Day 4

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I was running, what was I running from? I stopped to catch my breathe Hello I called out but my voice echo through  a place I had never seen. Where am I? I look to my side to see a man. Oh thank god someone else is here, where is here by the way? I have waited a minute and there was still no sign of him answer me back anytime soon. Sir are you alright? Moving closing to him I could be his clothes were stained red. Oh no, you're bleeding! I'll go get something to help you. As I took off he grabbed my hand.


Suddenly my eyes were open, and looking into direct sunlight. 

"The fu...." Before I could finish, someone cut me off.

"Hey, are you okay? I ran in here once I heard you screaming, did someone hurt you?" I looked up to ry kneeling by my bed with his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine... I just had a bad dream I suppose." I smile up at him but my attention was drawn to the doorway.

"Morning." Logan said leaning on the door frame grinning.

"Morning." I replied back, I then realized. It was Logan who I saw in my dream, what happened to us? Why were we running? Hopefully it was just a dream and nothing more.

"I must say, your screams weren't that bad, maybe I can hear them again some time." Logan winks, and walks away, leave my face red as a tomato.

"That boy... I'm sorry about him, we have today off so get up, we're going into town to get some stuff!" Ry says standing. "You need some new clothes anyways."

I looked down to see my clothes had definitely seen better days. My shirt was had a rip in the center of it, showing my stomach. My jeans had rips in them, but it didn't look good.

I got up, and used a comb that they were kind enough to give me when I first got here. I didn't look horrible but I definitely need to clean myself. When I got settled a bit, Sebastian told me that to the north boarder there were cleaning stations, each cleaning area was cut off by only a wall and a little bit of cloth to show that each one was either occupied or not. It didn't sound lovely but it was the best I was going to get.

"ry?" Once I got down stairs I saw him and Logan waiting at the door.

"What's up, my little swan?" Swan? What was that?

"I was wondering if I could go, and clean myself at the cleaning stations up north?" I pointed to myself showing that I was covered in black hardened goo, from the 'things'.

"I need to clean up too, we need to get you clothes first, then sure." Logan said with a smile.

"Same here." Ry said smiling. "Let's go then."

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