Chapter Four

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After I finished reading the note the guardian and Adrian finished putting our stuff in the car . Adrian asked me if I wanted to drive I was so happy he never let me drive so of course I said yes. Thank goodness Abe put a gps in here. I set it to take us to Texas Adrian asked why there I told him that I never been there. I wanted to go some where that no one knew us. He said okay and told me he would follow me anywhere. I was so happy he came with me on this trip. I stopped the car and kissed him on the check and then. Drove again I could see he was happy I did that. We decided to stop after four hours and switch driving so he got into the drivers seat and me right next to him. I fell asleep I woke up three hours later. I told him him we can stop and eat and rest for the night we got. Mc Donald's and then checked into a hotel a nice hotel for the night. It was a morio hotel so I told Adrian he can get a feeder. If he needed one he looked like he needed one so I went to take a shower.

We haven't after really talked that much after rose kissed me. I was really happy she kissed me we just switch shift. I saw rose fall asleep she looked like an angel when she slept she always did. We where in Wyoming a few hours past three hours past and she started to wake up. I could tell that she was hungry so I
stopped at her favorite place mc Donald's. I wasn't that hungry for fast food just a feeder so I stopped at this morio hotel. She knew I needed a feeder so she told me to, get one if I needed one which I did. I didn't tell her that I haven't feed all day because I knew. She would want to stop earlier for my sake and I didn't want to do that to her. So I feed for a little while she took a shower. They just left when she got out I felt better already but still tried so I went to take a shower. She has already fallen asleep while I was in the shower so I got into bed with her. She looked beautiful so I snuggled in close with her. I felt her move but she didn't move away she just got closer I rapped my arms around her protectively. I felt how warm she I may not be strong like her and kill strigro. Like her but I would do anything to keep her safe and love her always with that I fell asleep.

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