4. Radio

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Armin shuffled through the snowy walk way up to his front door. He reached for the knob, but before he even had it in his grasp, the door flew open.

"Well, since no one in this god forsaken house pays me an ounce of respect I'll just leave!" Armin's dad yelled, as he stomped out of the house into the snow.

Armin sighed He'll be back later he thought, walking in. He found his mom picking up shattered pieces of what used to be a vase.

"You okay, Mom?" Armin asked, unsure.

"Yeah, uh, definitely," his mom reassured him, smiling.

Armin nodded and headed to his room. He changed out of his uniform, pinned his bangs back, and threw on a pair of baggy lounge pants. As he was tying the string, a sharp pain ringed in his head and he slouched over his dresser. Armin held his forehead as he scavenged through his drawer for some ibuprofen. He popped three and waited for the pain to pass, massaging his temples. Relieved that it was gone, Armin turned on his radio and laid on his bed, tracing the scars on his stomach with his finger.

As Armin was about to close his eyes to sleep, he heard the faint whispers of an all too familiar song.

The world is coming down around me and I can't find a reason to be loved.
I never want to leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone.
You put your arms around me and I believe that it's easier for you to let me go.  ~Christina Perri: arms

Armin's eyes widened as the song continued. Blocked out memories of his previous relationship had flooded back through his helpless mind. He clutched onto his pillow, as rivers of salty liquid flowed from his pain filled eyes. He sobbed and sobbed for hours. No one bothered to check in on him though.

As the tears let up, his phone rang from across the room. Armin got up to answer it.

"Hello?" he sniffled, wiping away the dried tears on his face.

"Hey Armin, it's Jean, I uh," he paused. "Wait a second, are you alright, Armin?"

"Yea I'm fine," Armin lied. "Why you ask?"

"You didn't sound okay. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go out. Haha for dinner, o-obviously. I-er I totally understand if you don't want to-can't, I mean," he added quickly, "I mean you need your rest and you're probably busy. So uh nevermind I'll ask you another-"

Armin cut him off, "Sure, Jean, I'll go."

Jean exhaled deeply smiling, "Really? That's great! I mean uh, cool. Do you want me to like, pick you up or."

"Sure that's fine. See you at" Armin checked the time 7:46, "8:30 then?"

"Yeah, uh okay. See you at 8:30," he repeated and hung up.

Armin threw his phone onto his mattress and changed his clothes again. This time he put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, that were baggy on him, and a gray flannel.


Jean paced back and forth in his new apartment.

"What was I thinking?" Jean asked himself. "He probably only said yes out of pity or just an excuse to get out of his house. Or maybe-" Jean stopped and grabbed his hair frustrated. "Why am I getting so worked up about this?" he yelled out.

His phone rang, "Hello?" he said as he answered it.

"Hey, it's me," Armin said softly. "I know it's early but if you're ready right now you can come get me."

"Oh uh okay. Be there in a few," Jean replied hanging up.

Jean stood in front of the mirror to make sure he was ready. He wore a light brown shirt, army green jacket, and dark blue skinny jeans. After he was happy with how he looked, Jean grabbed his keys and left his apartment.

About 13 minutes later Jean arrived at Armin's home. He went up to the front door and knocked, expecting Armin to open it. But when the door opened it wasn't him, an older blonde woman opened the door, probably his mom.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Uh yea, is Armin here?"

"Armin!" she called out for him, waving Jean into the house.

"What now, Mom?" Armin sounded annoyed.

"You have company," she unenthusiastically retorted, as he walked into the room.

Armin shot his head up and saw Jean. His eyes were still red and swollen, and his face was paler than usual.

"Hold on a second, I'll go grab my coat," Armin said running to his room.

Armin's mom looked over to Jean, "Where are you two going?"

"Out to eat," Armin replied for him, walking towards the front door with his coat Jean had got him.

Armin grabbed Jean's hand and headed towards his car. Jean, blushing like crazy, opened Armin's door for him and entered the drivers seat. The ride was silent for a while so Jean turned on the radio.

The song that had just finished was I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco. Unfortunately, they had missed over half of the song and now ads were playing.

"Where are we eating?" Armin questioned Jean, as they entered town.

"I was thinking maybe uh Olive Garden, or if you don't want to we can eat somewhere else. Maybe fast food, I don't know?"

Armin laughed slightly, "That's fine, I don't care."

Jean nervously smiled and continued to drive, looking for their exit.

As Jean pulled into the parking lot of Olive Garden, the song arms played again. Armin didn't notice at first, but about four more seconds into the song he did. Armin's eyes swelled up and tears fell from his eyes to his legs.

Jean heard Armin sniffling and turned towards him, only to find him crying.

"Oh shit, Armin, are you okay?" Jean raised his voice, as he unbuckled himself and ran to Armin's door.

Armin only continued to cry and Jean wrapped his arms around him for comfort. Armin dug his head into Jean's chest and grabbed onto his coat, shaking.

Jean only pulled him closer, resting his head upon Armin's.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be fine," he whispered softly into Armin's ear, repeatedly.

At This Old Coffee Shop // JearminWhere stories live. Discover now