Day 7

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Day 7

My eyelids felt heavy as I forced them open.

"Wake up, dove." I open my eyes fully to see Logan, standing there with sweat dripping from his hair.

"Why are you all sweaty?" I asked, puzzled.

"I had a little look around to see if I could gather some stuff." He says, helping me up.

I look over to see Ben helping grace up, and Sebastian smirking, leaning against the door that was now open.

"Oh come on, I'm the loner now? I feel hurt." Sebastian jokes, grabbing his chest.

"You're such an idiot." I smile walking past him, outside.

The sunlight really never felt better on my skin. I'll admit I wasn't exactly tan now, I was more pale than anything.

"Lexi, we're going to be scouting that building, just to make sure it's safe to start searching." Grace says, making her way gracefully (no pun intended) to the building I'm assuming she was talking about.

"Just us?" I question.

"Yep, the boys are scouting that building." She points to a much bigger building that towered over us.

Alright, we defiantly got the easier job. Our building wasn't small. If anything, it was actually fairly tall. At the most, it would take us 5 hours to look everywhere. It would probably be best to split up, unfortunately due to her almost being bitten, she is slightly taken back, and doesn't want to be left alone.

We walked in cautiously so that if there was anything in here, we wouldn't startle or attract them. The place was surprisingly nice, there was light pouring into the place illuminating anything that was lurking in the shadows.

"Seems like they can't be in here, the light." I say aloud so grace could hear.

"I still don't trust it." She says looking around, with fear in her eyes.

"Grace, we are what people call their heroes, we have a reputation to keep. If they think we have become weak or scared, They will think that all hope is lost. You can't hold on to that experience back there, if you do, there will be so many different negativity coming from that city that they might make a run for it. Then how are we supposed to be the knights in shining armor if they're running around dying?" I didn't want her to be mad at me but it needed to be said.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Thanks for putting me straight, I guess i was kinda shaken up. But you're right I need to be brace not for myself, but for the people I'm protecting!" She announces proudly.

"That's right! Okay I'm going to look over here, you look over there." I smile and she nods leaving me to go to the other side of the room.

My side of the room had nothing special, some cans of food, empty water bottles, some clothes, and a medium size bag.

I was looking through the boxes that were in the ground when I heard shuffling from behind me.

"Hello?" I turned to see if anyone was there, but no one was. Strange.

After what felt like a few hours of searching through all 8 floors, we decided it was time to head back.

We were in the bottom floor when grace said she was just going to get something quick.

5 minutes past, grace had yet to come.

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