day 6

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day 6

i woke feeling alone, by that i mean that no one was laying beside me. I can only assume that Logan just got up, and left me to go to work without even waking me up. I don't know why but I felt a tinge of pain rush through my body, I felt sad? But why? I had no right to feel sad because he needs to work........ SHIT SO DO I!

I quickly jumped out of bed, brushed my hair, put my clothes and weapons that I own (2 knives), and I rushed down stairs only to run straight into someone.

"Little dove?" He asks laughing.

"Log-" he puts a finger to my lips to stop me.

"Rethink the name."

"... Wolf?" I say causing him to smirk.


"Why are you still here? shouldn't you be out?" I ask out of complete curious, and confusion.

"Well by the looks of it, we have 2 hours till we start." As he says this he looks at his wrist with something strapped onto it.

"What is that?" Logan smirks at my reaction.

"It's a watch, once upon a time, they used this for time. It was by far the most efficient and smartest way to tell the time by far." He explains.

"How did you get it?"

"My mother was a woman of many skills, one of them was being able to keep things she would find about the place." He sighs.

"What happened to her?" I ask sitting on the stairs we were standing on, he followed my lead.

"When ry, and I were young, our mother said she would always protect is no matter what. That's exactly what she done. Ry was stupid, he wanted to try to get some information about the things. He went outside into the tunnels that surrounds the cities where a lot of them were. My mother was smart enough, yet dumb enough to follow him. He made a noise, they found him, he received a nasty bite from one of the infection passers, our mother received a much worse punishment, she received death. We cut his arm off to make sure he didn't turn. Our father hated him. my father turned on my brother and tried to kill him, but I couldn't stand back and watch, therefore, I killed my father." I was taken back to say the least on how much he had been through, I'm sure he left out some prices of information but I didn't question it.

I was about to say something when I was cut off.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Ry steps out of his room yawning.

"Just talking, I'll take Lexi to the base to get her ready." Logan said taking my hand.

"But we still hav-" I was going to say we still have 2 hours left but he just dragged me away.

"Good luck Lexi!" Ry calls out before we vanished from the house.

We walked in silence, I looked down to see our hand still intertwined. It wasn't a uncomfortable situation, it was surprisingly pleasant. The mere touch of his hand sent warming shivers through my body. I still have no idea why I'm acting so strange, perhaps this is what having a true friend is like? No, ry doesn't give me these unexplainable feelings, only Logan does.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that. I just wanted to get some fresh air that's all." He explains to me.

"You've been doing a lot of explaining lately. stop explaining yourself with everything. I know that everything you do is purely to help me, and you." I squeeze his hand a bit, smiling.

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