A watery nightmare

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The lightning storm out of the way, Discord had come up with a plan that was one of nightmares for some. He figured that if the elementals couldn't breathe then they couldn't use their powers. He couldn't take away the air since the element of air was already awoken. However, his plan for water was drown the six before water could awaken and then take what he's after. Sounds like this plan is bound to fail doesn't it? Discord however took about a week to think through this plan, tweak it in every possible and impossible way he could think of, even testing it out in vacant areas outside the city to make it sure it works without fail. He didn't necessarily think about how long it took him to make up the plan, and frankly, he didn't care. He had to make sure this plot would actually succeed unlike the last five. So exactly one week later he decided to launch his plan, to get his way. This wasn't going to be a full scale attack though. Instead Discord went with a more strategic and subtle approach. One by one he caught the five awoken elementals off guard by inviting them out for a walk in the park, an in ice cream at the ice cream parlor, a race around the school's track, a trip to the manga store and a simple chat. And he did all of this right under Sierra's nose. Poor Sierra was left confused and worried when she found her friends and her cousin all missing within a matter of just a few hours. She searched high and low for them, asked around if anyone had seen them, tried to get their parents and the police involved without much luck and even tried to print missing posters. Which didn't work much to her dismay. Sierra wandered around town, continuing her search, until she found a letter addressed to her. She went home with the letter and opened it in her bedroom unfolding the piece of parchment that was in the envelope.

'Dear little Sierra,

       I see that you finally noticed your dear cousin and friends have gone missing. If you want to find them and bring them home, alive, come to the address mentioned below, and come alone.'

The letter ended with an address that was outside of town and no signature. Sierra didn't think the letter was real and it was just some sick prank her cousin and friends were pulling on her. However the more she thought about it, and how her cousin and friends could be a bit cruel on rare occasions with their pranks, they were never, this cruel. So she waited until sunset before she left her home, and took a bus to the address outside of town. She didn't say anything to her parents, nor to anyone else's since they were of no help when she asked for their assistance in looking for the others. The bus ride was long, about two hours at the most. Sierra rushed off the bus when it did finally stop and she didn't even give it a second look when it drove away. She looked around at the empty landscape around her. Other than some wild grasses and flowers growing where the road wasn't, the area was quiet and more open than the city ever felt. 

    "Was this all for nothing? Just some sick joke?!" Sierra cried out as she kicked at the ground in front of her angrily.

   "Oh this is no joke my dear. It's all far too real." a voice on the gentle breeze spoke loud and clear for Sierra to hear. Then at the split second sound of snapping fingers five large orbs of water appeared a few feet from Sierra. In each orb was one of her friends, and they were all unconscious. The voice on the wind spoke again. "All you have to trade for them is your own and their elements. Then they'll be freed from their watery prisons and saved from a rather brutal death of drowning."

   "How the heck can I do that?!" Sierra screamed at the voice, seething with almost unimaginable anger. The voice merely laughed at her.

   "It's real easy. Just say I give up the six elements that are me and my friends." the voice answered her question in a rather snobbish tone. Which only made Sierra's blood boil. She looked at her friends with her fists clenched at her sides.

   "I don't have any other choice... do I?" She choked out after a moment of silence.

   "No you don't." the voice sneered. "Now hurry up, I don't have all day." Sierra took a deep breath and cleared her throat. Right when she was about say what the voice wanted she stopped as she felt her mark glow. Bringing her right hand up to her face, she gazed at her brilliantly glowing water mark with a smile pulling up the corners of her mouth.

   "I'm not giving up the elements." Sierra spoke at last. The voice on the wind gasped and spoke louder and much more forceful.

  "Come again little girl." it growled out at her as some of her friends began to sink instead of float in their water orbs.

  "I said I'm not giving up the elements. So you can take your threats and shove them up your ass! ELEMENTAL CHANGE! WATER!" Water immediately surrounded Sierra and swirled around her like a whirlpool in midair. She grew light pink pony ears atop her head and her hair changed from dark brown and straight to dark pink and curly with a matching knee length dark pink tail to match. Her hoodie changed into a light pink cropped tank top with light pink shorts. Her sneakers changed into dark pink mary janes with light pink socks loosely clinging to her calves, her left sock high than her right. Sierra made the water around her disperse and jumped over to her friends. She bounced from one water orb to the next, the orbs splashing away and dropping their captives to the ground. Sierra looked around for the one who had put her friends' lives in danger but there was no one around except her and her friends. She was confused at first but quickly dismissed it and with a wave of her hands up into the air the water her friends had in their lungs slithered out and was cast to the other side of the road. She rushed over to her friends' side as they all coughed, hacked and gasped for much needed air. "Are you all ok?!"

   "Other than almost drowning, I'm fine." Emiko sat up her clothes sticking to her from the water still on them, not that the others except Sierra were any better in that remark.

   "I'm cold.." Lyla shivered some and used her fingers to comb her wet hair out of her face.

   "Why are we all the way out here?" Danitta rung her hair out some trying to make it dry faster.

   "I think a better question is how do we get back home." Chloe stood up ringing out her jacket and pants.

  "Sierra you finally got your powers!" Jasmine jumped at her cousin hugging her and getting her wet in the process.

  "Jasmine you're making me get all wet let go!" Sierra laughed pushing Jasmine off her. The others smiled at Sierra and thanked her for saving them. Sierra changed back and smiled back at her friends. "The last thing we all need is some of us dying to a watery nightmare." They six girls laughed at her horrible pun and Chloe used some of her control of air without changing to dry herself and her friends off. They then waited for the next bus back home by the road for a few hours before one finally came and picked them up, taking them back into town where they all went home for some well deserved rest. Meanwhile, with Discord. He was sinking deeper into the dark depths of insanity as his patience wore thin with the more time he spent trying to get the elementals out of his way, rather than taking control of the human world and Equestria. 


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