Chapter Eighteen

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I just got of the shower and back to the living where Rose was and I see her laying down in the couch asleep. She must have crashed she looked so peaceful and beautiful asleep so I picked her up layer her down next to Anna. While I turned off all the lights and got next to rose and went to sleep I woke up when the alarm went off I stopped it and started to get dress. I then woke up Anna and I got to say she is not a morning person just like rose. I told her she needs to get up and get dressed in the black and red dress that her grandpa bought. She didn't want to but then I made her go and get dress she came back a minute later with dress on. And her flats in her hand I helped put on her flats and told her to go wait in the living for me and rose. I woke up rose and told her to get up she moved a little and then she patted the place where Anna was. She didn't feel her there she bolted up and asked where Anna was. Panicked I went over there to the side of the bed and said that she fine she's in the living room watching tv . She then relaxed and said she was scared we lost her before the trial even start. I hugged her and said we aren't going to loss her ever she kissed me on the check and I told her get up and get up. We need to go fight for our daughter after that she got up faster then I ever see rose get up in the morning. She went into the closet and grabbed her dress and her heals. I finished dressing in my suit and just put my shoes on when she came out of the restroom. Her bangs was pinned out of her face with a red flower clip. She asked me something but I didn't hear her until she came up to me and fixed my tie and she said you look good to Mr. Ivashkov. And I asked you if you fixed Anna hair I finally came out of it and said no she was about to walk out the bedroom door. But then I pulled her back and gave her a big passionate kiss and I said not as good as you Mrs. Ivashkov. Then we walked out together she had another pin in her hand for Anna hair. Anna came to rose and rose picked up half of her hair and tied it back with the clip. There you go now where already to go there was a knock on the door and Abe and Fredrick where standing there. We all headed to the court house we got into the room and everyone was looking at us me and Rose had to stand on one side with our lawyer. While there was another lawyer on the other side Anna had to go stand with them since we are fighting for her.
Once we got in the room we where separated me and Adrian on one side and Anna and another lawyer on the other side. Anna didn't t want to leave me and Adrian side but she had to I kneeled down in front of her. I told her that I know your scared right now but you need to be brave and smart right now your going to be alright. I will just be on the other side over there next to daddy. Remember me and Adrian will protect you any way we can there's nothing to be sacred of. Okay now go and be strong for mommy and daddy just like we know you are. She left and we went to go sit next to our lawyer. The judge came in and we rise for him and then sat down. "Where here to find out if Mr.&Mrs.Ivashkov that our fit parents to Arianna Jones. You may start Mrs.Ivashkov is only eighteen she is not ready to have a kid right she wants to party and have fun. Most people know Rose reputation she has numerous stuff on her record she reckless and doesn't think things through. Hard head,stubborn she is not fit to be a mother. And Mr.Ivashkov he has to much on his record to even count more then Rose he is know as a playboy,arrogant,selfish,brat. He will never be fit to be a father. I rest my case your honor. Defense it's your  turn. Yes we all know there record but that's not all of what they are we all know for a fact that rose would give up anything for the people she loves. She can protect the people she loves she the bravest person anyone will ever meet she I selfless anyone can change. As Adrian he has a long record we all know that but I know that for a fact that he isn't a playboy he gave up all of that for family for rose. I believe he would make a wonderful father we never know people can change Adrian use to think about himself only but now he thinks of rose he would give anything to protect rose and Arianna. I believe if you call her she will tell you who her parents are she will say Rose and Adrian. In fact I call Arianna to the stand your honor.
Fredrick: Arianna who takes you a bath every night.
Anna: My mom
Fredrick: Who is your mom Anna I can call you that right your mom gave you that nickname right who gave it to you
Anna: My mommy is Rose and my daddy is Adrian my mom gave me the name. I asked Rose if I could call her mom she said she would love it so I do.
Fredrick: Who tucks you in and reads you a book until you fall asleep.
Anne: Well sometimes mommy does it sometimes daddy does it because mommy is too tried.
Fredrick: Thank you Anna that's all you can get down and back to your seat.
Fredrick Your honor these people have had Anna for two or three days and I bet they can name anything about her. I call Rose to the stand
Fredrick: Rose what is Anna favorite color
Rose: Blue
Fredrick: What is her favorite thing to eat?
Rose: Pizza
Fredrick: And last of all what is Anna favorite story?
Rose: Cinderella when Adrian was about to read it she practically screamed it in his ear. I know that some people have some doubts about me a mom I even had doubts but. As I spend more time with Anna I wouldn't want her to be no where else but in my arms as my daughter. I truly love her more than anything on this planet thank you I just want what's best for her. Like any mother would.
Fredrick: Thank you rose you may step down you see your honor rose loves that girl more then anything in this planet it seems she would be a good mother. To Anna or to any child and any child would be lucky to have her as a mom. I call Adrian to the stand. Adrian is it true that you would give your life for rose or Anna. Yes it's true I would give them the whole world if I could. Is it true that you use to be a playboy. Yes as much as I don't like to admit it I was a playboy but I gave up that life when I first saw rose. And I would do it again a million times again her and Anna is the only thing I needed. Thank you Adrian you may step down. Your honor that doesn't seem like a selfish, playboy at all to me this seems like a making of great father. And rose I don't see her as that she seems like the making of a great mom. I rest my case your honor. "I am ready to give my verdict." "In the case to see if that Mr.& Mrs. Ivashkov are fit parents for Arianna I am ruling is what is best for the child and I believe that it is best. That Mr.&Mrs. Ivashkov are best for Anna I am awarding full custody to them. Once he hit the gabled I screamed and ran to Anna as fast as I could then she was in my arms with Adrian arms around me. We finally broke apart and let Anna go to my dad while me and Adrian sign the papers that she is legally ours. I didn't notice how late it was already three  o'clock so we all went out to eat lunch then me and Adrian,Anna,Abe went to hotel just to have fun together. We played games for the rest of the day then we had pizza for dinner enjoying the time we have together. Because we are going back to court tomorrow we going to drive but Abe is flying over there. So we will get there on Tuesday Abe wanted us to fly with him but we told him we rather drive and told him not to tell anyone where coming. He finally agreed he said bye to all of us and we will call when we get there. Me and Adrian decided that we would tell Anna about our world. We told her about the morio and the dhamphir and the strigrio. We told her that Adrian is a morio and that he drinks blood but doesn't kill to get the blood. He taught her about how the morio can do magic four elements earth,water ,fire,air. But Adrian is different there's one special one called spirt that's Adrian he taught her what he can do with spirt. Then I taught her about dhamphir how we are half vampire and half human about our strength speed and sight and smell and that we don't need blood. Like Adrian does we are the protecters we protect morio with are lives we protect them from strogio. Those are the evil vampires they kill for blood they aren't the people they use to be. They have no soul and kill without mercy so they have these academy where they teach dhamphir how to kill them. And where they teach morio how to use there power until they graduate. Where morio can do what they want but once dhamphir graduate they become guardians sworn to protect there morio. From them that's enough for now it's getting. Late missy we have a long drive tomorrow time to go take a bath and go to bed. Let's go I'll take you a bath and then Adrian will put you to bed. After I took Anna a bath I laid her in bed where Adrian was waiting for her with a book in his hand. I left them and took a long hot shower when I stepped out of the shower Adrian was waiting for me. He was just looking at me smiling because I was naked he asked if I wanted to join him for a shower. He plead with me so I just got back and the shower and he came soon in with me. Once he was in the shower with me he started to kiss me he pushed me back against the wall. Then he started to kiss my neck and then down to my boobs he came back to my slips and then I kissed his neck and then went down. I felt him he was hard I teased him a little then I finally let him in me slow at first but then. I couldn't wait anymore so I told him harder with that he went in even harder and then harder and harder. He thrust inside me I told him to bite me between breaths and then his mouth was close to my neck. He just scraped his teeth a little around my neck to tease me and then he finally bite down when he did that he thrust one big time in me and that did it we both climaxed. And then we where done he wanted us to stay in there longer but we couldn't so we finally washed up and got out. We both went into the room and laid there until we both fell asleep. I woke up needing to throw up so I slipped out of Adrian arms and ran to the bathroom. Right when I got to the toilet I threw up my food from last night. I brushed my teeth and woke up Adrian and told him to get ready we need to start to pack. It's already eleven am we slept in for awhile so I woke up Anna and told her to get dressed and gave her some blue jeans and a black shirt with her black flats. And then I gave Adrian jeans and a black shirt with his nice black tennis shoes. I got in my white and black shirt with my blue jeans and my black sandals. Adrian had the hotel staff take Anna toys and books and put them in the trunk then I put mine and his bag in the middle seat with Anna bag of clothes where together and she had her giraffe with her. My stake in the holder and my phone in my pocket I did one last check around the room to make sure. We didn't leave anything I went down stairs were Adrian and Anna were waiting for me we checked out. I used Abe credit card to pay for the hotel in total it came out to three grand it didn't matter to Abe. So we all got in the car the hotel filled up the gas before we left. Adrian drove first then me he drove six hours before I took over Anna fell asleep after two hours in the car. And then I feel asleep an hour. After that Adrian woke me up telling me it's my turn we stopped at a gas station I filled up the car and then I drove seven hours it was already twelve at night. I didn't want to wake him up so drove an hour more then woke him and then he drove the rest of the way to court. I fell asleep as soon as me and Adrian switched. I woke up and saw we stopped at the gates of court. Adrian told the guard Adrian Ivashkov, Rose Ivashkov and Arianna Ivashkov then the gates opened and Adrian drove in and parked. We went to see Lissa first I knew exactly where she was three in the morning so just about mostly everyone was waking up. So me and Adrian and Anna knocked on her door she opened it she was so shocked it was funny. She told us to come in I heard someone call for Lissa it's probably sparky. Sure enough he came to where we were I told him what's up sparky missing me already he just laughed. And said oh yeah rose of course you know I couldn't not miss my Rosie. I actually really did miss you sparky and you to Lissa I gave them both hugs and so did Adrian. Adrian was the one who introduced Anna he really wanted to so I let him I didn't know he was going to do this. Introducing Rose Ivashkov and Arianna Ivashkov and yours truly Adrian Ivashkov. He said it so weird like an carnival host when they introduce a new attraction. Okay Adrian come let's sit down Anna you can go lay down on auntie Lissa bed for now if that's alright with you liss. "Yeah sure go head" hold on I'll be right back let me go tuck her in really quick" I left really quick and put Anna in the bed with her giraffe next to her and kissed her goodnight and said goodnight baby girl. When I turned around I saw that sparky was there watching me put Anna to sleep. When I walked out the room and sat next to Adrian he kept looking at me. I told him what are you looking at he said I never thought I see the day Rose Hathaway be a mom. It's Ivashkov you loser. At that point he straight up laughed you mean you actually married Adrian. All I did was give him my hand and then gave him Adrian hand then he went dead silent. For the first time Lissa spoke and said you and Adrian are married and that's your daughter in there. Can you explain this rose please I'm so confused. Yes Lissa I would love to explain this when me and Adrian left we went to Texas while in Texas we had some issues. We saw three strogio coming out of s house so me being me I got out of the car killed them both. I went inside the house to see what happened and that what I saw. Three people drained of blood but then while I was looking around I found Anna she was crying on the floor. So I called the alchemist for clean up they where going to take Anna to the orphanage but we couldn't just abandoned her. We wanted to adopt her but we needed a trial to see if we would be fit parents. So we contacted Abe and he got us a lawyer we won the case Sunday afternoon. So Monday afternoon we started to drive to get here today Friday afternoon is when we got married we wanted to surprise you. So surprise are you okay Lissa. Lissa looked at me and said of course if your happy then I'm happy and if Anna is you daughter in any way then I'm her aunt. As for you and Adrian if he makes you happy and you love each other then I'm happy you got married. I just wished I would have been there and help plan the whole thing for you. That's okay liss I was actually wanting to do a second weeding here at court with friends and family. If you could help me plan it and be my maid of honor and if Adrian wants to do a second wedding. I looked at Adrian he was just smiling I'm guessing that's a yes from you Mr. Ivashkov. He kissed me and then said anything for you Mrs. Ivashkov then I pulled him into a kiss after I finished I said you got that right. We looked at Lissa and Christian they both so shocked we forgot they were there. I blushed a little I forgot they were there I am use to just me and Adrian alone. Lissa looked a little shocked but then had a big smile on his face then sparky looked grossed out. And I have one last thing to tell you I pulled out the sonogram picture and gave it to her and told Adrian to close his ear. He did once it was in her hand I closed my ears really tight and after a few minutes I took them off. Sparky was touching his ear and told me thanks for my warning Rosie. Then Lissa pounced on me asking me a string of questions once Lissa stopped for a breath I told her me and Adrian were tried from driving all day. So she stopped talking I could go to my apartment bed but we all wouldn't fit Adrian said we would fit in his bed at. His parents house but I really don't feel like sneaking in to Adrian parents house. We had one last resort which was my least favorite ever Adrian favorite great aunt. Queen titania when Adrian said that sneaking into Adrian house didn't seem so bad. But he ready to go his aunt before his parents. So I agreed we walked over to palace housing me caring Anna in my arms asleep we walked to her room. And the guard knocked on the door and said our names we heard someone coming to the door. And then it opened she told us to come in I set Anna on the couch and then bowed and said queen Tatiana.

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