Day 8 (2/2)

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Day 8 (2/2)

"Ry!" I yell hugging in tightly to him.

"Logan, you were about to let little swan here die?" Ry ask humorously while smoothing my hair.

"I was about to throw her up there actually." Logan says crossing his arms.

"You were going to save me?" I ask walking over to him.

"Of course, I never would have let you die." He says cupping my face in both of his hands.

"Thank you." I then stand on my tippy toes, and plant a quick kiss on his lips.

"You're welcome, princess." I swear this boy, and his nicknames.

"ew! Kissey kissey!" Sebastian's laughs pointing at us.

"Shut up." I say putting my back to Logan letting him embrace me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"So why are you here? I mean I'm happy to see you but why?" I ask once we got out of the ditch. Easier said then done can I add.

"Well we're the only people left of the city now." Ry says helping grace stand. "And I think you've sprained your ankle little one."

"What do you mean only ones left." Sebastian asks.

"Exactly as it sounds, kid. Everyone in that city is dead. No more. Gone. Bye-bye. Get the picture?" Ry says while wrapping graces foot up.

"How? Did-"

"The things get in? Yep." Ry cuts Sebastian off.

"Crap." Logan's starts to pace back and forth.

"So where to? We got weapons and nowhere to go back to." A blonde haired boy asked.

"East. It was aid people use to live there, whether they do now or not, that's our best chance of survival." Ry says. "Also you might want to introduce yourselves."

"Oh yeah, sorry for my lack of manners. I'm Gerard." The boy with red hair spoke up, along with his hair, he had dark almost black brown eyes, also he was only medium height probably 5'10 or something.

"Andy." A boy who looked similar to Sebastian spoke up. He had one side of his black hair shaved, piercing blue eyes, and extremely tall.

"Hey." I wave.

"Let's get moving to find shelter, it's getting dark." Ry says picking up a dazed out grace.

I kinda forgot about her for a bit, she went super quiet after Ben died.

It seemed like hours before we found the same house we stayed in before.

"Someone's been here I see." Ry says placing grace down on a bed.

"It was us." Logan says opening a cabinet where there was still a few cams we couldn't carry.

"Oh, well at least you rested in luxury I see." Ry says sitting on a couch putting his feet up on the little table with his hands relaxing behind his head.

"Yep, best night ever." Logan smirks opening the can of mushed food.

"I see you two gotten close." Ry wiggles his eyebrows.

"I see someone likes grace." Soon as I said that his face went red.

"What? Me? No." He laughed. His laugh didn't sound like what it use to sound like. Now it was darker,deeper, not as full of life.

"Yep someone likes her." Logan says sitting beside me on the floor.

"Suuuuure." Ry says standing up. "I'm going to go sleep now."

"With grace?" I laugh but I soon realize that's exactly where he was going, her room. "You dirty bastered!" But instead of him giving me a witty comeback, he just winked.

"We need sleep to babe, let's go." Logan says standing up.

I was about to get up when Logan decided to pick me up.

"I can walk you know."

"I know you can." He smiles at me.

Wait, this is what happened when logan saved me from those three boys only days ago.

It's crazy what in only I believe 8 days, this boy can do to me. He makes my stomach so internal flips, my mind goes crazy when he looks at me, I'm truly falling, and I'm falling fast.

Logan gently placed me on the bed before turning to shut the door.

The 2 boys said that they could sleep in the living room (siting room) so then the couples could sleep together. Although it sounds weird to be labeled as a couple, it's true.

"I love you Logan." I say as he lays next to me.

Then the night took another turn.


the next chapter is going to be private, meaning you must be following me in order to see it. and if you are interested in the next chapter, it will be smut.

Okay so the next chapter is going to be... Fun? They're going to do the dirty. It's going to be detailed, so don't read if you get offended easily. If you don't read it, the story won't be effected don't worry.

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