Chapter One

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The last thing you remember was sitting on your bed next to your older brother and talking about things. You also remember everything up to how you got to the place you were.

" Quinn. " You said to your brother as he walked towards the bedroom door. He heard someone come inside and you both thought it was your mother coming home. Though, after he had left you noticed a scream about 5 seconds later. You were too afraid to get up to see what was going on so you just sat there looking at the door. You grabbed an old light saber that used to be your fathers but, after he left all of a sudden after you birth... Nobody had heard from him.

The footsteps came closer to the door and you frantically turned it on for defense. You had played around with it before even though it was dangerous. You stopped and watched as the door flew open. Your e/c eyes flew open as you saw stormtroopers come in and after that was Kylo Ren himself.

" N-no... " You mumbled to yourself and held the lightsaber out towards him. " Back away! " You said nervously and gulped. You watched as he just held his hand out. The lightsaber flew from your hand and into his. He turned it off and threw it to the side. You looked at him scared as to why he was here. You guessed he was going to kill you which only made you more scared.

" Take her... " he said as a stormtrooper walked over to grab you. You struggled and kicked him away. That's when Kylo Ren walked to you and used the force to knock you out. That's all you remembered.

When you woke up you were on a table like thing, strapped down by restraints on your ankles and wrists.

" You're awake. " his voice could be heard from behind you. That robotic voice that sent shivers down your spine. You didn't understand what was going on, why would he want to capture you?

" Y/n " he said and walked in front of you. You couldn't keep the fear out of your eyes so you closed them. Though, closing them only made it worse because now you didn't know what he was doing. You opened your eyes again to see him getting close to you. " You're so confused aren't you? " he said quietly.

You quickly nod and look at him. " What do you want with me? " You ask him quietly. " I truly am just a- " You had began to say but he had stopped you.

" I got news that you were force sensitive. " he said and stood up straight. " I decided to get to you before the resistance could. "

You looked at him and shook your head. Your h/c hair getting in your face a bit. " That's impossible! " you say a bit louder than you should've said it.

He stopped and looked at you. " I can sense it. " he said to you. " and... It's not as impossible as you think. Your father did leave when you were born, is that correct Y/n. "

You stop and look at him. You thought for a moment, it did make sense in a way. You didn't think to hard on it so you looked back at him. " What do you want then? To have m- "

" I want to train you. " he said and interrupted you. " You could be valuable and to train on the dark side of the force will only make you stronger. This is not an option though... Unless you'd rather be dead or a prisoner. " he told you.

You stopped and looked at him sadly. You didn't want this at all but, you guessed he didn't care. Everyone here seemed to be soulless monsters filled with anger. You didn't want to be that yourself. You looked up at his helmet and studied how he was obviously hiding behind it. You weren't going to tell him yes yet. " Take off your helmet... " You say a bit of bitterness in your voice.

He stared at you for a few seconds before he took it off. It made a click sound as he took it off. He set it down in a table beside him.

You start to study his face. He had a scar that started at his forehead and ended by his jaw. He was quite handsome with his dark hair and dark looking eyes. Though, his eyes seemed to have more light to them than you thought they would. You realized you had been staring at him so you looked away.

" Y/n " he said your name to you. His breath was warm as you felt it lightly on your face. It just made you flinch a bit. " I'll train you... " he said and you looked back at him.

" Yes. " You said quietly, it was almost a whisper. You watched as he smirked a little bit. It was more of a proud/evil/happy smirk that made you feel even more scared.

" I didn't think you would say yes " he said to you.

" What do I have to leave behind anyways? You killed my brother and I doubt my mother would care. I do certainly hate you but... Why argue about it? " You said. You were surprised yourself that you said all that. You barely ever spoke to people so much.

He looked at you and nodded before letting you go. " I'll let you have a room, come on. " he said and done walked out with you.

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