Ch 8: When lightning strikes!

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The rest of the night went on without another incident. Around the time of dawn the dark blue of night and the stars began disappearing as the sun began its climb up into the sky. Some people who had to rise quite early for work or other reasons were able to watch as dawn rose and painted the sky many varients of color such as pink, orange, purple, and yellow. Others slept through dawn into the morning of the day. When the sun was visible and beginning to warm up the city, was when people began to rise and shine for yet another day in their lives. The elementals however, since they had no school because it was the weekend slept in until almost noon. The twin's parents were up and in the living room after they had done their usual morning routines by the time the six girls began to wake themselves up. Sierra was the first of the six to wake up. She sat up stretching out her limbs and stiff body all while laying across her still sleeping cousin. When her joints all popped with her back and neck that all made a very loud 'POP!' and 'CCRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAACK!' she let out a loud almost moan right when the other five girls woke up from the noise. Jasmine was startled awake by the noise and she pushed her cousin off of her as Sierra broke down laughing. The other soon joined in since laughter amongst the girl's laughter is contagious. Jasmine glared at her cousin for scaring her.

    "Sorry not sorry." Sierra laughed. Jasmine rolled her eyes and chuckled. Sierra waited while her cousin and friends all stretched the same loud sounds coming from them as well. She busted a gut laughing when Emiko straight out moaned (an oh so sexy moan XD) when she stretched. Much to her own embarrassment. She blushed dark red and sat up quickly while the others laughed at her.

   "You heard nothing!!" Emiko pouted but couldn't help giggling a bit. The other girls simply rolled their eyes giggling as they all stood up. Emiko followed shortly after and went upstairs with the girls. It was sunny when morning rolled in after night. Key word: was. By the time noon cam around dark gray clouds had rolled in covering the beautiful light blue sky in a dark menacing gray. The twins' mother and father were sitting in the living room on the sofa watching the news on the flat screen television mounted on the wall above the medium sized entertainment center filled with movies and family games. The weathermen were clearly confused by the drastic change in the weather since they had predicted a warm and sunny day that very morning. Now however it looked like there was going to be one heck of a storm. The six girls came up from the basement right as the weatherman was talking about the sudden appearance of the storm clouds. They listened in as they all went into the kitchen to grab some sort of breakfast. The storm clouds twisted and rolled outside in the sky over the city. Thunder began to rumble within them signaling that lightning was about to start striking down from the heavens as if some gods that lived among the clouds had become angry with the people down below on earth. The news immediately turned to the emergency screen and the alarm for severe weather began blaring loudly. The girls all jumped in the kitchen having not expected the alarm to start so suddenly. 'BOOM!' Thunder shook the ground below the sky along with the people and structures below on the ground. Lightning began to flash and cut across the sky in a frenzied like fashion. People outside ran for cover as lightning randomly started striking the ground in the frenzy of the storm. No rain came down from the menacing clouds, only lightning and thunder. People in their houses quickly lost power along with business buildings, schools, and restaurants. Everyone in the city was left without power. Discord was sure this plan wouldn't fail. But he wasn't aware of the fact that he was once again underestimating the elementals' abilities. One would think he would remember not to from the past four awoken elementals. Apparently not. He watched from the safety of his temporary home as the lightning storm he conjured up raged on outside. Meanwhile the girls at the twins' house were stupidly enough, outside. In their pajamas. Much to Lyla's and Emiko's parents dismay. Danitta seemed rather giddy though. Which is why the girls are standing outside, because she dragged them out with her. Where the lightning struck buildings fires started. Emiko changed into her elemental form and flew off to take care of the fires before they got out of hand and began spreading from building to building. Jasmine changed as well and ran off to make safe shelters for people to take shelter in from the crazy lightning. Chloe had changed and went with Emiko to help keep the fires from getting out of her control, Sierra watched from one of the shelters that her cousin made as Danitta stayed where she stood.

    "ELEMENTAL CHANGE! LIGHTNING!" Danitta shouted right when she was struck by a lightning bolt. Her Jack Skelenton onsie was changed in a flurry of electricity/lightning into a pair of light purple shorts, a matching t-shirt with(twilight's cutie mark) near the bottom off to the right some, white knee socks with black ankle high converse. Light purple pony ears grew atop her head as her hair changed from black with faint red highlights to purple with a light purple and a pink streak right next to each other and she grew a matching knee length tail. Discord was watching through his mind's eye since he couldn't leave his "base". He watched in horror as his plan of a lightning storm was thwarted by Danitta. Danitta skillfully caught a lightning bolt that was about to strike her from above and literally ripped it out of the sky. She then used it like a whip and struck the sky with her weapon. The clouds began to disperse and disappear and the lightning weakened. Danitta's lightning whip disappeared much her disappointment. But she focused on her task as it was still present. She made her own lightning within her hands, the lighting a light glowing purple to match her. Then right as the moment she was waiting for appeared before her Danitta quickly raised her hands up to the sky and shot her own lightining into the clouds. The clouds seemed to scream with thunder as they dispersed and disappeared. The lightning from them stopped and the sun began to shine upon the city once again. People began to file out of their homes and other shelters and looked up the clear sky using their hands to shield their eyes from the sun's rays of warm golden light. Danitta smiled at her accomplishment but then remembered the whole city was still without power. She made her lightning one last time and kneeled putting her hands on the ground. Her lightining shot into the ground and... TAHDAH~!!! Danitta restored power to the entire city and she watched as lights and other things that required electricity to work began again. She changed back in her original form as her friends came up to her. Sierra was the first one to her, following was Jasmine who changed back, along with Lyla who was helping Jasmine make the shelters, then came Emiko and Chloe. The girls had all changed back into their usual forms, minus Sierra who was the only one left without her powers.

    "That. Was. AWESOME!!!" Sierra cheered as the others came running up.

    "Yeah! Chloe and I could literally feel the energy in you from all the way across town!" Emiko threw her arm around Danitta's shoudlers.

    "Lyla and I could feel it too!" Jasmine was practically bouncing on her feet in excitement.

    "You did wonderful Danitta!" Lyla exclaimed in her usual quiet tone of voice.

    "Now we just have to see what'll happen that let Sierra awake her powers." Chloe looked at Sierra and smiled, Sierra was pumped and couldn't wait until she could change and control an element like the others. The twins' mother and father came rushing out and brought all six girls inside their home and checked them for any burns or any other injuries. They both sighed in relief when they found none and told the four guests of the home to go get dressed and packed for their parents would be coming to get them some time soon. All six girls went down to the basement and began to clean up. Cleaning up and reorganizing the basement took about half an hour.

                                                                                ~Time skip~  

All six of the girls were dressed and the four guests of the of the twins were all packed up and ready to go home. Meanwhile with Discord, he had regained his mind/consciousness. And he was seething with rage.

    "How could I have been so stupid as to underestimate those blasted elementals AGAIN?!" Discord paced about his bedroom running his fingers through his hair. He girtted his teeth some then brought one hand to his chin and began to think. There was only one elemental left to awaken. So Discord thought that she should be his main target with his next plan. But the problem with that was she was hardly, if ever away from her group.  So getting her away from them and away would be rather difficult. If not impossible. Or...

     "Perhaps I can use the other elementals as bait to get her." Discord thought aloud to himself. As his mind began to form a plan a dark and sinister smile formed on his lips. He placed his other hand on his hip and continued to pace about in his room. Discord thought out any flaws in his plan to get Water out of commission so that the elementals would be unable to defend themselves from him stealing what he wanted from them. " Those elementals won't know what hit them until it's far too late." 

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