Chapter Sixteen

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I came out of the rest room with one hand behind my back with the pregnancy test in it. Adrian was already in the living room with a drink in his hand I think that was his second. Whiskey he downed that one while he was poring a third I told Adrian to sit down we need to talk. He wanted his drink still but I took it away from him we sat on the couch. He asked me why he couldn't heal me I told him I'm going to tell you something. Please don't freak out or faint Adrian when we where at the gas station yesterday I picked up something other then candy. It was a pregnancy test I took it last night when I was in the restroom taking a shower. It was positive I wanted to tell you right away but Anna was right there and it didn't fell like the right moment. And when you found me this morning throwing up thinking I was sick and you couldn't heal me. Freaking out I didn't want to worry you anymore I am telling you now. What do you think Adrian are you okay? He stood and was silent for a couple more seconds then he broke into a smile the brightest smile that I have ever seen on him. All I could do was laugh he was so happy and it made me happy that I could make him that happy. I pulled my hand back from behind my back and showed him the test. He picked me and spin me around and gave me a long and passionate kiss. When he set me down we heard the bedroom door open to find it was Anna who just got up. I didn't realize just how loud we where being. We told Anna we are sorry we woke her she wanted to know why we were so loud Adrian told me it was up to me if I wanted to tell her. I ended up telling her that I was pregnant she was happy for us I told her that she'll have someone to play with her after that she went crazy. Started to say that she hopes its a girl so she can play dress up with and have play dates with. Me and Adrian where just sitting their listening to her go on and on about her and the baby we're going to have so much fun together. While she was talking I was think that this perfect until my tummy growled. All Adrian did was laugh and said I think rose and the baby are hungry. Combine rose stomach and feeding a baby I think rose will leave me broke. He said rose go take a shower and get dressed while I get the food and then we can go. Go where Adrian. To a doctors appointment we need to go make sure you will be okay and any medication the baby needs. Fine I'll go take a shower and get dress but Anna don't forget I forgot about you. You need a bath to missy. Anna who was just laugh stop laughing and ran away from me. After I caught Anna I took her a bath and got her dressed in a black leggings and a pretty new white shirt I bought. With her black and white sandals she looked so cute I brushed her hair and pinned her bangs out of her face with clip. I quickly got in the shower and dressed in black jeans and a black and white shirt that Adrian bought me. When we where shopping for Anna he thought it would be fun to have me and Anna dress alike so he bought me an her similar clothes. I was so mad at him but now I get it how much he wanted to spoil us both when he can. I slipped on my white and black converse. I left my hair down when I got out I saw Anna and Adrian sitting down eating eggs,bacon,waffles,donuts. After I saw the donuts I could careless about everything else they where my favorite to chocolate glazed. Adrian tried to get me to eat the eggs but even seeing the eggs made me want to throw up. After we finished eating I got Anna in the car and then got in the car Adrian as talking on the phone. So when he finally came in the car we where already buckle up and ready to go. He told me that they can take us in 15 minutes and we're going to a human Doctor. So he drove to the clinic once we got there they made me signed after ten minutes they finally let us to the back. "Hello Rosemarie Hathaway how are we doing today. What seems to be the problem today". Good I fine I wanted to know if I am pregnant that you can do a test. For me I took a home pregnancy test but I just wanted to get it from actually Doctor. "Of course rose I just need to take a blood sample and a urine test if that's okay with you and I'm guessing your dad. She looked at Adrian with a smile and then she looked at Anna and you must be a big sister to be." Anna stayed quiet for a moment and then said yes I am I'm so happy to be a big sister. I felt so happy that Anna already thought of us as family and this baby as her sibling. Okay then great Rose there is restroom right through that door and their should be a cup in their. And I'll be right back to take your blood okay rose. Okay thank you Doctor Smith. " Oh rose you can call me Sarah. Thanks Sarah. When she left out of the room I told Anna to come here I wanted talk to her about the family. I told her that I am really glad she thinks of us as her family. I also said that I know we can never replace your mom and dad but me and Adrian want to really close and want to think of us. As your second mom and dad because love you just like your our own daughter. When I looked at her she looked like she was going to cry. "Rose I do think you guys as family the baby is going to be my sister or brother I love my mom and dad but your my mom and dad now. I didn't know if it was okay but I wanted to call you mom and Adrian dad your my family now. Is that okay?" That's perfect Anna I would love to be called your mom and Adrian would be over the moon to be called dad. Adrian was on my other side of my bed and said of course I would love that Anna you and rose and the baby are the most important things in my life. Okay as much as I love you both rose you need to go to the restroom. Will be waiting right here for you when you come out to hold your hand I know you don't like needles. Okay whatever Adrian. I went to the restroom and then came out and Sarah was waiting for me with a tray with three tubes and a three inch needle. I sat back down on the bed and Anna on my right side while Sarah took out blood from my left side Anna held my hand. She distracted me when the doctor but the needle in she is so brave,helpful,kind she kinda reminds me of lissa. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sarah said all done. She said that we will have the results back in ten minutes she left with the tubes of my blood and and my urine. She told me I had to drink all my water bottle that she brought me and a couple crackers. I told her thanks and she left she had but a pink band aid  on. Anna got off the bed and went to the other side and kissed it she is so sweet I love her. After I ate a couple of crackers it made my mouth dry so I chugged my water bottle and then five minutes later I really needed to pee so I went to the restroom. When I was washing my hand I checked up on Lisa see how she. Was in her bed about to fall asleep with Christian next to her I was about to pull out of her mind. But then she said to Christian that she missed me he said I know we all do. I just want to tell her I love her and miss her and to make sure she okay. Christian said she's fine if she loves you just as much as you love her then. She misses you to okay then liss. Okay I love you and I love you to rose if your listening to us. I pulled out my head I felt like I needed to cry I wasn't a good friend she thought of me 24/7 and here I only thought of her a couple of times. I'll make it up to her plus we are going back to court in a week. After Anna trial if we can be her parents or not I will call Dex later on today. I just got out of the restroom when Sarah came back into the room with a machine wheeled in. Okay then rose you are indeed pregnant your going to be three weeks next Wednesday. This is a ultrasound machine it's going to let us get a look at the baby your still really early in your pregnancy. So your not going to see a head or anything like it will be like an oval shape blur okay then rose and then the thing your going to hate most. Right now is this gel we have to put it on your stomach so lift up your shirt and I'm not going to say it's a little cold because it's not its really cold. And yes Sarah was right that stuff was freaking cold on my stomach the picture end up on the screen an oval shape. It was so amazing that in nine months it's going to be me holding a baby. Sarah asked if we wanted a copy we said yes she also said that I need to take prenatal vitamins for the baby to be health and strong. I asked her when do I have to stop being in to much physical contact like having to punch and kick. She said that I can still fight for now but no one can kick your stomach at all and I recommend you stop at four months. But until then you can keep going on with your life and of course no drinking at all or raw fish. I will get you a pamphlet on do's& don't's other than that you can leave just talk to the lady at the front desk for you prescription. Okay then thank you so much Sarah hope to see you soon. Bye I whipped the stuff of my stomach and we headed out the door. Once we went to the front desk the nurse handed us the picture and the prescription. We all got into the car Adrian asked me where I wanted to go I told him lets go to the mall I need to buy something really quick. I want to go buy Adrian a ring and then the second part to my ring and even something for Anna at the jewelry store. I made Adrian go to the restroom while I went into the jewelry store I bought a thin gold band to my ring. Then I bought him a gold band the same as mine then I bought a necklace for us there mine was the first part of a heart. Then Anna the middle part of the heart and Adrian the ending part of the heart all sterling silver. It was a lot for it the rings came out to three grand for both and the necklaces all three it had. All three of names on it rose,Anna,Adrian on are part of the heart. So total for all six grand lucky I got Abe credit card with me. Right when Adrian came back me and Anna where already she had see everything I bought. Lucky she agreed to keep it a secret from Adrian but she didn't see her part of her necklace. Adrian asked me if I was ready we said yes and headed to car when we're driving out he asked where to next. I said the court house it was only two o'clock so we should be able to be seen. Adrian said what he was shocked so I just told him hurry up I have a surprise for him. Once we got there I already called ahead when we where in the jewelry store while waiting for the engraving on the necklace and Adrian ring his ring said I love Adrian always. I told the lady that we have an appointment with judge Felix lucky when I called Abe and told him that I was going to use his card. For a pretty big amount of money he wanted to know for what but I told him I will tell him later and asked for one tiny favor before we hung up. I asked him to get me Adrian and my birth certificate and social security number and deliver. It to Texas court house by two-thirty. I hope he can pull it off but if I know one thing about my dad he can pull anything off. So once we got in the court room the judge was ready and had all are paper work for us to sign. I had to explain everything to Adrian because he looked so lost on what was happening. Once he knew what I did and that we are going to get married he hugged and kissed me and didn't want to let me go ever. He kissed me with such love and passion in his eyes the judge cough and Anna laugh was what finally broke us apart. He said are you two getting married or not. Yes where getting married please okay take out the rings Anna being the smarts as and ready person she is. Handed me the box with both the rings inside. Judge okay now we need a witness so will just have my secretary be it. Okay Adrian is asks Adrian  do you take Rose Hathaway to be your wife. Yes I do Adrian said. Then repeat after me the judge said. I Adrian Ivashkov take you Rose Hathaway to have and to hold. In sickness and in health for richer or poorer for long as you both shall live. If you want to add in a little extra you can.
I Adrian Ivashkov take you Rose Hathaway to have and to hold. In sickness and in health for richer or poorer for long as we both shall live. Rose ever since I meet you in that ski lodge i knew that I loved you so much I might not be the strongest person ever but whenever you fall I will pick you up. When your sad I will be their for you to make you happy again. I will do everything in my power to give you the family and life you deserve I Love You Rose.
I was about to cry."Okay rose same thing repeat after me and then you can add in something at the end do you Rose Hathaway do you take Adrian Ivashkov to be your husband." I do! " Okay rose repeat after me" I Rose Hathaway take you Adrian Ivashkov to have and to hold. In sickness and in health for richer or poorer for as long as we both shall live".
I Rose Hathaway take you Adrian Ivashkov to have and to hold in sickness and in health. For richer or poorer for as long as we both shall live. Adrian I'm going to be honest with you when we meet in that ski lodge that. I thought your argent,self-centered,playboy who only cares about your self. But as we spend more time together I see that both are reparation are wrong we can see each other for who we really are. I know now that your the best thing that ever happen to me I know your not strong but I didn't fall in love with your strength. I fell in love with your good heart I Love you Adrian.
I could see one tear come down the side of Adrian face  I brought my hand and wiped it away. The judge broke us from our gaze. "By the power feasted in me by the state of Texas I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride. As soon as the judge said that Adrian and I were kissing a kinda miss that shouldn't been seen by kids or anyone. After a couple minutes later we pulled away after we did that we had to sign the legal documents to make official. Once everything was done and had our rings on. We were about to step out the door but I stop them and told them I have one more surprise for them I gave a box to me, Adrian,Anna. I open mine to show them how mine was and then I told Anna to open hers. She almost cried then Adrian. I bought this for all of us to show that this is our family because without one part of our hearts can't make. The heart whole again your my family my heart can't be whole unless I have both of you. Once they are all together they connect to one heart together they each have your name in the back. Anna ran up to me and hugged me and said thank you mom in my ear. Her saying that almost want to cry I told her welcome baby girl and put her necklace while Adrian put mine on. Then I put Adrian on after I put his on he gave me a short but sweet kiss. We left the court house it was already three-thirty I wanted to do something fun with Anna and Adrian so I told Adrian to go to the zoo. We went to the zoo with Anna, Adrian payed and we walked around until it was eight o'clock Anna had so much fun she really like the petting zoo. And the giraffe we saw the big stuff we didn't get to go to everything but we saw most we went into a gift shop. And bought Anna a bug stuff giraffe and I bought a little onesie that said I heart my zoo as much as my mommy. And a couple of souvenirs for lissa and Christian and I got a snow globe that had the zoo logo and a couple of animal inside. We left the zoo and went home to go and eat dinner at the hotel room we ate meatloaf. With mash potatoes and corn and green beans. We were all really tried mostly me so I told Adrian if he can take Anna a bath. I told him I'm really tried and I'm going to bed this day has worn me out I guess. I'm going to be more tired lately with the baby and Anna and on top of that Adrian. Before I wanted to go to sleep I decided that me and Anna and Adrian will all go the water park tomorrow. So I called room service and told them if they can get me three bathing suit one swim trunks for Adrian. A two piece for me and a one piece for Anna and some towels to be sent up tomorrow morning after that as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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