Ch 6: Air's test

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The morning sun rose up into the sky spreading warmth across the land. Many of the townspeople were on their way to work or to school. Our six heroes in the crowd were walking to school like many other children around their age. Discord, or as he's known in the amongst humans, Deric wasn't heading to school. He was being a creepy stalker of six girls. He had a plan to test out the air elemental, but to do so he had to follow the girls to school and wait in hiding for the right moment to launch his plan. So he followed the elementals like the creepy stalker he was to their place of education. He found his way into the building by hiding through the air vents. There he crawled through the school as quietly as he could following the air elemental to each one of her classes. He waited and listened through every class, until the bell rang for lunch.

     'Perfect.' Discord thought as he followed the six heroes to the cafeteria through the air vents. The friends got their lunches then headed to the school roof to eat in peace. Discord followed them to the roof and turned himself invisible once he climbed out of the ventilation system. 'Now lets see how air fairs in a bad situation.' Discord snapped his fingers and five of the girls were launched from the bench they were sitting on and over the railing of the roof. The girls screamed as they flew through the air. Emiko managed to grab the ledge with both hands, and Lyla, Danitta, Jasmine, and Sierra hung on each other's waists for dear life. Lyla was hanging onto Emiko's waist, Danitta hanging onto hers, Jasmine hanging onto Danitta's, and Sierra at the bottom of the human rope hanging onto Jasmine's waist. Chloe ran to her friends and grabbed Emiko's arms trying to pull her and the others up, but with all of their weights put together they were too heavy for just one person to pull them up.  

    "Chloe change!! Do something!!! I can't hang on for much longer!!!!" Emiko wasn't kidding. Her fingers were slipping from the ledge slowly losing their grip. Chloe was hanging onto Emiko's arms trying to buy her friends some time. The weight of four other people hanging onto her was weighing Emiko down and straining her arms. Not losing her grip on the ledge immediately after she grabbed it with four people grabbing onto her and each other shows her upper body and arm strength. But she wasn't a superhuman with super strength. Chloe lost her footing and fell with her friends when Emiko finally lost her grip on the ledge of the roof. The girls screamed as if it would save them as they plummeted to the ground below from four stories up. That's when Chloe chanted her elemental change.

   "ELEMENTAL CHANGE! AIR!" large swirls of wind surrounded Chloe and she transformed. She grew snow white pony ears atop her head as her hair changed from black to shiny purple. She grew a knee length shiny purple tail as her clothes changed to a snowy white shirt with a beautiful wind shaped pattern wrapped all around it in whisps and curls. Her skort matched her shirt and reached a few centimeters below mid thigh. Her sneakers changed to snowy white flats that had shiny purple ribbons attached to them and they criss cross laced up Chloe's calves tying themselves into perfect tightly knotted bows on the outside of her calves below her knees.

    "Hold on!" Chloe yelled and thrusted her hands out commanding the air as she did. The wind fulfilled her whim and swirled around her and her beloved friends and gently set them on the ground below. How no one seemed to witness any of this, except for Discord, is beyond all the knowledge of the universe. Discord cursed under his breath as he watched the air elemental save her friends and herself so easily from falling to their deaths. 'This is gonna be much harder than I thought. Three elementals have awakened so far. And it won't be long before the other three awaken as well. I need to revise my plan to ensure that it works without failure.' Discord listened to the girls thank their friend Chloe for saving them from death as she changed back into her original form of just an ordinary girl. Discord disappeared back into hiding and made his way back to his house revising his plan as he went. The gears in his mind turned and turned, and a sadistic smirk made its way onto Discord's lips.

    "I never imagined myself as a killer, but this plan is just too perfect now to resist the urge to spill some blood." Discord mumbled to himself under his breath before laughing a sinister laugh out loud his eyes beginning to cloud over with pure insanity. Then he stopped short feeling the eyes of random passerbys staring at him and mumbling under their breath that he needs to be tied up in a straight jacket and put into a mental asylum. Discord blushed dark red and ran the rest of the way home. "DAMMIT I DID IT AGAIN!!!!!"

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