Discord reveals himself

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With the girls at each other's throats whenever they're around each other, they all started working alone. They didn't realize this was a huge mistake, until it was too late. Discord, having finally snapped walked outside and flew up into the sky, shedding his human disguise and started unleashing the most blood thirsty chaos he could summon. No cotton candy clouds or chocolate milk rain, no giant discolored fruits, no paths turned into soap, no buildings turned upside down. None of his usual childlike chaos. Discord turned himself into a giant that towered over the city, and went hunting for the quarreling elementals. Animals were turned into ravenous monsters that stampeded through the city eating everything and everyone they could sink their teeth into. People turned on each other, fighting their friends and even their families. The girls were all in different parts of town, trying to stop everything on their own. But they didn't have the energy. They were all quickly overpowered and herded into the center of the city where they saw Discord in his true form, laughing manically at what he saw as his bloody masterpiece. Discord looked down at the girls and smiled a sickeningly sweet smile and shrunk back down to his original size. He walked up to the girls, their faces covered in cuts and bruises with the dark bags under their eyes from the lack of sleep. They had all seen better days, but now just covered in various minor to moderate injuries from head to toe.

"Hello girls. You all look like you've been having fun." Discord laughed when the girls all glared at him.

"Who are you?!" Lyla shouted making some vines grow around her arms.

"Oh? None of you recognize me? Perhaps this'll jog your memories." Discord shifted back into Deric grinning from ear to ear, his eyes showing nothing but pure insanity. The girls all gasped and Discord laughed as he grew one of his arms and swung it at the girls, knocking them all back and flying in different directions. Discord knew very well they couldn't defeat him unless they work together, but the girls wanted nothing to do with each other now, much less work together. They all tried to take him down on their own, only to get thrown back, smacked down, sent flying through windows, sliding back on the road leaving an indented trail, thrown into each other, the list goes on. People who knew the girls saw them all getting their butts handed to them as they tried to fight off Discord. The people saw their heroes fight amongst each other instead of working together. They saw them try to fight Discord by themselves. They saw Discord was toying with the girls and smiling like a maniac all the while. They forgot about trying to kill each other and watched in horror, for they could nothing to help the elementals or stop Discord themselves. Even the monster animals stopped their rampage to watch.

"Oh what fun this is! Why don't you all team up huh?! What's the matter girls?! Can't stand each other?!" Discord mocked the elementals as he beat them down, every time they got back up. They were persistent, and Discord liked that. He was given a rather pleasant surprise on his part when he threw Emiko into Jasmine. Jasmine had been going to make a crevice in the ground to catch Discord but getting Emiko thrown into her messed her up.

"What the hell Emiko?! I almost had him!" Jasmine yanked Emiko up by the front of her hoodie.

"The hell you did!" Emiko shouted and smacked Jasmine's hands off of her.

"If you hadn't flown into me I would've beat him!" Jasmine tackled Emiko to the ground and the two of them started fighting, wrestling on the ground.

"I was thrown by him you moron! If you hadn't been in the way I could've caught myself!" Emiko kneed Jasmine in the ribs and got punched in the face in retaliation. Discord laughed as he never expected this. He decided to see if he could get all six girls into one big brawl with one another. Discord levitated the two squabbling girls, somehow without them noticing and gradually got the other four girls into the fight. One by one until all six of them were throwing insults, punches, kicks, hair pulling, biting and scratching in one big brawl of a ball.

"Chaos is good~." Discord sneered and charged up a certain spell of dark magic in his hands.

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