Chapter one

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I was sitting in my room repeating the words that broke me in pieces, I didn't get out of bed for three days. Everyone kept trying to get me out of my room almost everyone Adrian hasn't came to see me. Part of me thinks it's because he hates me for loving Dimitri more then him or he just can't stand to loveme. Anymore because of the so many times I have hurt him. It was early morning at court for Morio which means late at night for humans. I woke up to the nightmare that comes every night. In my sleep the same words that he told me on that fateful day. Love fades mine has I as about to go back to sleep. When I heard someone bang on the door. Looking through the pepe hole i see it is Adrian.  I open the door to him which is a first because usually. I wouldn't even open the door to anyone but I felt I had to open it for  him. He came in not saying a word to me at first and after a five minutes of silence he spoke.

I haven't seen Rose in three days no one has seen her everyone tried to get her out of her room or let them come in. So they can talk to her but she doesn't answer the door. I haven't tried to go see Rose I feel bad for not trying to talk to her but I'm still really mad at her. She was so distracted trying to get Dimitri to love her. And how to turn him back to a dhamphir.  So I have every right to be mad at her. But after a couple of days  I decided that I need to get over it. An be a good friend to her and try to talk to her like everyone else tried. So I went to her door and banged on it. Everyone kept just barely knocking so if I really want to talk to her. And her to open the door I need to try my best and shouting. Some of Rose's next door neighbors came out and gave me hateful glares. Not caring I turn back to my tasked at hand to see she had open the door.

I just came in to rose room I'm really surprised to see that she opened the door to me. I never thought she would but I sat down. After five minutes of silence I couldn't take it anymore I needed to get her out of this place. Back to the real world back to the people that care about and love her. So I told her what I was thinking. "Get your ass in the shower an change into some clean clothes. What have been living in the same clothes for the last few days? It practically a second skin  go now". She started to say no and that she didn't want to do anything but just sleep. Now this is just starting to piss me off. "This is not the girl I fell in love with. That girl had spark and fire in her soul. That Rose had so much attitude to her and a temper to rivial a bull. This one is just sad. Its what drew me to you in the first place. Your dark but fire lite aura. Now go". She was so shocked and speechless that it brought a smirk to my face.

Adrian just came in after a while of silence he told me to go take a shower. Of course I was about to say no and I wanted to go to sleep. Then I saw anger in him I have never seen before in him. It looked hot on him he told me that I have changed from the first time he saw me. He told me I had fire in my aura I thought back to that day. I remember how I was back then so full of life and energy like I could do anything. Never really notice it until now how much I changed. For the first time ever Adrian actually made sense. He was right I was a little shocked okay not a little a lot shocked. I could see that he thought it was funny to see me in shock. At this I stood up and said. 'Your right Adrian for the fist time you make so much sense'. And told him that I was going to take a shower and get dressed.  After I told him that I left to take a hot shower and got dressed. In my favorite back jeans and a dark red shirt with my favorite red and black converse. I decided to pin back my little hairs to keep it out of my face it took me in all 20 minutes to fully get ready to leave in all Adrian stayed in the living room watching tv he was happy I was finally going to get out of this place he flashed me one of those killer Adrian smile before we left. I told him I was hungry. When we were walking out the door so he asked me if I wanted to go this cafe. That went to last time as usual we got a lot of weird looks. Lucky no one said anything about us because I was on edge already some how Lisa and Christian where there and shocked to see me out of my room.


I tried already to get rose to talk to me but I think I am the last person that Rose wants to talk to or even see. So I asked Adrian to go and try to talk to her. See if he can get through to her. Christian and I  where heading to the cafe. When Adrian texted me telling me that rose is in the shower. Getting ready to leave out of the apartment. I was so happy that Adrian got Rose to leave their.  I told him that Christian and I where going to the cafe to eat breakfast. Rose must have been hungry because after awhile Rose and Adrian. Came in to eat I got up and waved to them to come eat with us. I was so nervous. She didn't want to talk to me so I didn't know if she would come and eat with us.

Adrian and I just came in when we saw Lissa waving to us to go and eat with her and sparky. Adrian asked me before we went over there if I wanted to eat with them. He said that if I didn't want to talk to her and eat with her. Then we could go and eat at another table. I thought about it for a moment and felt her through the bond. She felt sad and nervous a little scared that I wouldn't want to talk to her. So I felt a little bad that she felt so nervous about me. I told him lets go sit with them and eat. I felt how happy she was when we end up sitting with them. Sparky even looked a little happy we where their. 'Sparky what's up'. He laughed at my nickname for him we didn't talk that much after that we mostly ate. I order a hamburger with fries and a water I finished it surprising fast. Lissa being Lissa she ate a salad and Adrian a sandwich with chips. And of course sparky ate pizza I decided to order desert for me while the others ate. I wanted something sweet so I order a piece of chocolate cake. When I was done eating my dessert they finished their food we. Adrian decided that he would pay for me while sparky payed for him and Lissa. Finally after he just payed he asked me what I wanted to do today so I said lets go somewhere. He asked where I told him lets go on a road trip he made one of those Adrian smiles. Said okay. I decided to call Abe to see if he could get me and Adrian a car. He asked me where I was going to go I told him that he didn't need to know that. He was reluctant at first but I told him that I need this to have fun get my fire back. I even said please dad and when I called him dad he caved to me even more.  To the point he gave me a credit card he said it was unlimited. Adrian went to go pack told him to pack for three weeks he went straight away. After I got off the phone I packed myself up. Adrian decided that to we would meet at his room in an hour. We where all ready to go but before we left we decided to leave a note to Lissa and sparky. They said basically the same thing but I told sparky to take care of her, and protect her and told Lissa. I will still take some darkness away every two days. Told them both we love them and we will check in every week. Abe being Abe had gave us a Suv waiting for us with a guardian next to it with an envelope. A card in side and a note saying.

My child I hope this trip will help you to find your fire and your will to live your life again. The car is fully stocked with everything you might need weapons etc. The card is linked to my personal account so you can use as much as you need don't over do it. I love you Rose I hope you find whatever it is your looking for if you get, into any trouble don't hesitate just call be safe.

Alright this is Alexis the author of the this terrible book. I have decide to rewrite this book better. So if you've read this book i consider re reading after I'm done. If not up to you i know its bad if becomes to much i will most likly take done. Alright enough blabbing see you all later.

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