Chapter Ninteen

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When I got up Adrian didn't bow down why would he for his favorite great aunt she told us to take a seat with her at the table. We did she said what do I own the honor of the company of my favorite great nephew and Rose Hathaway. Wait until she find outs it's Ivashkov so I told her don't you mean Ivashkov. While I grabbed Adrian hand with my weeding hand, and put it on the table. She looked down at my hand and then at me with such hate then composed her self and ask what the meaning of this. Before I could talk I yawned and then Adrian spoke for us he told her. That he knows she has a lot if question which we will answer tomorrow at lunch. She wanted to us to talk more but Adrian interrupted her saying. We are very tried from driving all day and we needed. A place to sleep for the night. He said we are hoping you can give us a room just for tonight. In palace housing while we look for a house tomorrow. In the morning we would really appreciate then he butter. Her up with so many compliments she gave in to him. She order a guard to come in here she told him to take. Us to one if the guest bedroom for the night. Adrian told her bye and then I grabbed Anna but right when we about to leave. She told the guard to carry Anna. I started to object but Adrian stopped me and said let it go rose. I let it dropped once we got the room it had two beds in it. Both king size bed the guard laid her down and me and Adrian put our bags in the room and closed the door behind us. I went straight into the other bed and flopped down on it Adrian came up right beside me. I told him that was an interesting night did you see the look, on the Queen face when I said your last name. She looked so pissed at me so Mr. Ivashkov shall we go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow telling everyone about us. He just laughed and then the next thing I know he's on top of me kissing me. He started at my face then started to go down he got to my stomach and kept kissing it then came up back to my face. Then I kept kissing him I went down to his neck and bit him it was sure to leave a mark a moan, escaped his lips and then I went down to stomach and came back upI could fell he was hard already which is right where I want him then I flipped him so I was on top. I gave him one last big kissed and told him goodnight Mr.Ivashkov and got off of him and laid down in the blanketsI heard him growl at me he told me I should never tease him like that. But after that he got into bed with me and said just watch your going to get it Mrs. Ivashkov. Then gave me a kiss and said goodnight I drift off to sleep. I woke up to a loud knocking on my door so I got up and didn't like what saw when I opened the door. It was Lissa and Christian,my mother,father, queen,dimirti,Adrian parents all came busting threw my door. Everyone had question and so loud so I said shut up all of you and then I heard this small voice come up to me. And say mommy why are you yelling. I picked her and said its okay Anna I'm fine it's just they where being to loud. Baby girl and I didn't want them to wake you. She said that's alright mommy. I set her down and told her go wake up daddy tell him we have a lot if company. She hurried to our room and closed the door behind her. Then I looked back at everyone who was shocked expect Abe he knew about her before anyone. The look on dimitri face was a mixed of sad and shock. So I told them to sit down make your selfs comfortable and told them I'm going to get dressed. They all sat down then I left to our room I got Anna dressed in black leggings and a nice pink shirt with her black flats and her hair up. Adrian was already up asking me who is out there. I told him and you could see how pale he got he was already dressed in black jeans and a grey button up shirt with his nice shoes. Then I got dressed in black leggings and a nice red shirt with my black sandals. I put my hair in a ponytail we were already in ten minutes. We all had are necklace on my wedding ring was on and Adrian wedding ring on. Before we walked out I told Anna not to be scared these people are our family they won't hurt you and if they try I will hurt them back even harder. Once we walked out Anna spotted Abe right away and she ran so fast I could have stopped her. But didn't want to she seemed happy I didn't want to she screamed grandpa and Abe picked her up and twirled her. He put her down and she came back to me and Adrian side. This is our daughter Arianna Ivashkov but you guys can call her Anna. Dad can you take Anna to the car so she can get some of the toys you bought her since you already know the story. He said sure I would be happy to go come on baby girl lets go. She skipped to Abe and then they walked out holding his hand. Okay first thing first me and Adrian are going to talk and you guys are going to listen. Everyone got that they all nod in agreement. Okay so after me and Adrian left court we decided we would go to Texas. Once we got there they were a few houses we heard this scream and then we saw three strigrio. Coming out of this house so I got out of the car and staked three with help from Adrian. I went in and called the alchemist fur clean up. When I heard a little girl crying in the kitchen. So I called Adrian to come help me while I talked to them they were going yo take her to an orphanage while they look for any other family members. I didn't want her in there we couldn't just abandon her in there. I know what it fells like to be by your self fell alone. So we asked if we could spend the day with her while they look for her family they didn't find anyone. So they where going to pick her up and take so we asked if we could adopt her that took a couple of days to hear back from them. Once it was Thursday morning went to the clinic for my appointment I'm pregnant three weeks today. We went to the mall and got the rings and the necklaces we are each wearing. And got married after that we went to the zoo and spend the rest there day there and then. Friday we went to the a water park and spend the whole day together the. We finally called Abe Friday night so we could get a lawyer for her trial he came. Saturday morning we went through her case for a couple of hours and then we went to the mall. Where Abe spoiled her the whole day then ate dinner, and got ready for the case Sunday morning. We won and spend the whole day with her playing games doing anything she wanted. Then we started to drive Monday to last night is when we arrived. Anyone have any question. If you don't except her as our daughter we will not talk to you and you won't see your actually. Grandchild ever you are basically being cut out our of our lives. I looked over at Adrian and said isn't that right Mr.Iashkov and gave him a big smile. He gave me a grin and said in such a serious voice that said that's right anything for you Mrs. Iashkov. And then he came and gave me a kiss and sat down next to me. We broke apart and said to them now you may say something. Abe came back in with Anna anyone who expects her can come and introduce yourselves. Anna came and sat down in between me and Adrian and Abe stand next to us. Lissa was the first one with sparky she told Anna her name and then told her she can call her aunt Lissa. Sparky came next to her he said his name but I interrupt him, and said she can call him uncle sparky. I told him to show her why I call him that. Then he asked me if I was sure. I nod just don't hurt her sparky if you harm, my daughter in any way I will make you suffer a million times more. Got that sparky I got it rose. He kneeled down and told her to look at his hand. She did then a fire ball appeared in his hand. I told her that sparky element is fire she seemed so impressed in him and your aunt here she does the same as daddy. Okay now who else wants to meet our daughter. Tatiana came up to us and introduce herself she told Anna how she is the queen and that Anna can just call her aunt. Tatiana she did something I didn't expect she whispered in her ear. And then anna giggled and then she stood behind us. Then Adrian parents Adrian mom seems to really want to meet her his dad seemed like he is forced. His mom told her welcome to the family and she looked at me and said you to rose and gave us both hugs. Adrian dad just introduced himself and stood behind us with the rest. My mother was next she told Anna to call her grandma or guardian Hathaway when around people. That's my mother all heart Anna gave her a hug and said okay grandma then she looked at me and said I wanted you be older and be a mom. But I hope you make a better mom then me. Then she left to stand behind us the only person left on the other side is dimirti. He walked to Adrian and shook his hand then he kneeled down to Anna and said she is adorable and I would be happy have you in our group. Rose seems like she'll be a great mom you can call me uncle dimirti. Then he looked at me and said your going to be a great mom and left to stand behind us. Once he left to behind us me and Adrian and Anna got up and thanked them for excepting her. We gave them all hugs and then Anna spoke and said mommy I want pancakes I'm really hungry. I laughed because she has a stomach like me. I looked at Adrian and said Adrian are child is hungry we must feed the beast and the mother of the beast and the little monster. Growing in side of me this is one of the few times I'm not throwing up lets not waist it. As soon as I said that I immediately regret it I ran to the bath room with Adrian right next to me. Throwing my gusts out he was rubbing circles in my back. Then once I got out and brushed my teeth we went back to the living room. Lissa must of heard me throw up because she was right next to me trying really hard to heal me. I told her to stop it won't work the magic can't heal my morning. Sickness and I also told her if she could lay off the magic until after I have the baby. So I won't go all crazy pulling all the darkness away from her. I felt her through the bond and she seemed sad about the magic when I brought up. The darkness she quickly didn't feel sad she felt happy to do that for me then. Adrian heard us so he said don't worry cousin we can go cold turkey together. I looked at Adrian in surprise he must have seen my face and said yes rose I am gong on the medication to I want to for Anna and for our child. It's going to be hard but I stopped drinking to I don't want our kids to see me go crazy right in front of there eyes. I love you both rose I'll do anything to keep them from seeing me like that. I hugged him and gave him a big kiss. We broke apart when my stomach growls Adrian laughed and said we need to feed mommy don't we. I looked at him and said well Adrian it's best for the baby to feed mommy anything she wants. And do you remember it's Wednesday I'm official three weeks pregnant. Adrian hit his had and said we need to go do another check up for then I hit my head and said why do I have to remind you Adrian. Come on rose it won't be that bad we can make the appointment tomorrow and then we can spend all Friday with Anna. And the For her birthday Saturday she's turning five and so much has happened to her she needs a big princess party. She needs something that will help make her feel like a child. I know Adrian but she doesn't have any friends her own age here the only people. She knows are in this room Adrian I know you want to throw her a big party but can we just have you me and her that's all she needs. Where here family we can go anywhere she wants do what ever she wants for the entire day. Heck we can even have a birthday weekend with her but can it just be with her we can tell them that's it's her birthday but that where doing something alone. Just the four of us that's all that counts for me. Adrian looked at me and then said of course now come on mom's hungry and baby hungry and baby girl is hungry. I laugh and said okay we have a lot to do today we got to go get a house and I have to go talk to Hans about guardian duty. And then schedule me for appointment for the baby check up okay now I got up. And said everyone we are going to get breakfast right now. You are welcome to join us but other than that you can leave we will you later. Adrian parents were the first one to leave and then my mother,father,Lissa,Christian, dimitiri, queen. But not before she gave Adrian a check and a hug just waved bye to me. Once they all left I went to Adrian to ask him what she gave him. He pulled out the check from his pocket it had for five hundred thousand dollars. All I could look at Adrian I was so shocked. Then he said she gave it to us so we can get a nice house. Or anything we or anything Anna needs. Adrian we can't accept that I know she just helping but that's to much. Money we have to give it back. Rose I know it's a lot of money but think of what we can put it through. Even if we get a house here at court less then we can put it in a saves for Anna. Or for the baby we can use it as rainy day money whatever you want but in the end we. Are going to needed just in case something happens. I was going to fight with him but then I think about it maybe we can. Just put it to the side and save it just in case. So I said okay and then I look back at Adrian and say now come on your family is starving. All he does is laugh at me. We grab Anna hand and walk out the door. We went to the cafe and graves a early lunch and we all sit down to eat. Anna was so amazed to be here. Once we finishing tell him I got to go talk to Hanns about my job. So I told him I will take Anna with me while he goes and feeds. I know he hasn't had a feeding since we left the hotel. I told him will meet up in an hour at the housing sector. Once me and walked into the guardians building we got a few stares. Anna kept an iron grip on my hand. Once we reached the hallway that leads to Hanns office were alone. Anna says mommy why was everyone looking at us and talking about us. I kneeled down to her and said aww baby girl. Mommy is a big deal around here and so is daddy so we always get talked about. And they mostly talking about you wondering who you are and why your with me. There just nosy that's all and maybe a little scared of me to. She asked why are they scared of you mommy your the nicest person ever. I laugh at that because I never once been called nice. Anna gave me a questioning look so I said. It's because of my reputation I have here I was trained. By the best so that makes me really lethal, so they know I can kick there ass if they piss me off. Anna just giggled at me and says the mommy I know you wouldn't dare hurt anyone. I told her okay then but maybe I'll take you to the gym and. See if you feel the same when mommy takes down ten guys without a sweat. I get up and we continues to walk and we reach the door. And I knock three times before someone says come in. I walk in first with Anna trailing behind me Hanns sees me. First and then he notice that there's a little girl next to me. He says hi but Anna just kept looking down at the floor. So kneel down and say Anna this one of my friends I need you to go. And shake his hand and tell him your name. She said momma I don't want to he looks scary and I'm scared. I told her there's no need to be scared he's a protector like me. He won't hurt you and if he does you know mommy right here. Even if you don't believe me that I can beat him I can so if he harms a single hair on you. I will be right here to hurt him twice as much. He will wish he hadn't gotten within a ten yard radius. She smiled and said okay mommy she went up to Hanns he kneeled down. At she told him her name and Hanns asked who her mothers is she pointed at me then. He asked who her dad was and she told him Adrian name. She ran back to me and said he was nice to her I walked closer to him and he said for me and Anna to sit. We sat in front of  him and then he says the famous Rose Hathaway a mother. I laughed then I hold out my hand to him. Don't you Ivashkov he just stares at me yes I know Hanns your shocked. Everyone was now can we talk about my job he seems to recover his. Guardian mask and says yes rose I start working on your schedule. Right now anything else you need. I don't know what he's going to say about my pregnancy. Yes Hanns when your making it four months from now. I'm going to go have to go on break. And why is that rose. Because I'm pregnant and the doctor recommends I stop working at five months. Which is four month away. Okay then rose I'll be sure to take that into account. You may go now rose I'll get back to you in two days. Okay thanks Hans I stand up and tell Anna lets go she says okay mommy. We walk out the room and head to housing market. Where we are supposed to meet Adrian.

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