Ch 5: Next test. Nature

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After the incident with the fire the six elementals went into the woods in the park to talk. They wanted answers to all their questions but couldn't come to or find any. The girls were totally stumped.

    "Nothing makes any sense. People don't just transform in a big circle of rainbow fire and come out looking like some sort of human Pegasus hybrid!" Lyla was giving herself a headache with her mind in overdrive.

    "Lyla's right. How'd you do it?" Chloe was looking at her mark of air on her right hand.

    "Wait... The mark..." Emiko finally put two and two together and it clicked. "The mark! I remember right before I changed my mark was glowing! I don't know what exactly it was reacting to, probably the fire, and then I just shouted. Why I shouted what I did is beyond what I can comprehend at the moment."

   "The marks?" Jasmine looked at her own which was earth.  "So you're saying the mark did it?"

   "Yes! And if I did it then you all can too! We all each have a mark, so depending on what incident or whatever happens next will trigger who'll change and gain powers next." Emiko stood up from her spot on the ground.

   "That sounds absolutely insane, but it makes the most sense in this whole situation we're all stuck in." Sierra thoughtfully looked at her own mark which was water.

   "Hey does anyone else get the feeling we're being watched right now?" Danitta asked looking around the area some.

   "Now that you mention it..." Emiko looked around, trying to spot anything suspicious in the shadows of the trees. The other five girls stood from their places on the ground and scanned around.

   "Help!" Chloe yelped when she was suddenly grabbed by the leg by a tree branch of a weeping willow.

   "I got ya!" Emiko jumped up and grabbed Chloe's arm trying to pull her back down to the ground. The weeping willow pulled Chloe higher bringing Emiko along with. A branch wrapped itself tightly around Emiko's leg and roughly yanked her away from Chloe.

  "You said you got her!" Jasmine yelled dodging weeping willow branches that were whipping at her left and right.

  "That was before the tree grabbed me too!" Emiko yelled back trying to get her leg free from the weeping willow's grasp. Chloe was doing the same and was having just as much luck as Emiko. None. Sierra was running and jumping around much like her cousin Jasmine dodging weeping willow branch whips. Danitta ran with Lyla after tackling her out of the way of being whipped.

  "Watch out!" Emiko screamed when the weeping willow swung her at her twin and Danitta. Lyla and Danitta moved out of the way, and watched in horror when Emiko was slammed into the ground with such force that all of the wind was knocked out of her and she was knocked out.

  "Emiko's out cold!" Chloe yelled. She was swung over to her unconscious friend and the weeping willow held them right side up and held them together back to back with a free branch. 

  "We gotta do something!" Jasmine yelled right before she was whipped in the stomach by a branch and slammed into her cousin. They both fell to the ground, Sierra hitting her head in the process. Danitta pushed Lyla out of the way and got whipped to the ground near Jasmine and Sierra. Lyla was the only one left standing. She looked at her unconscious twin, tied back to back with Chloe, she looked at her friends at the ground. Lyla clenched her fists and gritted her teeth together.

  "You big meanie tree!! ELEMENTAL CHANGE! NATURE!" Lyla's mark glowed and she was surrounded by a bright yellow light. Her hair changed from a dark brown to a light pink. She grew yellow pony ears atop her head and small yellow wings. She grew a knee length pink tail that matched her hair and her clothes changed into a yellow shirt that had floral nature pattern on and a matching skort that stopped mid thigh. She wore pink flats that changed from the sneakers she was wearing. The light faded and Lyla flew at the tree. The weeping willow whipped its branches at her, but she dodged them all. She reached its trunk and placed both of her hands on it and focused her energy on it. Her hands glowed a bright yellow and the weeping willow began to calm. Lyla watched the weeping willow as it came to a stop and the branch that was holding Chloe and Emiko captive loosened and dropped the two of them. Lyla flew to them quickly and caught them. She sent the two of them down on the ground gently. Lyla laid her twin on her back on the ground and sat on her knees beside quickly for she heard a pained groan. Emiko's regained consciousness slowly and her eyes fluttered open. She looked at her twin and her eyes opened wide as she sat up quickly and hugged her twin with a proud smile.

   "You saved us Lyla!" Danitta ran over after helping Chloe assist Jasmine and Sierra to their feet. Chloe ran over with Jasmine and Sierra and Lyla was squished in a big group hug. Lyla laughed a bit as she changed back to her original form and hugged her twin and friends back.

   "That was awesome! You handled that weeping willow tree like a champ!" Jasmine exclaimed.

  "You were all bright and shiny! That mean old tree didn't stand a chance!" Sierra jumped up bringing the whole group with her.

  "You did great Lyla! I knew you had it in you!" Chloe high fived Lyla.

  "You fought the weeping willow like a total boss Lyla. You're an awesome twin." Emiko hugged her twin. Lyla hugged back tightly.

  "Ow!" Emiko cringed when pressure was put on her back.

  "Oh no! I'm sorry!" Lyla panicked and let go of her twin.

  "It's ok. My back is just sore." Emiko rubbed her back some and smiled.

  "Lets go home before something else bad happens." Jasmine looked towards the sky seeing the sun was starting to head west. The others nodded and the girls headed out of the forest and park. They said their good byes to each other after making sure they were all ok then headed home for the day.

  "Hm. Nature handled that situation quite well. And she may not have looked it, but she was incredibly powerful. I'll see air for her test tomorrow." Discord moved in the shadows of the trees and made his way 'home'.

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