Chapter 12

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The air is starting to get warmer, and along with spring always comes new beginnings. New beginnings that had already been new, that became even more new.

Day, though I had thought we were already friends, came on even stronger, with a fierceness that could only be attributed to his Gryffindor nature.

Not that I minded, but he seemed to find me everywhere I turned. I didn't exactly mind his company, he was proving himself to be quite good company actually, but his actions confused me. Not to mention the rest of our class, especially Draco, for that matter. He always seemed to jump out at the most random of times, claiming he needed help with homework or something else. Sometimes he'd just start walking along with Evelyn and I, and eventually it would end up being with the two of us and he'd talk my ear off into the night. I enjoy it, truthfully. Day reminds me much of Evelyn, strong-willed and unafraid with a euphoric-inducing undertone that makes them an all-around pleasant person. I can't help but envy the two of them, not to mention feel thankful that they both hang around me so much, despite the way I am.

"Cecily," Padma calls me from where I sit in the common room, reading a muggle book that Evelyn had leant me.

"Mhm?" I hum, feeling too lazy to even lift my head from the pages.

"I just heard from Evelyn that Day is sick in the hospital wing." I look up from the book and raise my eyebrows at her.

"Is that so?" I question.

"Maybe you should pay him a visit," she suggests with an almost mocking tone. "I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

With a sigh, I reply, "Of course I'll visit him, but what exactly are you implying?"

"Nothing, just providing some information for you," is her answer, as she walks up to me and takes the book from my hands. I move to protest, but instead just watch her as she flops down onto the couch, long and dark braid swinging around.

"I'm going to go get changed and then go," I tell her. As I make my way to the staircase, I add, "Oh, and don't lose my place in that book. I quite like it."

I change out of my school uniform and into black jeans and a pink turtle neck sweater. My brown curls have been growing and now reach even farther down past my shoulders and seem to be creeping towards my lower back. My eyes are big and green and my lashes still dark. Along with the minimal freckles that coat my nose, I remember people always saying that I got my good looks from my mother. Pretty has always just been a word to me, but lately I'd been asking myself if I was indeed pretty. Did people just call me that to win my favor? Aren't I too thin? Shouldn't my boobs be bigger, along with my butt?

I push the thoughts back, moving away from the mirror and going into my trunk to find the bar of chocolate I had secured from Honeydukes not too long ago. Chocolate can cure all sicknesses, hadn't Day said that to me once? I remember back when we were in first year, he'd always have chocolate on him. I remember that I may have even handed him back some chocolate that Draco took from him at some point.

I can't remember. It doesn't matter anyways, I guess.

Unlike the usual times I go to meet Day in the library, at this time the halls are packed (probably because it's nearing dinner time). I spot a few Hufflepuffs who I know to be in my year enjoying the slightly warmer weather and sitting together on the grass of the courtyard, talking and laughing about something. There's also quite a lot of people doing their homework in the light of the warm sun. I suddenly feel hot and itchy in my sweater.

By the time I reach the hospital wing the crowds have mostly dispersed. As I go to open the doors I crash into none other than Potter and Weasley, dropping the chocolate bar on the ground. Potter picks it up for me.

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