Day 5

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Day 5

My alarm for today was Logan poking my face until I woke up. As you can imagine I was annoyed at him, so right now I was ignoring him and walking ahead.

"Lexi! I'm sowwy!" He ran slowly talking like a child.

"Whatever." I shrugged at him.

"But I want my happy friend back!" He said laughing.

"Well what if my happiness I portrayed to you all was just an act, huh?" For some reason I found myself taken back by what I said, and from the look on his face, so was he.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbles walking away.

"Lo-" I was cut off.

"RYSTER! Are you coming or not?!" Logan yelled as we waiting downstairs.

"Yep, let's go." Ry finally came down stairs with what I had come to realize was a gun, and a row of 4 throwing knives.

We walked in silence, Logan walked in front of ryster, and I. Oh how the tables have turned, now it him ignoring me.

"Why aren't you two talking?" Ry finally spoke up.

"It's nothing, I have work I have to attend to with training the others, make sure she gets use to the place." Logan says to his older brother.

"Learn. your. place... You are in no position to order me what to do." Ryster stepped close to Logan closing the gap. I could tell Logan knew he messed up.

"What am I doing today, ry?" I break them up luckily, and ry turned to me with a smile, while Logan stared daggers into the back of ryster's head.

"You're going to do some practice fighting with the newbies. I want to see your skill up against theirs." He smirks as he tells me. Great this is just peachy.

There was an obvious segregation between the newbies and the elite.


It was strange how the elite looked down upon the newbies as if they didn't deserve to be part of the group. Although I was labeled as elite, I don't feel as if I belong with them.

Each of the elite wore dark clothes made from visibly light material. Their clothes were tight (skinny jeans/tight shirts like tank tops) some wore leather jackets while others wore thicker, warmer coats. They really didn't have a specific shoe type, they just wore the right shoes that would be ready to start running at any given time. I did blend in with them, I knew that much, but my mind didn't. I could tell my mind set was different from theirs, they were book trained while I was naturally trained.

I don't remember my life before this place, I remember here and the place I woke up in where Hayley talked to me. Everything from before was a blur, something was calling my name to look to the past but I couldn't, I didn't know how.

Ry explained to the newbies what they were about to do, and why I was here. They held eagerness in their eyes when ry told them they would be fighting me. I heard there were only 3 girls in this section including me. I had yet to see the other two but part of me didn't want to see what I was up against.

"Jack!" The first boy was small, he could be used to sneak, but not fight.

Ry made sure we both had no weapons on us before we start.

"No clawing, or biting! Oh and don't break bones!" Ry shouted. "Begin!"

The boy was fast but I graciously avoided his attack sending him flying out of the ring.

"Out." We weren't allowed out of the ring, if we even stepped a little over the boundary, we were out.

15 went by I only received 2 blows to my stomach, the rest went out of the ring without me even trying.

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