A Lost Memory

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Rose pulled away from Scorpius to look at her panicked brother.

"ROSE! I told you to tell me if you decided!" Hugo shouted.

"Oh I've decided, I do fancy him," she said smiling.

"I have got to go owl dad!" He said excitedly.

"Don't you dare Hugo, you owe me a favor from when you made me fall from my broom. If you tell mom and dad, I'll tell

them you took my scarf and then let me fall off my broom five stories high."

"Fine, let me at least tell Albus and James."

"No way, you know how much of a blabber mouth James has."

"I'm telling Albus then."

"Whatever, but if word gets out you owe me double."

"Okay," Hugo said running off and yelling, "Albus, Albus!"

"You can be scary sometimes," Scorpius said playfully smiling.

"Thank you. I think I better go and watch my brother in case he spills it, he's not very good at keeping secrets," Rose said

turning and leaving.

Albus ran up to her looking shocked saying, "Your going out with Scorpius?"

Albus asked, Hugo running up behind him.

"Yes, he's not that bad."

"I told you he's not that bad Hugo," Albus said.

"Well I still don't fully trust him, I bet he'll leave Rose with a broken heart," Hugo said with disgust.

"That will never happen Hugo, he's really nice on the inside if you get to know him," Rose said.

"I told you so Rose and you always said he's a rotten banshee," Albus muttered to himself. "Now you're dating the 'rotten banshee'."

Rose pretended that she didn't hear that last remark. When Rose got back to Hogwarts she told Avalon everything that happened while playing a game of wizard's chess.

"He really asked you out?"


"This is so exiting, is this your first boyfriend?" Avalon asked.

"No, I've dated Eric Hoffman, Gryffindor and Lysander Scamander, Ravenclaw."


Rose and Scorpius had been secretly dating for a about two months without being busted. The only people who knew

were Hugo, Albus, and Avalon, who had been covering for them when they suddenly disappeared for a while.

"Hey, Scorpius, sorry I was late, James was getting suspicious," Rose said giving him a small hug.

"That's fine. I was thinking that we should tell our families soon."

"I was too, but our parents will probably kill us. Maybe we should tell them together."

"He nodded then said, "lets tell them during Christmas break."

"Okay, lets take our families to the leaky cauldron on Christmas Eve at two thirty."

"Sounds good to me," Scorpius said as Albus burst in.

"Get out James is on his way, I think he knows but isn't sure yet."

They hurried out and around a corridor running strait into James.

"What the-" James said surprised, then his expression changed from that to a wide smirk. "What are you two doing together?"

"Nothing, just running from Albus," Rose said.

"Yeah right, you don't have to hide it from me, I know you two are together," he said grinning wildly.

"Fine, how'd you know?" she asked

"I didn't until now."

"How could I fall for that again?" Rose mumbled to herself. "How did you suspect that we were together? We've been

hiding it very well."

"Scorpius told me he had a crush on you last summer. I didn't think you could get her," James said the last part more to Scorpius.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Scorpius said. Rose didn't believe him but let the matter drop.

"You can't tell anyone James," Rose pleaded.

"No need to worry, I didn't plan to anyway," James said turning and leaving.

"How many people know about us now?" Scorpius asked.

"Hugo, Albus, James, and Avalon."

"That Avalon girl knows about us?"

"Yes, she's James girlfriend, don't worry I trust her."

"Okay, lets just not tell anyone else."

"I'm hungry lets go down to dinner," Rose said.

They entered the great hall going to opposite tables. Rose piled some mack and cheese on her plate. She and Scorpius were the last people to leave the hall. Hearing a loud ruckus coming from the entrance hall she rushed out to see what was going on with Scorpius not far behind. When she opened the doors she found her cousin Fred 2 dueling a Slytherin girl she didn't know. Rose was nearest to Fred 2 and pushed her way to the front of the crowd so she could see better. None of her other cousins or relatives were here to stop it.

"Protego!" Scorpius said blocking a stunning spell that would have hit him.

Everyone looked at him standing next to Rose, wand out. They were all probably thinking, what is a Malfoy doing protecting a Weasley while standing next to a Weasley girl. Fred 2 was staring at Scorpius and I when the Slytherin girl shot a memory loss spell which Fred 2 barely dodged but hit her instead. The last thing Rose remembered was falling to the stone floor when Scorpius caught her.


Rose woke up in the hospital wing with what looked like all her relatives that went to Hogwarts, her parents, and Scorpius Malfoy.

"Are you alright Rosie?" her mother asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"We were so worried about you," her father said the other family members nodding in agreement.

"Oh dear," said madam Pomfrey as she rushed up to me. "I was afraid this would happen. Sweetie, can you please tell me the last thing you remember?"

Rose looked at her confused then said, "I remember falling off my cousin James' broom, and that's all."

"Do any of you know when this happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

Hugo, her brother was looking nervous as the seconds drew near.

"Yes, it was last summer," Albus said.

"Wait, are we talking about when she clashed with James?" asked her dad.


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