7. Valentine's Day

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It had been a month since Armin and Jean have been going out, and they still haven't been on a proper date. Of course there was spending the weekends over at Jean's house and the few visits to Armin's house, but Jean wanted to actually go out and do something with Armin.

Jean scouted the Internet to find a decent restaurant, in a reasonable price range, that he could take Armin to. After hours of searching he stumbled across a restaurant called the Dainty Diner. It was about an hour away, but the reviews were great and their prices were low. After brief consideration, Jean decided to make reservations. He called the diner and made reservations for two at 6 tomorrow. Excited, Jean pranced around his room picking out an outfit. Which consisted of a grey sweater and a pair of black jeans. He laid them out on his chair and glanced at the clock hanging above his TV.

12:32 a.m.

"Shit," Jean mumbled, ruffling his hair. "I need to get to bed soon."

Jean pulled on a pair of lounge pants and jumped into bed. He nested into the numerous blankets scattered around the bed. Ten minutes later, Jean's eyes became heavy and drooped slowly, engulfing him into a deep sleep.

Jean woke up late the next morning, or afternoon. It was around 1:24 p.m when he finally woke up. Jean turned on his phone and his eyes widened.

"I need to call Armin!" He exclaimed, entering his password.

Jean dialed his boyfriend and listened to it ring. One, two, three, on the forth ring he finally answered.

"Hello?" he groaned, sleep danced across his words. It was obvious he had just waken up, probably because of Jean.

"Hey, babe, happy Valentine's Day! You busy tonight?"

"Jean, I just woke up!" Armin whined.

"And you still sound absolutely adorable," Jean cooed, closing his eyes.

On the other line, Armin had gone completely silent. He was embarrassed, damn Jean. After a few moments Armin spoke up, "I'm free tonight."

"Sweet, pick you up at 4?"

"It's 2 right now!"

"Start getting ready then, babe. See you in two," Jean hung up.

Armin sighed throwing his phone next to him on his bed. I don't wanna get up though Armin complained to himself. Regretfully, Armin tossed his legs off the side of the bed and stood up. He trudged over to his closet to pick out an outfit. After pondering a bit, Armin picked out a pale blue long sleeve and black pants. He checked the time again, almost 2:30.

"I have enough time to shower," he told himself.

He opened the door to the bathroom and locked it. Armin quickly stripped and turned on the hot water. He waited for it to warm up and then he jumped in. Armin held his head under the water letting it repel off his skin. After cleaning, Armin tied a towel around his waist and shook his head, attempting to remove some of the water from his hair. As he was pinning his bangs back, the door bell rang. Armin panicked, was Jean already here? Did he misjudge how much time he had left?

"It's so nice to see you again!" his mom said as she opened the door.

"It's nice to see you too."

Oh shit Armin thought it is Jean! Armin just finished sticking the last bobby pin into his hair when he heard a knock on the door.

"Armin, you in there?" Jean asked leaning against the door.

"Yea, I'm here," Armin replied, frantically searching for his clothes. His eyes widened in realization. Armin had left his clothes in his room across the hall.

At This Old Coffee Shop // JearminWhere stories live. Discover now