sweet." I look up slightly to see his face darken red.

Got him.

"Well, goodnight then my dove."

"And a goodnight to you, my wolf."

Then sleep fell upon us both.


Hey, I would have loved to update a full 1,200 or so chapter, but I unfortunately couldn't due to me study for some SOL's I have coming up. Thank you for sticking with me and continuing to read, lots of love! xxx

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