9. Official

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"Wake up, babe," Jean whispered lovingly in Armin's ear.

Armin groaned, "I'm not getting up," he whined, pulling the covers over his head.

"Fine, well I'm going to work then. See you in a few hours," he reassured, pulling down the covers and kissing Armin's cheek. He then quickly got up and left.

After hearing the lock click, Armin emerged from the covers. I feel disgusting he thought, getting up. He headed over towards the bathroom. Locking himself in, Armin stripped down to his underwear. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror from his peripheral vision. I look disgusting. It hadn't crossed his mind, this morning, that his body was even more scarred up. He hated it. Maybe if he wasn't a disappointment. Maybe if he had tried harder. Maybe if he actually...No, Armin thought shaking his head, I'm not like that anymore. He stripped down the rest of the way and scuffed his way into the shower. He turned the knob as ice cold water pulsed on Armin's back. Feels good. He stood there for a good hour and a half, then washed himself off. After he was finished he grabbed a fresh towel, dried himself off, and changed back into Jean's clothes. His hair, however, was still dripping wet. Scoffing, he removed a hair band from around his wrist and tied half of his hair up. His bangs still hung low on his face, but the style suited him very well.

Armin left the bathroom and went into the kitchen. What does he have for breakfast? Armin asked himself, rummaging through the pantry. He later found a half eaten box of Trix cereal.

"Jean, you goofball," Armin chortled.

He poured out a bowl and went to sit on the couch. Armin turned on the TV and put on Supernatural. He ate his food quietly, watching Dean and Sam frantically search for Cass.

"It's obvious you like him, dumbass!" Armin shouted at the tv hourly.

As he finished his recent outburst, Jean's home phone rang. Armin hesitated, but answered.

"Hello?" he questioned.

"Armin? It's Jean, I'm just letting you know I'm almost done here. Maybe a half an hour or so," Jean sighed, exhausted.

"Uh, okay, see you then. I love you."

Jean smiled, "I love you too."

He hung up. Armin put the phone back and flew his arms behind him stretching. Groaning, Armin arched his back. He glanced over towards the kitchen.

"I should do the dishes, to help him out," Armin decided, wrenching himself off the couch.

He turned on the radio and opened the dishwasher. As the songs continued to play, Armin slid from one side of the kitchen to the other, spinning and jumping. He'd put up the spoons and sing dramatic solos into them. He'd hit the pots and tap his toes to the rhythm.

While he was still dancing around the kitchen like an idiot, the door unlocked and in came Jean holding some boxes. Now, Armin hadn't realized that yet so Jean was standing in the doorway blushing and smiling. It made him glad to see his little, blond boyfriend dancing around so happily.

On his last spin, Armin saw Jean gawking in the door. His mouth dropped and a dark red pigment crept up Armin's face. He instinctively shot his head down and hid his face with the palms of his sweaty hands.

Jean set the boxes down, walked over to Armin, and threw his arms around him. "You're too adorable, Armin," he said nuzzling his nose into his hair.

Armin squirmed around trying to release his arms. After they let loose, he embraced Jean.

"Shut up," he said.

Jean slyly smiled and pulled Armin's face up to his own, "Make me," he joked, kissing Armin. He kissed back and back up, eyeing the boxes on the floor.

"What's with the boxes?" he inquired.

"Oh, they're for you," Jean shyly said. "I stopped by your house, when your dad wasn't around, and got your stuff."

"Aw, thanks, Jean, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, babe," he said, throwing his arm around Armin.

"I'll go unpack then," Armin decided, trying to pick up the boxes of his belongings.

He managed to get a hold of one box but he toppled backwards and hit the couch. Jean ran over to him and helped him back to his feet.

"I'll get it, babe," Jean kissed Armin's nose, then heaved two boxes into his arms.

Armin blushed and followed Jean to his bedroom. Jean tried placing the boxes on the ground carefully, however, that plan failed. When they dropped to the ground it sounded as if thunder rang outside. Terrified, Armin yelped and shot backwards onto the bed. Jean threw his head backwards and hurried over to Armin.

"You okay?"

Armin recollected himself and laughed. "Yea, I'm fine," he replied, trying to get up. "I'll unpack then."

He waltzed over to the boxes and plopped next to them. Jean left to get the last box. When he did leave, Armin started rummaging through box number one. I forgot I even had half of this crap, he thought to himself, as he removed the trinkets.

"Oh no way!" Armin exclaimed.

Jean rushed back into the room with the last box. "What is it?" Jean questioned, worriedly. He looked over towards Armin, who was wrapped up in a knitted, baby blue blanket.

Armin looked up towards Jean, his eyes glistening. "It's my old blanket I used as a kid! Man, it's been forever since I've seen this thing!"

Armin swayed, feeling the soft material glide against his skin. Jean gawked at his blond boyfriend's smile. It's so nice to see Armin so happy, Jean thought to himself, grinning ear to ear. He sat the box down and dropped next to Armin. Jean drooped his arm around him as Armin laid his head on his shoulder. Jean let out a soft breath and rested his head on Armin's. They stayed like that for about half an hour until Armin decided to finish unpacking.

A while later, Jean spoke up, "Hey, Armin?"

"Hm?" Armin hummed, placing the last bit of the boxes contents on a shelf.

"I guess you're officially moved in now," he stated, smiling at the ceiling.

"I guess I am," Armin looked over towards him, "finally," he finished, turning on one of his winter-banishing smiles.

Jean gazed lovingly at him. "You done packing yet?" he asked, impatiently.

"Almost just a few more things," Armin replied, putting up his swimming club photo. "Why are you so jumpy all the sudden?" he asked.

"I'm tired. It's already 2 in the morning and I have work," Jean complained.

"You know you could go to bed right?"

"Yea I know. I wanted to go to bed with you though," Jean admitted, a hue of red speckled his face.

Armin blushed, rushing to put the last few books in place. After he finished, he got up, turned off the light, and crawled into bed with Jean. Jean tugged Armin closer to him while Armin curled up into Jean's sweet embrace.

I wish we could stay like this forever...

At This Old Coffee Shop // JearminWhere stories live. Discover now