Chapter 4

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A few days pass and pretty soon everyone hears about what happened in Defense Against the Dark Arts. If people didn't know my name, they definitely do now.

Draco and I still haven't talked. I haven't approached him, and his pride won't allow him to even consider apologizing for at least another month or so. Evelyn says I should just give up on him, but I know I'll be with him most of the summer, so there's really no avoiding him. Besides, Draco's been with me since the beginning. Even if he's not a great person most of the time (okay, a lot of the time), he's still important to me.

Halloween is fast-approaching and Victoria's already getting in the spirit of things. For such a cheery and optimistic person it's a little bit strange how into really scary and gory things she is.

"I'm going to take a walk," I tell Evelyn and Victoria as the thee of us are sitting in the common room on friday night, reading and finishing up some homework early.

"Want us to come with you?" Victoria offers, putting down her quill.

"It's all right," I reply, pulling my hair back into a ponytail. "I'll be back before curfew, don't worry." The two of them yell goodbyes to me as I exit the tunnel to the Ravenclaw common room.

It's Friday, so I had the chance to change out of my uniform and am now walking around in my favorite and very cozy blue sweater, jeans, and tennis shoes. I dash my way down the staircases and walk briskly through the hallways, itching to get outside and think for a bit.

The air in the halls is chilly and only a few students walk about quickly, all wrapped up in scarfs and jackets. I regret leaving my jacket and scarf in the common room, but I've always liked the cold, and if I don't think about it it never bothers me.

I finally make it to the outside and sit on the same spot in the grass I usually do. As the wind picks up and blows my hair about a certain calm washes over me.

"Winslow." I almost jump at the familiar voice. I whip my head around to find Day standing there. His blonde hair is tousled from the wind and his cheeks and nose are red. He's bundled up in a few jackets, gloves and a scarf. Just looking at him makes me feel warm.

"Hello," I greet, honestly a little bit surprised that he approached me.

"Just looking at you makes me cold," he observes, "why aren't you wearing a jacket?" I just shrug as he sits down beside me. All I can do is just stare at him. Why is he sitting next to me?

"What are you doing out here?" He looks sideways at me, smiling.

"I was just taking a walk and I saw you sitting here," he replies. I look at his smiling face for a long moment before finally looking back to the Black Lake. "Do you come out here a lot?"

"Sometimes," I tell him. There's a pause as another cold breeze blows through. I tip my head back with my eyes closed and ask, "What about you?"

"Oh- u-um, sometimes." I can't help but giggle a little bit at his reaction. "What?" He asks.

"You just seem so surprised whenever I talk to you." I turn to him, smiling a little bit to find his face is turned out towards the lake, but his grin remains. I don't think I've ever seen him without that grin on his face.

"I've been meaning to ask you for a favor," he says suddenly. I blink in surprise.

"A favor? From me?" At the mention of the word "favor" I begin to frown. Is this why he's been so nice to me? Because he wants something?

"'s a little bit embarrassing so you can't laugh, okay?" I nod my head and he finally turns to look at me. "McGonagall said it was best to ask you, so..." He takes a breath, pulling the scarf up over his mouth little bit. "Will you tutor me in Transfiguration?" His words are muffled, but I still understand them.

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