16.2 Gatherings

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Once they made it to the Survey Theaters, they all piled out of the not so cramped car. Jean, as if it were instinct, quickly interlaced Armin's hand with his own. Glancing up towards his boyfriend, Armin saw his cheeky smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"I love you," Jean whispered softly to the blond, pulling up their intertwined hands to lightly kiss his pale skin.

Seeing their intimacy, Eren bravely reached for Levi's hand. Which the short man accepted quickly and graciously. The group quickly walked up towards the tall building, so that they wouldn't miss any of the movie. They rampaged their way up to the ticket booth up front by the doors.

"Hello," the lady at the counter greeted in a monotone voice, "how can I help you?"

"Six tickets for Attack on Titan, please," Hanji answered.

"That'll be twenty-four dollars. Enjoy your movie."

She paid and motioned the group towards the set double doors out front that were placed about fourteen feet away from the booth.

"Did anyone else think she sounded like that receptionist in Monsters Inc?" Hanji asked under her breath.

"You mean Roz?" Armin corrected.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. She sounded exactly like her though."

"Now that you mention it..." Marco trailed off.


The group of twenty year olds and one teen entered the theater room where the movie was being shown. After they raided the snack vendors, that is.

Unlike everyone else they all sat directly in the back, middle in seating arrangements that were similar to the car. Armin and Jean at one end, Hanji, then Levi and Eren, and then last but most certainly not least Marco, who sat the closest to the exit.

As the beginning credits played, Jean nonchalantly snaked his arm around his lover, Armin. The blond breathed out contently and rested his head on Jean's shoulder. Hanji looked over and tapped the brunet's other shoulder.

"You guys are so cute together," she complemented before turning her attention back to the other movie trailers playing on the screen.

A soft smile danced onto Jean's lips as he maneuvered his gaze from Hanji towards the blond next to him and kissed his sweetly on the top of his head. Armin grinned and nuzzled his head closer to Jean.

Over by Eren and Levi now, Eren didn't make the first move to the short, angry man's disappointment. Before Eren could think of doing anything, Levi already had his head leaning against Eren's shoulder. The taller brunet then took this moment to intertwine their hands together. Occasionally, Eren would calmly brush his thumb against Levi's, sending chills up and down his spine.

After about eight minutes the lights in the room dimmed out and the theater became quiet.

"Please be courteous to others and turn off your cell phone," a voice played throughout the room.

Suddenly the room filled with the sound of shuffling bodies frantically trying to turn off their appliances. Including the group in the back. As the phones were being turned off the faint lyrics of the opening theme played in the background.

At This Old Coffee Shop // JearminWhere stories live. Discover now