Chapter 1

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"Does Cecily require anything else, mistress?" I turn towards the mirror, taking a comb through my damp hair. I can just see my house elf through the fogged reflection of the mirror, her innocent eyes forever fearful in my presence. 

"I'm fine, Shelley. Thank you, you may go." I hear the familiar pop that signals her leave and close my eyes for a moment, taking in the silence for as long as I can. It's only a matter of time before my mother comes in and starts badgering me about my hair or my clothes. 

Today is special; I'm actually allowed out of the house because we're going to the Quidditch World cup, and the thought brings excitement as well as dread. I will have to put up an act in front of important adults from the Ministry, but I'll get to go out and see a quidditch game which will, without a doubt, be the most excitement I've had all summer.

When I open my eyes again, my gaze is immediately drawn to the bright green color of my eyes, and the dark  locks sprouting from my head. I also have quite pale skin, a small nose, and high cheekbones. People have told me my whole life that I'm beautiful, but I've been given so many empty compliments I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I'm unsure of what to think of myself. Just as I'm unsure of many things.

With a quick shake of my head I tear my eyes away from the mirror and saunter back into my bedroom. It's very spacious, with a king-sized bed, large closet, many bookshelves, a vanity table, and a few dressers to store all my belongings.

I quickly start pulling on the dress robes my mother had left out for me as well as my black boots and grey scarf. I finish it all off by pulling my hair back into a loose braid and letting some curly pieces frame my face. Then I swipe a little bit of mascara on my eyelashes and I'm ready just as my mother bursts into the room, decked out in designer clothes and her infamous fake fur.

"I thought I told you to wear the green scarf," she barks, marching towards me. Even though my 5'8" frame towers over her 5'5" one, she still seems taller than me somehow. "Why do you never listen, Cecily?" She scolds, her nose pointed upwards towards me in familiar disapproval. I grind my teeth together and say nothing as my mother heaves a sigh. "Never mind, now we're going to be late." She stands at the door, delicately brushing a strand of dark hair away from her face before beckoning me. "Come," she says.



"Draco, don't," I plead, latching onto my friend's arm. His grey eyes turn towards me in annoyance. "Please, don't pick any fights..." However, as per usual, he ignores me and goes towards his father Lucius Malfoy, who is leaning over the edge of the stairs of the stadium and has started a conversation with none other than Harry Potter. Potter and Draco hate each other with a passion, so of course Potter hates me as well. He's actually not that bad of a guy, but since I'm friends with Draco there's no way we can even be seen within five feet of each other.

Plus there's the fact that my parents would literally disown me if they saw me talking to him civilly...

"Cecily, darling, come," my mother beckons from the top of the staircase, where she's strategically placed herself leaning on the railing so she looks as goddess-like as possible. My mother is a vision of beauty with her sharp features and big, dark eyes that contrast with her pale complexion. Although, everyone says that beauty comes with a price, for she is as awful as she is beautiful.

"Coming, mother," I murmur back, reluctantly climbing the staircase and towards the Minister's box.

Once I have given the Minister my best smile and greetings, I quickly take a seat and opt out of other greetings for now so I can gaze down at the stadium. Crowds surround me from all sides, a sea of green and red. I can see people with their faces painted in the different teams colors for the occasion as well, and it all just adds to my bubbling excitement and giddiness. I've been to many events and social gatherings, but none of them have been like this. The air here seems happier as everyone shouts and cheers for their favorite teams, even when the game is twenty or so minutes from starting.

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