Living Double Lives

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Time has been passing rather quickly. For the elementals at least. From the day Sierra got her powers the six elementals were all living double lives. Rather hectic ones at that. It seemed they couldn't get just one day without some sort of disaster happening. Whether they were alone or with each other something would always happen. Be it people suddenly having no gravity, buildings corroding unnaturally fast and collapsing, lakes and ponds flooding the city, wild fires starting from nothing in parks, gardens coming to life and trying to eat people, giant sinkholes opening up where there were no sink holes before, electricity going out of control and blowing everything up, etc. Discord was on the brink of snapping, so his mischief was going from keeping him hidden to exposing him as his antics grew more and more chaotic. The city was practically placed under marshal law, with a curfew put in place for everyone. Granted, no one knew the elementals secret identities except the elementals themselves, but the curfew made it that much more difficult for them to get out and do their thing with stopping the disasters. If they were caught, even in their elemental forms they'd get in serious trouble with the law. But people still saw them as heroes because they always showed up to help when disaster struck, and the people protested the curfew. Discord didn't like the curfew much either since he couldn't get out and cause his disasters with a front row seat. This went on for months with no end in sight. The whole city was empty and void of activity like a ghost town by 9:00 pm sharp everyday. The citizens were getting angry with the marshal law in place and would protest every chance they got. During the day is when disaster would strike, but when a year finally passed the disasters started happening even at night. Particularly where people lived. The elementals were working double time, trying not to get in trouble with the law for being out past curfew while stopping one disaster after another. It was starting to really wear them down, as they could barely get enough sleep, if any at all at night now. They didn't always team up when they went out to save people in trouble as they didn't exactly live right next door to each other. Discord noticed this, along with their obvious exhaustion from sleep deprivation. And he abused this advantage to its limit and beyond. If the elementals were too drained to fight, then it would be all the easier to get what he wants. Many times the elementals met up at school, mainly their lunch hour, and discussed if they should stop always helping with the constant disasters because they were all exhausted and couldn't keep up with them anymore. But Emiko argued that the city needed them because they were the only ones that could stop the disasters. The other girls couldn't exactly argue against that since it was true. Jasmine argued that they had to work something out because they were all losing far too much sleep, and not getting any time to rest between the six of them going out and saving the day and night. The group agreed and they all tried to come up with a plan of some sort that could get them all some much deserved rest at some point. However nothing they suggested to each other could compromise with one another. Being sleep deprived made all the girls irritable and short tempered, so their discussion quickly turned into a heated argument between them all. The girls couldn't come to any sort of agreement and they kept shouting at each other until they all shouted they weren't friends anymore in unison at the top of their lungs. They all glared daggers at each other, packed up their lunches and left the roof one after the other. Discord, having watched this all go down laughed to himself, as his goal had jus become that much easier to achieve. But later, he let one more disaster strike the city and despite the girls fighting amongst each other the entire time they thwarted Discord's chaos once again. And Discord finally snapped.

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