How to...Grow Longer Lashes

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OMIGOD! It's been so long since I last updated, but I'm here. I'm alive. I have survived Hell week...I mean finals week.😳

Yes, I barely took my finals this week and it was more stressful than I thought it would be, but I SURVIVED! ☺️

Anyway, this chapter was inspired by all mascara companies because they always claim that their products make eyelashes look thicker and longer, so I decided to write a chapter based on ways to naturally grow long, strong lashes.

💄This chapter is part 3 of my beauty series, so here is: How to...Grow Longer Lashes!💄


1.) Vaseline ⇒ With a clean mascara wand, apply the Vaseline onto your lashes regularly at night. This will help your lashes grow faster, thicker, and stronger.

2.) Castor Oil ⇒ Coat your eyelashes with castor oil every night before going to sleep. This will help your eyelashes longer and stronger.

3.) Coconut Oil ⇒ Using coconut oil, massage your lashes every night. This will help your lashes grow healthy, strong, and long.

4.) Proper Makeup Removal ⇒ If you wear makeup (mascara), it's super important to properly remove ALL of it before going to bed because, believe it or not, it weighs your eyelashes down. Removing your makeup at the end of the day allows your eyelashes to "breathe", and grow thick and long. Just remember to be gentle when removing eye makeup because your eyelashes are super delicate and won't grow back healthy if they are "manhandled".

5.) Green Tea ⇒ Add green tea leaves to warm water. Using the tea you just made, massage your eyelashes. This will help you grow thick, long, and healthy eyelashes.


Ok, guys. I hope this chapter was somewhat useful to at least some of you; especially to those of you who want longer lashes. 🌟

I'm currently on a road trip to Stanford University for a campus tour and I'll be there for about 3 days, so I'm going to try my best to update this book at least once while I'm here.💜

Thanks for reading and I'll catch you in the next chapter! Bye!😘

🔥 QOTD: Would you love to have longer eyelashes or are you happy with what you have already? 🔥

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