Day 8 (1/2)

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Day 8 (1/2)

We've been awake for 2 hours at the most, We've just been checking the out side walls for any breaks in it that could let the 'things' in. We haven't seen anything so far so that's one good thing, but I can tell all it needs is a lot of force, then boom, it all comes down.

"Guys, come look at this..." We walk over to where grace was kneeling.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked irritated from having to walk so much.

"Just look." When we finally looked down, we could see a ditch that had been dug by something, or someone. It wouldn't have been so bad had it been somewhere else, but this ditch led under the castle walls.

"We need to see where it leads..." I mumble.

"Shit... Let's go. We need to see if they got in yet or not." With Logan saying that we all slip down into the ditch.

"Grab the light from my backpack, Lexi." Ben orders me.

Once I was holding the flashlight, I turned it on only to reveal nothing but mud until a turn. We all hesitated when we saw the Eeriness of the place, but I think we finally come to our senses to move. The mud beneath our shoes made squishy sounds as we tried to stay as quiet as we possibly could. With each squish, came a squish echo. So far there was no sign of life or movement apart from our own.

"Squish. Shwosh." We heard a voice sing from afar.

We cane to a sudden halt when the tunnel began to become light.

"The fuck..." I hear Sebastian mumble quietly.

"Shh." I signal him to shut up.

I then move out in front of Logan.

"I'll go check it out." I move before Logan can say another word.

The soil beneath my feet was now more of a solid then a liquid. Then the smell hit me, the smell of rotting flesh, and blood hit my noise and almost made me puke what little food I had consumed today. Next I saw where the smell was coming from. I could see about 30 'things', some clawed the ground upward, while others used wood or other material to move the soil. Either way their objective was clear, get up to the surface. If they were to go us from where they were trying, it would leave them in the center of the city, and I can't have people dying if I can stop it, Not today, and not ever.

I move back to where my group was.

"30 of them, trying to get up. Up equals a dead path for the city." I tell them making it short.

"Oh god no... We need to stop them." Ben says standing up straighter.

"No, well yes, but no. We need a plan." Everyone nods in agreement but one little dipshit, Ben. I looked around but u couldn't see him.

"Where the fuck did he go?! I swear, he better not have..." It was then I spotted him walking up way to confidently to them.

Then all hell broke lose.

"Over here you assholes!" Ben yelled out before I could stop him.

"BEN YOU IDIOT!" Before anymore could be said, we all took off running back the way we came.

"HELP!" As we ran, we looked back to see Ben on the floor scrambling to get up.

"Ben!" Sebastian was about to stop, and help, but I stopped him and dragged him.

"WE NEED TO GO, HE'S GONE!" I yell in complete panic mode, while ben's screams filled the air.

"Fuck it all!" Sebastian was once again sprinting along side of us.

"How are we supposed to get up!? It pretty much a dead end!" I shout out to Logan.

"There is no where else to go! We need to try!" He informs me.

Finally we came to the end of the tunnel back out at the Ditch.

"We're screwed." Grace comments seeing that there was no way out unless one of us boosted everyone else up, but that wasn't a option.

"They finally caught up with us..." I say sliding on the side of the ditch to sit on my butt.

All we could do was sit and wait for our fate to arrive. I closed my eyes shut and held Logan's hand as we braced for the worst.

Then everything suddenly felt like the sun had risen just in front of me so close I could touch it.

I opened my eyes to see three boys that hadn't accompanied us. In the middle boys hands he held a weapon I knew, a flamethrower.

We watched as the monsters themselves burned to ashes.

"That was fun." The middle one spoke once they took care of the 'things'.

I know that voice...

He turned around to reveal a face I had come to miss.



My deepest apologies for my lack of chapters recently, my mother has been extremely sick for the past week and I've just been making sure she has everything she needs, also making sure she's okay. She had cancer and still runs a risk for it so I like to make sure she's always healthy and when she's sick, I like to be there for her. I hope you can all understand, thank you all again for reading so far, more chapters to come soon. Promise. Xxxxx

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